Originally Posted by
[/URL]]Look, I dont want to get in the middle of an impending flame war, but if I can put out the flame, I'm certainly going to try. It's not that often, that I actually click on a link in a forum, and that is for a number of reasons. It might not work, It might be a virus, It might offend me. In the event that it does offend me, I am outraged that such a thing could be seen so easily. But then, I remember, that all of life has offensive moments. And also, that life is so much better when people aren't ******* their beleifs down your throat. When you want something banned because it bothers you, whats to stop someone else from banning something that you like? I will use the farm animals as an example. I think that farm girls cutting off an animals testicles and being so cavalier about it, is wrong. I also think form a fetish viewpoint, its erotic. I think that most people who have viewed the pics or videos( and I will admit that I have not seen them) look at it and pretend its them being cut, and love that the girls are so cruel about it. I dont think anyone looks at it and things, man what a great idea, im gonna go down to the farm with these rusty hedge clippers and start attacking bulls and horses. Violence against humans is wrong. Violence against animals is wrong. Violence is wrong. Don't you feel good that youve never hurt an animal like that? Dont you feel good that you would never consider doing something like that? Do you still eat at Mcdonalds? I felt guilty recently because i accidentally smashed a Daddy Long Legs spider. Even tho I hate spiders, I still felt bad because it was an accident. But man, I LOVED slicing the head off of a hooker with a katana in Grand Theft Auto!
I guess heres what it all comes down to. If we want things removed from this thread, how long until the thread itself dies, and we run out of ********** forums? I dont know if youve noticed or not, but years ago yahoo and msn had dozens of ********** forums, that are to my knowledge all dead, because those two sites found the topic disgusting. Basically we are left with this place, and the Eunuch Archive, and not only was that place screwed up majorly by hackers, the forum there is more for information and not so much masterbation. here, there is tons of stuff to be enjoyed! I dont like Ball busting. it makes me feel queasy when I see pics of a girl smashing in some guys plums and laughing at him. and sometimes it makes me angry. But, because of a ball busting site, I have this forum. I know, its really hard for all of us to get along when we all come from differant backgrounds and have differant thoughts and beleifs...but take away something from this site, and its like a brick from a building. you take one brick that a portion doesnt like. Then another group takes another brick. soon, your left without a building, because every group saw a brick they didnt like, instead of seeing a building that they did like. I hope this helped people in some small way.