Find Silvia tee-hee-hee
You wouldn't believe how hard I worked on this.
The toon was easy, but learning Italian in a week. That was hard
Find Silvia tee-hee-hee
You wouldn't believe how hard I worked on this.
The toon was easy, but learning Italian in a week. That was hard
Last edited by cutponies; 07-28-2006 at 02:58 AM.
Welcome XxXbbloverXxX
Nicks say something about ourselves!
Skipperbob is obviously a ship's captain ( don't go to sea with him tho, he doesn't know bows from stern, literally)
I'm from a farm and gelded horses
But I can't figure yours out. Bbl is the quantity "barrels" which is 50 gals. U.S.
xcubed times barrels divided (over) xcubed=barrels
What do barrels have to do with ballbusting?
Are your balls barrel sized?
Roll out the barrels?
You're a barrel of laughs?
bbl is used most of often for oil. Are you trying to tell us you're into oil (I luv to oil my GF)
It must be me, 'cause I just don't get it
Skipperbob gives me an idea: ballbusting pirate girls! Is it too much? "Aaaaaaarrrr"! I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean... lol!
Cutponies... I saw you used an italian name: Fiorenzo (there is an "r")! It is a very rare name! I met someone called Fiorenzo just 3 months ago because he was going to become the new boyfriend of a ballbusting girl I know!
Is it a coincidence?
Re Piratesses. But they carry swords and swords are used to cut off-. Oh they also wear boots, bIg heavy black boots and boots are used for squinching;- O.K, A fight between two piratesses and two pirates one pair doing your thing and one mine. I'm working on 3 right now, so it will take awhile.Originally Posted by fittizzioh
Re Fiorenzo Have you seem him lately? Is he still, Uh, a Boy? Voice hasn't changed? Wha!! A week ago I couldn't even spell Ciao, and now look at me!
So I dropped one little r.. Not like it was a word like ****,tarn,part,fart where the r is important
One of only 3 He did. I colourized the fourth pic.
It wasn't untili I saw it in colour that I recongnised the models. The lady is Jane Russell , and the man? Why its our very own Skipperbob!
Hey Bob, You got a great Job
He's a male model for bb.
How about that? You only fantasize about it, I only draw it. But he gets paid for getting himself squinched.
I hear that models get big bucks. How big if you don't mind my asking?
Ciao Kemo Sabe![]()
Last edited by cutponies; 07-28-2006 at 02:58 AM.
Oh that pic fits me perfectly!I can hear that loud smack her instep makes as it catches my worthless balls flush from here!
"Ciao Kemo Sabe" How do you pronounce that?
I concur with the ball-busting pirate girls idea. We need more artists that take requests like that!
"th" as in these or theOriginally Posted by skipperbob
"a" soft as in hat
"t" soft as in tit
So you're not going to tell us what you earned modelling for that pic?
Silva done, now down to 4. Ballbusting Canadian Singers, Buxom Ballbusting Boxer, Cock slicing skater, Ballbusting Pirates
Let me know as soon as you've dowloaded it. I don't have enough room to post 2 versions of same pic. Especially if it's not my artwork.
For everyone else. Notice that if you take a fair Lady and darken her skin, you don't get a Black person, you get a, uh, Californian? Italian?. Little work on the face needed!
Ciao Kemo Sabe![]()
Last edited by cutponies; 07-28-2006 at 02:58 AM.
Just a small request cutponies could you repost your Italian pic translated into English.
Originally Posted by curious
Originally Posted by cutponies
Well, When you ask nicely like that
The first one is for you only
Curious is from Oz, see ,and
ahh! just go see post 822
The other one is for everyone else
Last edited by cutponies; 07-28-2006 at 02:58 AM.
always the comedian. You've outdone yourself again with your pics.
I've done a fair amount of cartoons lately featuring guys getting kicked hard in the nuts. My "fan-base" is a surprising demographic. Mostly teen girls.
Actually, the whole ballbusting fetish or whatever it is surprises me.
Anyway, mine appear to be really different from the norm. Check them out and see if you like them. I'd be curious to see if people who are actually in to ballbusting will like my take on it.
It'll take you about 30 seconds to "join" deviantart. It has nothing to do with being deviant. 99% is art, not porn.
Originally Posted by iron horse
To all my fans out there. I'm going to be serious for a moment. I sometimes have 4 or 5 requests in queue. All things being equal, I do them in the order I receive them, but of course rarely are things equal. Some take more work than others. For example Silvia likes complex scenes, Skipperbob likes them personal (his body & face) etc. That takes more effort (not work, this is not work to me).. Scenes that seem simple, and look simple when posted, may actually involve more input from me. You may have noticed that I "recycle". Some things I can cut and paste, (The second Snoodle). Some I have to do from scratch (Emma Peel's squinch). Also some requests really inspire me (Curious' harem-eunuch) while others I can't ethuse about. Some of you, like Fittizz, help me, so I reward that by going the extra klick
I'll never turn down a request except for legal, or technical reasons ( fancy way of saying that's beyond my skill).
So when you see 'toons posted in a different order than they were requested, It's for any of the above reason's. I love you all (not literally of course)
P.S. My mental state can best be desrcibed as absent minded. i f you feel that I have forgotton a toon, I may well have. remind me. PM me, don't embarass me
Ciao Kemo Sabes![]()