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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #556
    Big Supporter
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    You're free not to visit this thread if you're disgusted by it. If we start saying "My fetish is OK, but yours isn't" to each other, we might as well close this entire forum down permanently. Don't be so judgmental.
    So by going with what you said, it should be okay to show farm animals being neutred and having their testicles destroyed by the farmgirls?

  2. #557
    Supreme Poster
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    We're not going to go thru this again are we?

    Look, I dont want to get in the middle of an impending flame war, but if I can put out the flame, I'm certainly going to try. It's not that often, that I actually click on a link in a forum, and that is for a number of reasons. It might not work, It might be a virus, It might offend me. In the event that it does offend me, I am outraged that such a thing could be seen so easily. But then, I remember, that all of life has offensive moments. And also, that life is so much better when people aren't ******* their beleifs down your throat. When you want something banned because it bothers you, whats to stop someone else from banning something that you like? I will use the farm animals as an example. I think that farm girls cutting off an animals testicles and being so cavalier about it, is wrong. I also think form a fetish viewpoint, its erotic. I think that most people who have viewed the pics or videos( and I will admit that I have not seen them) look at it and pretend its them being cut, and love that the girls are so cruel about it. I dont think anyone looks at it and things, man what a great idea, im gonna go down to the farm with these rusty hedge clippers and start attacking bulls and horses. Violence against humans is wrong. Violence against animals is wrong. Violence is wrong. Don't you feel good that youve never hurt an animal like that? Dont you feel good that you would never consider doing something like that? Do you still eat at Mcdonalds? I felt guilty recently because i accidentally smashed a Daddy Long Legs spider. Even tho I hate spiders, I still felt bad because it was an accident. But man, I LOVED slicing the head off of a hooker with a katana in Grand Theft Auto!
    I guess heres what it all comes down to. If we want things removed from this thread, how long until the thread itself dies, and we run out of ********** forums? I dont know if youve noticed or not, but years ago yahoo and msn had dozens of ********** forums, that are to my knowledge all dead, because those two sites found the topic disgusting. Basically we are left with this place, and the Eunuch Archive, and not only was that place screwed up majorly by hackers, the forum there is more for information and not so much masterbation. here, there is tons of stuff to be enjoyed! I dont like Ball busting. it makes me feel queasy when I see pics of a girl smashing in some guys plums and laughing at him. and sometimes it makes me angry. But, because of a ball busting site, I have this forum. I know, its really hard for all of us to get along when we all come from differant backgrounds and have differant thoughts and beleifs...but take away something from this site, and its like a brick from a building. you take one brick that a portion doesnt like. Then another group takes another brick. soon, your left without a building, because every group saw a brick they didnt like, instead of seeing a building that they did like. I hope this helped people in some small way.

  3. #558
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    Here, here Spidermale.

  4. #559
    Big Supporter SavoirFaire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spidermale[URL=""
    [/URL]]Look, I dont want to get in the middle of an impending flame war, but if I can put out the flame, I'm certainly going to try. It's not that often, that I actually click on a link in a forum, and that is for a number of reasons. It might not work, It might be a virus, It might offend me. In the event that it does offend me, I am outraged that such a thing could be seen so easily. But then, I remember, that all of life has offensive moments. And also, that life is so much better when people aren't ******* their beleifs down your throat. When you want something banned because it bothers you, whats to stop someone else from banning something that you like? I will use the farm animals as an example. I think that farm girls cutting off an animals testicles and being so cavalier about it, is wrong. I also think form a fetish viewpoint, its erotic. I think that most people who have viewed the pics or videos( and I will admit that I have not seen them) look at it and pretend its them being cut, and love that the girls are so cruel about it. I dont think anyone looks at it and things, man what a great idea, im gonna go down to the farm with these rusty hedge clippers and start attacking bulls and horses. Violence against humans is wrong. Violence against animals is wrong. Violence is wrong. Don't you feel good that youve never hurt an animal like that? Dont you feel good that you would never consider doing something like that? Do you still eat at Mcdonalds? I felt guilty recently because i accidentally smashed a Daddy Long Legs spider. Even tho I hate spiders, I still felt bad because it was an accident. But man, I LOVED slicing the head off of a hooker with a katana in Grand Theft Auto!
    I guess heres what it all comes down to. If we want things removed from this thread, how long until the thread itself dies, and we run out of ********** forums? I dont know if youve noticed or not, but years ago yahoo and msn had dozens of ********** forums, that are to my knowledge all dead, because those two sites found the topic disgusting. Basically we are left with this place, and the Eunuch Archive, and not only was that place screwed up majorly by hackers, the forum there is more for information and not so much masterbation. here, there is tons of stuff to be enjoyed! I dont like Ball busting. it makes me feel queasy when I see pics of a girl smashing in some guys plums and laughing at him. and sometimes it makes me angry. But, because of a ball busting site, I have this forum. I know, its really hard for all of us to get along when we all come from differant backgrounds and have differant thoughts and beleifs...but take away something from this site, and its like a brick from a building. you take one brick that a portion doesnt like. Then another group takes another brick. soon, your left without a building, because every group saw a brick they didnt like, instead of seeing a building that they did like. I hope this helped people in some small way.
    Hey spidermale, that was a deep speach.
    Yeah, the video goes too far... maybe a place like should be the perfect place for this video, BUT.... its still under the RIGHT THREAD on this forum. Yet is perfectly legal as part of a documentary.
    Lets just remember this is NOT a vanilla fetish forum.
    SavoirFaire | SF-
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  5. #560
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    aren't cats and dogs spayed & neutered by the thousands on a daily basis? Have we so disconnected ourselves from reality that we can't remember millions of animals are slaughtered everyday for our food, clothing, furniture, medical knowledge, and thousands of other uses? come on, we're at the top of the food chain. I used to be a vegan, and quit because humans are innately carnivore predators.

    ********** is a daily ritual humans practice upon animals. Such videos fit on this thread, as a purely clinical exercise. Even though this is a fetish website, YOU choose whether to sexualize them for your personal pleasure.

    If you feelings are affronted by witnessing cruelty to animals, join the animal rights movement and get off this board. Like they say.... "if animals believed in god, man would be the devil." Join PETA and be an angel.

  6. #561
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    I used to be a vegan, and quit because humans are innately carnivore predators.
    Well, omnivores, but otherwise yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    If you feelings are affronted by witnessing cruelty to animals, join the animal rights movement and get off this board.

    This is not YOUR board. Do not tell the people with whom you disagree to leave; that is no more okay than them telling YOU to leave.

    Evvybuddy play nice; don't make me call out the National Guard.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  7. #562
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    Well, omnivores, but otherwise yes.

    carnivores by definition, due to incisors and canines designed to tear meat. omnivores by choice and abundance


    This is not YOUR board. Do not tell the people with whom you disagree to leave; that is no more okay than them telling YOU to leave.

    apparently it's your board, to tell ME what to do? hm... suddenly the bush icon seems very befitting!

    anyhow, it was a suggestion to ease his tortured soul, for he seems troubled in the company of us deviants. I agree, I don't run this board. Goat knows, I've been through this argument

  8. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse
    Goat knows, I've been through this argument
    Seems like every other page of this thread there's someone who's offended by it. Very tiresome.

  9. #564
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dclett
    Seems like every other page of this thread there's someone who's offended by it. Very tiresome.
    Tiresome doesn't even begin to cover it.
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  10. #565
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    ethics and fetishism

    I must confess that, having read the many responses to my post, it is surprising to me how my original point got lost. I drew the analogy to animals because so many (including the moderators) had objected to inclusion of animal abuse on this board. My mistake. My original points were this:

    1) Fethishism (if that is a word) does not preclude ethics,

    2) Reasonable ethics demands that unwilling, non-consensual victims of sexual violence (****, sexual mutilation, etc.) should not be revictimized by this board's distribution of material that documents the violent crime or crimes committed against them (for the sexual pleasure of the users of this board).

    One can, of course, disagree with either of these assertions, but I think that most would agree that they are reasonable.

    What do the moderators think?


  11. #566
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Disguise the redundancy with semantic variation, but all your points have been repeatedly addressed. At the risk of BEATING A DEAD HORSE, I'll address them individually so that you'll easily see them:

    Quote Originally Posted by rowdy
    ...objected to inclusion of animal abuse on this board.
    Gelding is not animal abuse. It is a procedure practiced daily by ranchers world-over, with it's own specific instructions and tools. If you equate that with abuse, then you must justify your leather belt, your fish dinner, and the murder of millions of microbes you destroy with every inhalation in the abbatoir of your lungs. Would you eat a burger at the slaughterhouse?

    1) Fethishism (if that is a word) does not preclude ethics,
    A) Is irrelevent to gelding as explained above, and

    B) Depends on the fetishist. German cannibal Armin Meiwes' "victim" volunteered to be consumed, to death. What you find distasteful (scat) is another's bread and butter. Where are you ethics on that fetish spectrum? Purely subjective.

    2) Reasonable ethics demands that unwilling, non-consensual victims of sexual violence (****, sexual mutilation, etc.) should not be revictimized by this board's distribution of material that documents the violent crime or crimes committed against them (for the sexual pleasure of the users of this board).
    Gelding is a lawfully sanctioned procedure, authorized by the government; the video is a documentary of a legal gelding. The tribal captive's penectomy video is a National Geographic type documentation of a ritual occuring naturaly within another group's accepted social parameters. In and of themselves, they are completely separate from your "reasonable ethics."

    Both videos are relevent to the thread's topic and belong in this forum, so that people interested in ********** can see the actual event. This does not automatically mean that sexual pleasure is derived from their viewing. However, if one is turned on by watching them, it's none of your business. Unless of course you're trying to force your subjective views down other people's throats, like some fascist.

    I'm always amazed at the right-wingnuts that gravitate to this thread. Reminds me of the discourse I had with someone about my own previous post. Fuck it. Keep posting the pictures and videos and quit trying to censor the board. If you want to be around nazi's, you can go to the TBN site where they rip off old ladies for all their savings and promise them god will cure their cancer.

  12. #567
    Big Supporter EggsForCrush's Avatar
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    this is just a fetish..

    I think this discussion should be ended. We all know that, using animals for some kind of pleasure is wrong exactly. I think it is also a real sin. We dont think it is acceptable in ethics. But we like that,and we do or watch this kind of things altough we know it is wrong. This forum is not for discussing ethics in fetishes.. People kill animals to eat, to wear leather, etc.... If you ask me,i would say,these are wrong too. And anybody, please dont tell us using animals for your own pleasure is wrong! We all know that.But we like it also..

  13. #568
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    next to that other guy
    /me wonders if this thread will ever get back on track

  14. #569
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    Lets try to get it back on track together

    Sometimes it feels like we all get so aggravated with whats going on, we dont try to particpate. Come on everyone, lets try to get this thread back on track. Start talking about ********** again...Ill go first. I would love to go to any adult store and see ********** porn sitting on the dvd shelf inbetween foot fetish and all anal action lol.

  15. #570
    Big Supporter SavoirFaire's Avatar
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    Right on track now!!
    Didn't check if its a repost, but for the thread's sake, here it goes!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails FEMALE_CUT_5.JPG  
    SavoirFaire | SF-
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