Quote Originally Posted by cutponies View Post
I must say that I'm surprised. All four of you said yes to the outrageous suggestion that it's legal for a girl to go topless in Canada and to the ridiculous statement that a Prime Minister once posed nude for a photograph!

A lady was arrested about 8 years ago for public indecency in a town called Galt. She was found guilty, fined, and appealed (She had done it on purpose as a test test). The Supreme Court found that the Government HAD the right to outlaw public toplessness BUT since the law specifically said that WOMEN ONLY were forbidden, it was discriminatory, and therefore unconstitutional. The House (pronounced HU-OWE (as in expression of pain)-sss, FYI Skipperbob) of Parliament did not change the law, as there is a precedent that governments that waste time on trivial matters get booted out of office come next election. Compare that to the U.S Congress's response to the (in)famous "Wardrobe Malfunction". The decision stood (By the way the Chief Justice at the time was a Woman)

In 1991 law professor Avril Campbell, (as a gag to disprove the perception that she and her colleages were "stuffy") had herself photographed in her office changing into her robes. The outfit was strategically placed to make the photo discrete, but she was naked!
Professor Doctor, The Right Honorable, Avril "Kim" Campbell became Prime Minister in 1993

Well what do you expect from a country whose monetary unit is called a "Looney"?

outrageous and ridiculous are NOT synonyms for wrong
And here is the famous (In Canada) photograph
Ah! Sometimes it makes me want to pack up and sail across the lake to my great neighbor to the north If only the Puritans had landed somewhere else this country might not have so many rediculous hang ups today!