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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #1006
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    and I think that Trouble is right, variety, as in all things, keeps interest. After page 67 I don't know how many more drawings or variations there can be!

    There used to be a link on the groinkick site to a gallery of hundreds of bb cartoons/pictures. I think the site noted that they were working on some animations too, then it died when groinkick changed. I don't know if it still exists but perhaps it could be linked to and maybe add some inspiration?


  2. #1007
    Junior Member
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    In my noggin
    There is a cartoon on the first page that inspired this one I made.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails jenna golf.jpg  

  3. #1008
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Or maybe

    Everyone has gone to the beach to escape the heat, and doesn't have a laptop. I'm too new to have noticed but is the forum seasonal? I repeat when I make a pic for syself, but the custom ones are all brand new figures, eh!

  4. #1009
    Junior Member
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    Cutponies, could you get round to trying some futagirl busting like in the Snoodle's Grail thread?

  5. #1010
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Is this what you meant?

    A girl ballbusting a hermaphrodite. eh?
    What do you call a ********* hermaphrodite, 'cause I haven't the foggiest notion?
    Last edited by cutponies; 10-17-2006 at 06:54 PM.

  6. #1011
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    I have a German riend who doesn't understand that when I say "hermaphrodite", I mean "hermaphrodite", not "homosexual". I asked her to look it up and she did and said the same thing. Are ALL Germans stubborn?!?

    Silly question.

    Cutponies: you, my friend, have two things I lack (and maybe more)ne of them is talent, and the other is time. However, an artist, ye be not, except in the technical sense. The monolithic blue background and the similar-looking slu- er, ladies is not hugely varied. If we had Try continuing to post his stuff, and if I would draw things and post them, and so on, then we would have something: variety. One artist just can't offer that, because artists have these things called "styles" and once they have a style, they keep to it.

    I simply can't draw with a ballpoint pen. I try and it kjust dpoesn't work. Has to be felt-tip or a brush; and all I gots is ballpoints. I appear to have failed to plan well. There is also a surplus of paper at my office and no blank paper at home; but I have ruled paper at home, which they do not have at my office, so maybe I could arrange a trade... (Crafty little bugger, ain't I?),

    Oh, and I mean no offense to Germans who visit here; please accept my wisecrack as a joke on the stereotype of Germans.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  7. #1012
    Junior Member
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    In my noggin


    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    I have a German riend who doesn't understand that when I say "hermaphrodite", I mean "hermaphrodite", not "homosexual". I asked her to look it up and she did and said the same thing. Are ALL Germans stubborn?!?
    I think the german translation for hermaphrodite is "zwitter".
    Maybe that will help

  8. #1013
    Registered Member
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    Now thats weird...

  9. #1014
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    I never claimed to be an artist

    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    I have a German riend who doesn't understand that when I say "hermaphrodite", I mean "hermaphrodite", not "homosexual". I asked her to look it up and she did and said the same thing. Are ALL Germans stubborn?!?

    Silly question.

    Cutponies: you, my friend, have two things I lack (and maybe more)ne of them is talent, and the other is time. However, an artist, ye be not, except in the technical sense. The monolithic blue background and the similar-looking slu- er, ladies is not hugely varied. If we had Try continuing to post his stuff, and if I would draw things and post them, and so on, then we would have something: variety. One artist just can't offer that, because artists have these things called "styles" and once they have a style, they keep to it.

    I simply can't draw with a ballpoint pen. I try and it kjust dpoesn't work. Has to be felt-tip or a brush; and all I gots is ballpoints. I appear to have failed to plan well. There is also a surplus of paper at my office and no blank paper at home; but I have ruled paper at home, which they do not have at my office, so maybe I could arrange a trade... (Crafty little bugger, ain't I?),

    Oh, and I mean no offense to Germans who visit here; please accept my wisecrack as a joke on the stereotype of Germans.
    I'm a photogrammatist and cartographer, retired. ie a Scientist. Do cartoons on side. I've explained why the blue backgrounds, and I re-cycle faces to save time. How many artist give the work away free? Ans I definitely do have a style. It's called comic-book realistic. My shading is unique

  10. #1015
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    I have a German riend who doesn't understand that when I say "hermaphrodite", I mean "hermaphrodite", not "homosexual". I asked her to look it up and she did and said the same thing. Are ALL Germans stubborn?!?

    Silly question.

    Yes the German for hermaphrodite is zwitter, and that word can also mean hybrid.

    The German for homosexual is homosexuelle.

    I think the problem was that your friend doesn't know what the English word hermaphrodite means.

    The word homophobic now means "fear of homosexuals" It is used in Biology though to mean "fear of man" ie most animals are homophobic. The ones we consider pests, like mice, are homophilic.

    The problem arises from early scholars mistranslating Latin . In English "Man" can mean Human, or an Adult Male. In Latin "Homo" means self, and they also applied it to describe themselves, self=us=human, rather than the formal Humanus. It was NEVER used to describe an adult male. That word was Andros, and a woman was Gynos. And strictly speaking, homosexual did not describe a person, but rather a relationship, since it means "same sex"
    2 partners were either homosexual (same sex) or heterosexual (different sex). Only fairly recently has the term been used as an adjective for a specific person. A more recent mis-translation. Mammalia and Theria have both translated as "Mammal". No, since Humans, Whales,Seals, Mantees, Kangaroos and Bats are Mammalia, but not Theria.. Theria are four-footed mammals.
    The definition of mammals by the way has nothing to do with mammaries (Mother's glands, or breasts) but the fact that we are the only creatures that can move our jaws sideways and forwards.. This is identified in fossils by the ear having three bones and the jaw one! Mammals are also the only creatures with a secondary palate (seperating the oral and sinus cavities), a knee bone, and a closed ribcage and among vertebrates, a penis. (insects also have a penis, ah that is the male ones do)

    And you thought that all I could do was draw!

    Talk about off-topic

  11. #1016
    Registered Member
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    Aug 2006

    love these cartoons

    do any of you guys have one with the male wearing panties and getting busted by female

  12. #1017
    Big Supporter skipperbob's Avatar
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    Always interesting!

    Quote Originally Posted by cutponies
    Yes the German for hermaphrodite is zwitter, and that word can also mean hybrid.

    The German for homosexual is homosexuelle.

    I think the problem was that your friend doesn't know what the English word hermaphrodite means.

    The word homophobic now means "fear of homosexuals" It is used in Biology though to mean "fear of man" ie most animals are homophobic. The ones we consider pests, like mice, are homophilic.

    The problem arises from early scholars mistranslating Latin . In English "Man" can mean Human, or an Adult Male. In Latin "Homo" means self, and they also applied it to describe themselves, self=us=human, rather than the formal Humanus. It was NEVER used to describe an adult male. That word was Andros, and a woman was Gynos. And strictly speaking, homosexual did not describe a person, but rather a relationship, since it means "same sex"
    2 partners were either homosexual (same sex) or heterosexual (different sex). Only fairly recently has the term been used as an adjective for a specific person. A more recent mis-translation. Mammalia and Theria have both translated as "Mammal". No, since Humans, Whales,Seals, Mantees, Kangaroos and Bats are Mammalia, but not Theria.. Theria are four-footed mammals.
    The definition of mammals by the way has nothing to do with mammaries (Mother's glands, or breasts) but the fact that we are the only creatures that can move our jaws sideways and forwards.. This is identified in fossils by the ear having three bones and the jaw one! Mammals are also the only creatures with a secondary palate (seperating the oral and sinus cavities), a knee bone, and a closed ribcage and among vertebrates, a penis. (insects also have a penis, ah that is the male ones do)

    And you thought that all I could do was draw!

    Talk about off-topic
    cutponies - you never cease to amaze me! An artist and a scientist! I am sure I speak for all when I say thank you for your great cartoons and enlightened dialogues! And no - I have never seen anyone else in all my years who gives away such art!

  13. #1018
    Supreme Poster
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    Your story Cutponies

    I think what happened might be too offensive, might not. maybe if you change who the people were, then do the story with captions? I know the story got me hot, and im sure others will like it too, but i can see how some might get botherd by certain aspects of it. just change the titles of some of the characters. Knowing the story, the pic you drew of the barn made more sense to me then to others im sure. Here are some ideas...Amazons? Vikings? Druidess? A celtic goddess grinding up a mans parts in a grain wheel or a mortar and pestle.. viking girls with hammers...amazons with spears and cooking pots hows that for some fresh ideas?

  14. #1019
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Duh! eh!

    Quote Originally Posted by spidermale
    Here are some ideas...Amazons? Vikings? Druidess? A celtic goddess grinding up a mans parts in a grain wheel or a mortar and pestle.. viking girls with hammers...amazons with spears and cooking pots hows that for some fresh ideas?
    JFC WDITOT,eh?
    (Why didn't I think of that?) on it eh
    Yes a Celt. The Celts didn't call themselves that untill fairly recently.
    (16th century) They were Gallatians, Pics, Ordovicians, Silurians, Volcae, Icinei etc. to themselves.. And it would be historically accurate. They fought and worshipped wearing blue paint. Nothing else, just the paint. By the way, I'm a Volcae ie Welsh)

  15. #1020
    Member ljfemd's Avatar
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    does anyone know a site for photoshop image manips?

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