So Snoodle is a girl who wants to have balls so she can have them removed therefore not ever having sex or having them kicked in? .... I don't get it.
You heard me.Originally Posted by baller
Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.
Hey, i just found this piece.It must be 15 years old and is done in PAINT!
Remember that stuff.I think it was gonna be page 1 in a comic strip `girl cop 3000`. Spielberg was gonna direct the film.Course i never actually finished this page so i never called him.
To the guy that asked, i dont got a web page, the russian site has more of my stuff than i have.
Others (source) - mostly gore/snuff w/fem victims
Hello Kennady,Originally Posted by kennady
I thought your painting was fantastic. It's true, it looks completely different than more recent cartoons in digital media, but that just gives it a unique quality all of its own.
Your painting reminded me of something I hadn't thought about for years: a scenario I used to fantasise about often when I was about twelve or thirteen years old, in which the BB Dom was a sort of sci-fi girl in uniform. I had a whole complicated storyline with lots of recurring characters. I liked that dream!
Steven Spielberg should definitely direct your movie as it is right up his street (the sci-fi part), complete with his own trademark voice-over at the end to explain all the ways the girl cop tortured the victim's balls that didn't quite make it into the actual film. It's a little known (i.e. untrue) fact that Spielberg's cutting room floor is filled with lost BB.
David B.
Thanks David,Im always surprised how many people here share the same fantasies i have.`We are not alone`.
a little something, enjoy.......
SavoirFaire | SF-
*Sexy Adult Web Design*
stuff like this for me is only for a fantasy. gettin it done to me is just overboard. but still very stimulating :P
They even have some for you Julie. This page opens the cbt gallery. Click Home and explore.
I hope your holiday was filled with fun.
welcome back silvia im sure we all missed you