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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #631
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    a femdom ********** story

    She is a castratrix. Rumor at the femdom club where she is a member is that she is also either a veterinarian or a surgeon. It is obvious she has a lot of medical experience and she is very very good at what she does.

    Most of the human castrations she does are for other women who have male slaves they want neutered, or ponyboys they want gelded, and an occasional ****** is brought to her by some women for neutering. She has an operating room at the femdom club as well as one at her home.

    The castratrix is a very attractive woman in her early to mid thirties, very very tall and imposing, outstanding athletic figure, short mousey brown hair, intense green eyes. A take charge, in control, dominant, and omnipotent woman. She is totally ambidexterous, meaning she is neither right handed or left handed and she uses both hands equally well using the hand that is most convenient at the time. This is a big help to her when she performs surgery.

    She has a few interesting fetishes she enjoys while she is ********** a man. She likes to have the man dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms completely covered in long sleeves because to her it makes him seem weaker, more submissive and vulnerable.

    She likes to wear a long sleeve shirt and she likes to perform the ********** with her sleeves rolled up to spmewhere between her elbows and her shoulders. It makes her feel more powerful, dominant, in charge, and omnipotent, and she loves the look on the man's face as he watches her rolling up her sleeves knowing she is going to cut his nuts out.

    She also likes to make her victim have a huge erection and to masturbate him while she is performing the **********.

    Until now she never had time for a slave of her own, but now she feels the time for that has come and she has aquired a slave she has appropriately named Castratrix's pet. Now, she is going to ******** him as a demonstration and entertainment for the ladies of her femdom club.

    Castratrix's pet is strapped down helpless to the operating table wearing only a long sleeve shirt. He is naked from his waist down, his legs are spread apart exposing his genitals. His pubic hair is shaved off, and there is a catheter in his penis.

    The castratrix is wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt that is big and full cut to be more comfortable and casual on her with a few buttons left open and tied at her waist to show her breasts. She does NOT wear a surgical mask or cap, she wants her victim to see her face and to know she is a woman as she castrates him and his manhood is destroyed at her hands. She stands at the side of the operating table. She is standing at Castratrix's pet's right side as he lays helpless on her table in the same position a surgeon would stand at an operating table to perform an operation. Another woman, the castratrix's assistant, stands across the table from her to Castratrix's pet's left.

    The castratrix is also known as Dr. Goddess. She gently examines Castratrix's pet's genitals especially his testicles commenting that they are a nice size and stand out well and that he will be an easy surgery.

    Dr. Goddess unbuttons her left sleeve cuff saying, "He may be well hung now, but he won't be hung at all after I cut him." She rolls up her left sleeve rolling it up to somewhere between her elbow and her shoulder saying, "I'm gonna ******** him." Her left sleeve is now rolled up and she unbuttons her right sleeve cuff saying, "I'm gonna take out his testicles." Rolling up her right sleeve she says, "I'm gonna cut his nuts out, I'm gonna turn him into a eunuch!" Her right sleeve is now also rolled up to somewhere between her elbow and her shoulder.

    She stands over him, her sleeves rolled up to somewhere between her elbows and her shoulders, she is ready to perform the **********.

    She swabs the penis and scrotum with disinfectant, then she injects a mild local anesthesia into the scrotum and deep into both testicles. He will feel her handling his testicles and feel her operating on him, it will only eliminate the most intense pain so he can withstand the surgery without fainting so he remains awake and conscious during surgery, and his penis retains full feeling. It takes effect in minutes.

    Dr. Goddess spreads Castratrix's pet's testicles apart and with her scalpel she makes an incision down the middle of the scrotum between the testicles. He whimpers and moans in fear through his gag. She maneuvers the right testicle toward the incision and she gently dissects it out of the scrotum.

    Throughout the operation she explains to the other ladies each step in the operation as she performs it. She also explains to them that she is doing more than making him sterile, that she is taking away his source of male hormones mostly testosterone, and what he will be and what he will be like when she is done and why he will be that way, and of course she explains that ********** will make him be a much better slave and why it will do that.
    You can also imagine some of the joking and other things all the women talk about among themselves while she neuters Castratrix's pet. It is obvious the women are enjoying watching a man being surgically ********* by a woman, and Dr. Goddess is enjoying doing it to him, especially since she is ********** this slave just for herself.

    She separates the vas deferens from the primary spermatic cord. Cradling the right ball in one hand she takes Castratrix's pet's penis in her other hand and looking him right in the eyes, she slowly masturbates him explaining to the other ladies that she wants him drained when she finishes the ********** because it will make for a better **********, and the effects will show up more fully and more quickly if she ****** him to cum while she is performing the ********** surgery. He worships her as GODDESS as she cuts his nuts out, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation!

    As soon as he cums she clamps, ties, and cuts the vas deferens performing a vasectomy on the right testicle.

    Turning her attention to the spermatic cord, she clamps off the cord with forceps, then she ties it off with ligatures making several very tight knots in each ligature.

    She pulls the testicle away from his body and with her scalpel she severs the cord cutting off the right testicle. She holds it up showing it to the other women saying with a sadistic grin on her face, "One ball's gone, one to go!"
    She lays it in a small dish where he can see it during the rest of the operation. Castratrix's pet gasps and whimpers in total fear and agony as he loses his right ball at the hands of this beautiful omnipotent castratrix.

    Dr. Goddess maneuvers the left testicle toward the incision and she dissects it out of the scrotum. She repeats the procedure on Castratrix's pet's left and remaining testicle. This time the whole thing is much more intense, Castratrix's pet whimpers and moans and agonizes much more than during the first testicle, though he whimpered, moaned, and agonized a lot while she removed the right one.

    All the women are having orgasms and are very wet, especially Dr. Goddess. Castratrix's pet is experiencing all the feelings physical, emotional, and sexual that you would expect a man to experience and go through while he is being surgically ********* at the hands of a very beautiful, sexy, and omnipotent woman.

    Throughout the operation, he is aware of the other women who are watching, and he can see the woman assistant standing at his left side. But his attention is focused on Dr. Goddess standing over him at his right side. He looks up at this beautiful, sexy, omnipotent woman standing over him, her sleeves rolled up to somewhere between her elbows and her shoulders, watching her as she performs ********** surgery on him and his manhood is destroyed at her hands! Castratrix's pet keeps thinking "She is Goddess! She is Goddess! She is Goddess!" Over and over as he watches, feels, and experiences her ********** him and his manhood being destroyed at her hands!

    It is Castratrix's pet's last erection and last ejaculation! His very last hardon and very last cum ever. Just before she closes, Dr. Goddess will cut the nerves that control erections to make sure he can never have another hardon ever again. Castratrix's pet will be a sterile impotent eunuch surgically ********* by a woman, his manhood destroyed at her hands!

    With her scalpel she makes her final cut and Castratrix's pet's balls and manhood are gone forever! As she holds up his last testicle the other women applaud and cheer. It is now too much for Castratrix's pet and he faints slipping into unconsciousness

    Dr. Goddess sews up and bandages the scrotum she has just emptied, his penis is starting to go forever limp. She will keep his testicles as a trophy.
    He is now and forever truely and totally the Castratrix's pet.

    Under her gentle and omnipotent care he recovers quickly and easily. Castratrix's pet will spend the rest of his eternal existence very happily serving and worshipping her as The Goddess. he is much happier and much better off as a eunuch ********* at the hands of a woman, and she enjoys having him serving and worshipping her. Castratrix's pet is the perfect slave and pet and worshipper for her and one she herself has made.

  2. #632
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    pics in the bottom, showing testicles and penis being surgically removed

    it's a parody site w/realistic pix

  3. #633
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have thought about ********** for quite along time now and like most of you out there that get turned on by it, I always think about the fact that I wouldn't be able to continue my favourite pass time of ballbusting.

    My usual fantasies consist of thinking about someone I know for example I work with somebody who is not the prettiest girl in the world but probably one of the sexiest. She comes in wearing pencil skirts and high heels that make the eiffel tower look a bit pathetic.

    Everytime she walks through I can't help think that we're the only ones in the office and she just grabs me and kicks me right in the nuts, perhaps give me a sound beating for a while to the point where I am literally begging for mercy. Obviously in the fantasy part of my brain she shows me no mercy at all and continues to give my nuts knees and kicks, maybe a few punches and definitely a grab where she can tell me how useless and pathetic I am while her fingers are vicously digging into my balls.

    The scene would move onto where she has tied me to my chair and tied my balls to my desk. She would get up onto the desk and play with my nuts gradually making it more and more painful until she has her full body weight on my nuts.

    Obviously she would be very much enjoying herself and I would be cyring like a baby. Then perhaps she would turn around and stand on my balls with the beautiful heels she wears and slowly do that until both are ruptured. then she would turn round again and step on my balls and finish the job turning them to mush.

    Then she would just bend down untie what remians of my cock and balls and cut them off and say to me "I'm going to keep these as a souveniere." And then just casually walk out leaving me there.

    This to me is a great fantasy in my mind but unfortunately if it actually happened I imagine it would be the most painful and gruesome way I could possibly gets my kicks (no pun intended). I constantly find it strange how my mind works, I concoct these violent fantasies that there is no way I could actually have someone do them yet the thought of them turns me on more than anything else I know.

    I have tried role playing these fantasies but I must admit it really is hard telling a girlfriend that this is your fantasy. I've done it twice and they look at me as though I have pissed on there Mum's dining room table.

    Oh well maybe I can find someone who understands it one day and maybe they can explain it to me becasue I am f*cked if I know.

  4. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post

    pics in the bottom, showing testicles and penis being surgically removed

    it's a parody site w/realistic pix
    That's hilarious! Thanks for the link.

  5. #635
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    new sketch (all models over 18)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails allofitMister.jpg  

  6. #636
    Join Date
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    Wonderful picture! Your drawings are great!

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post
    Here's my attempt, given the available material... I did look all over for a better match to your sleeves request, but didn't find ANY pix of a guy w/sleeves over his hands. ah well. enjoy
    I've been working my way through the whole thread (omg ... this is a gold mine! I came to this forum for CBT ideas to play with my husband, but this thread has consumed my interests! I'm only up to page 25!) and throughout there are only 3 constants...

    1) Great Pictures that make me fell some wild emotions
    2) Trouble's great comments. Every one has had me laughing.
    3) Pet begging for his fantasy about sleeves...

    When Vulkrypse finally obliges, Pet doesn't even offer a thanks!

    Well Vulkrypse, I think your photoshop was excellent! I couldn't have done it better myself and I used to live in photoshop. You deserve at lot more thanks and credit than you recieved.

    So thanks! That pic was hot!

  8. #638
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    RE your observations

    Quote Originally Posted by dgrade View Post
    I've been working my way through the whole thread (omg ... this is a gold mine! I came to this forum for CBT ideas to play with my husband, but this thread has consumed my interests! I'm only up to page 25!) and throughout there are only 3 constants...

    1) Great Pictures that make me fell some wild emotions
    2) Trouble's great comments. Every one has had me laughing.
    3) Pet begging for his fantasy about sleeves...

    When Vulkrypse finally obliges, Pet doesn't even offer a thanks!

    Well Vulkrypse, I think your photoshop was excellent! I couldn't have done it better myself and I used to live in photoshop. You deserve at lot more thanks and credit than you recieved.

    So thanks! That pic was hot!
    1) See MINE in ballbusting cartoons
    2) Yah, we often "fight" eh! (in ballbusting cartoons)
    3) Well we all have our kinks, but his last request in bbc led to one of my best 'toons

  9. #639
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dgrade View Post
    So thanks! That pic was hot!
    Wow, thanks for the nice comments! I really don't expect a lot of praise, but I did consider Pet's behavior odd (even for a denizen of this thread). I figure I like ********** and esp. penectomy fantasies, so might as well contribute.

    As for shameless self-promotion (yo cp!), here are several of my drawings (as well as post #635). Hellbastard was the alias I used to get a free membership to that old female cannibal site,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails RippedApart.jpg   Targets.jpg   CauterizingKnife.jpg   LastChoke.jpg   Ultimate.jpg  

  10. #640
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    You refering to me?

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post

    As for shameless self-promotion (yo cp!), .
    Them's fighting words in my country.
    Just look at my army of Amazons
    Lucky 4 U, this isn't my country, eh!
    Last edited by cutponies; 10-24-2006 at 01:58 PM.

  11. #641
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    So I'll do a toon 4 U

    Quote Originally Posted by spidermale View Post
    you know, i actually kinda wish i was a pony boy. I am strong enough to carry a woman on my back and im definitely strong enough to pull a carriage. this is very interesting...
    I need to know

    1) Would you prefer to be ridden or pilling a cart.

    2) If pulling a cart would you like a second pony beside you?

    3) If yes 2 2 above, how about a pony girl?

    4) You're nude of course (horses dont wear clothes), but is your rider/driver?

    4b) What race is your driver?

    5) And most important, do U want 2 B a Stallion or a GELDING in this pic?

    Assuming that you'd pick the second choice, I'll save some time and have you ********* right now (eh!)

    Last edited by cutponies; 10-24-2006 at 01:58 PM.

  12. #642
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutponies View Post
    Lucky 4 U, this isn't my country, eh!
    lucky for YOU, I don't have the time (or the desire, really) to start a war... btw, why blue backgrounds? and oddly spaced figures? just curious now, don't get defensive!!! then again... it might be entertaining

  13. #643
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post
    lucky for YOU, I don't have the time (or the desire, really) to start a war... btw, why blue backgrounds? and oddly spaced figures? just curious now, don't get defensive!!! then again... it might be entertaining
    Defensive- me??? I'm as even tempered as a gelding

    1) Wot mean BTW?

    2) Blue background-lets me cut and paste without any "halo". I do a lot of work for architects, making virtual houses, eg garage from one house pasted onto another, roof from one onto another. That shade of blue does not occur in nature, so therefore the pastes are smooth without any bleed. This is an old special effects technique used, well, I think as early as the original King Kong. An interesting glitch occured during the filming of the original "Superman". His costume was so close in colour to that blue that it caused problems, so they had Christopher Reeve wear a blue-green (cyan) costume instead and corrected the colour during the printing. Even in this digital age it sometimes bites you, as I discovered when I did a 'toon of Silvia as Supergirl.

    3) Oddly spaced firgures??? Do you mean the figures in the background are smaller than the ones in the foreground? That's called perspective. You know, vanishing points etc.

    By the way, you're one BAAAAAD cartoonist yourself.

    Roses are red
    Buttercups yellow
    A baby wears CYAN
    If he's a fellow

    Roses are red
    Violets blue
    Blood is MAGENTA
    and you are too!

    The three primary colours are Red Blue and GREEN
    not as they teach in school Red Blue and YELLOW
    those are the secondary colours and should be refered to as
    Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow

    End of lecture

  14. #644
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    oh OK, I'm just not used to seeing the blue/greenscreen w/o a composited background. I figured that's what it was..

    I didn't mean perspective, well in some cases that IS off. I meant why so much space between the characters (resulting in a whole lot of blue) or just that the relative angles of the characters to each other within the same xyz space is not convergent. Having to cut and paste does explain it, as they would've been drawn as fitting into different perspectives... They do seem to have come from a lot of different sources.

    btw, BTW: bytheway! btw, thanks for the compliment. You're pretty damn prolific, I seriously don't have the time or inclination to stare at a computer any more than 8 hours of work, though sometimes the end result is worth it.

    keep up the great work!

  15. #645
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    RE your observations

    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post
    oh OK, I'm just not used to seeing the blue/greenscreen w/o a composited background. I figured that's what it was..

    I didn't mean perspective, well in some cases that IS off. I meant why so much space between the characters (resulting in a whole lot of blue) or just that the relative angles of the characters to each other within the same xyz space is not convergent. Having to cut and paste does explain it, as they would've been drawn as fitting into different perspectives... They do seem to have come from a lot of different sources.

    btw, BTW: bytheway! btw, thanks for the compliment. You're pretty damn prolific, I seriously don't have the time or inclination to stare at a computer any more than 8 hours of work, though sometimes the end result is worth it.

    keep up the great work!
    The reason I'm prolific is that I don't waste time on the backgrounds. These are all mine, the difference in style is just due to time, some of them are over tens years old, and like everybody I do change with time. Every time I draw a 'toon I save the figures as clip-art and re-use them. I couldn't do the volume I do if I had to free hand draw each figure every time. I'm a scientist, not an artist.

    And Thank You for the compliments

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