А как много здесь людей из Росси???
How many people from Russia here???
Я думаю, что есть два человека из России. Я - канадец уэльсского спуска. Я узнал небольшого русского в течение конференции науки в Москве в 1980. Если Вы говорите мне, что Вы хотели бы видеть, что я буду красить мультипликацию для Вас.
You know of course that everyone has Russian blood in them. Yes, it's Russian through your veins. eh!
Cossack Queen
Last edited by cutponies; 01-12-2007 at 03:58 PM.
Puns are supposed to be bad.
By the way, I like your new avatar. Ii was getting sick of looking at that ugly mug. eh
I am from Russia too. Nice to see russian words in this great forum!![]()
Я тоже из России, сижу много пишу мало, но эту реплику просто не мог пропустить!
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!
First sentence-quote "That Lady doesn't look Russian" unquoteOriginally Posted by cutponies
I've been to Russia, and every woman I saw was raven-haired, and tended to slim. I must have been a bit tired or I would have noticed the impossibly voluptous figure and her hair colour.
Second sentence-quote "Aha, That's Silvia Lati, and she is Italian"
For those of you who don't know what Silvia looks like, This is her. Compare to picture above!
P.S. Question- How is it that the Soviets in WW2 were able to produce 20 times as many tanks as the Nazis?
Answer- "More Russian around in the factories than the Germans"
(and you thought the first pun was bad)
Last edited by cutponies; 01-14-2007 at 02:46 PM.
Да. Я использовал бы зажим, чтобы кастрировать все пять из Вас. Вы были бы моими меринами.