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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #871
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    What would it really be like? Would like to know what others think it would be like.

    I have wondered what it would really be like if my femdom ********** fantasies came true, what it would be like to experience for real as she did it to me.

    Dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my arms completely covered to my hands in long sleeves like it is in my fantasies, what would it really be like for me to be completely under the control and at the mercy of a group of very beautiful but also very dominant women, even sadisticly dominant women?

    What would it be like as these women strip me naked from my waist down, force me onto some kind of operating table and strap or tie me down completely helpless, my legs spread apart exposing my genitals?

    As in my fantasies, the castratrix would be an especially beautiful and dominant female supremist, and she would be wearing a long sleeve shirt.

    What would it be like laying there totally helpless looking up at her as she stands over me, watching her rolling up her sleeves, watching as she rolls her sleeves up above her elbows and hearing her tell the other women that she is going to ******** me, hearing her tell them that she is going to cut my nuts out and turn me into a eunuch, and to know that it really is real that it's going to happen for real and I can't escape or stop her?

    What would it be like as she finishes prepping me for ********** surgery? Most of all what would it really be like as she performs the ********** surgery on me?

    How much pain would I feel, how much bleeding would there be, would I have an erection, would I feel sexual arousal would I cum or orgasm while she is doing it, what would I be thinking and feeling emotionally while she is ********** me, would I feel fear, helplessness, hopelessness, terror, just what would I think and feel? What if she masturbated me and ****** me to cum while she is doing it, what would that feel and be like?

    What would it be like physically, sexually, and emotionally, laying there totally helpless looking up at a very beautiful dominant woman standing over me with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows as she castrates me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands? What would it be like looking up into her face and into her eyes, at her arms bare to above her elbows with her sleeves rolled up, to see my testicles and her hands and fingers and surgical instruments and to watch, feel, and experience it as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at her hands?

    What would it be like as she cuts open my scrotum, as she draws out the first testicle, as she separates the vas from the spermatic cord then as she clamps ties and cuts the vas? What would it feel like as she holds and handles my testicle and the cord as she operates, as she clamps off and crushes the spermatic cord, ties it, then as she cuts it and holds up my severed testicle?

    What would it be like as she does the other side, as she draws out my remaining testicle and holds my manhood in her hands? As she separates the vas then clamps ties and cuts the vas sterilizing me? As she clamps off and crushes the remaining spermatic cord, then as she ties it, and finally as she makes the final snip and she cuts off my last testicle? What would it be like for real, physically, sexually, and emotionally while my nuts are being cut out and my manhood is being destroyed at the hands of a very beautiful dominant woman?

    What would it be like if she then destroyed the nerves that control erections in my penis and for me to know that I would never again even be able to have another erection?

    What would it be like if she then ****** me to personally serve and worship her as if she herself is God? What would it be like for me to be a eunuch and to also be the personal slave of the woman who performed the ********** on me the woman at whose hands my manhood was destroyed, to personally serve as the eunuch slave of the woman who personally cut my nuts out and to worship her as if she herself is God?

    That is my fantasy, and like a lot of people with fantasies I've wondered what it would be like if it ever really did come true for real, and I would just like to know what others here think it would really be like to experience that for real.

  2. #872
    Senior Member curious's Avatar
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    Would I?

    I have wondered myself that if I was put in the position of being being ********* and I was asked whether I wished to continue, would I actualy say Yes. It's not a simple answer to give when you weigh up the fact for and against but it I believe that if one truly sold on the idea then why not.

  3. #873
    Senior Member curious's Avatar
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    Would I?

    I have wondered myself that if I was put in the position of being being ********* and I was asked whether I wished to continue, would I actualy say Yes. It's not a simple answer to give when you weigh up the fact for and against but I believe that if one truly is sold on the idea then why not.

  4. #874
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    In real life I favor simulated **********.

    My owner would have testicle earrings, a scrotum coin purse and a detachable penis whip handle/virbrator made from a life cast of me.

    She would keep me in a chastity device and tell most of her friends I was really *********. Only a few close friends would know the truth. Those few would figure it out by seeing me doing my chores naked.

  5. #875
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    she tries

    My wife loves to tie me up and play with a knife and a nut cracker. She ties me down then sucks my nuts in to my penis pump. When she pulls a 4 inch vacuum they pull down to the tube at the 7inch mark, she then takes a banding ring and snaps that on them. She has ********* me like a bull. As the first 5 mins goes by it a rush. The next 10 mins the strong gut ack starts. As i beg to have her cut my nuts off or cut the band off all she does is laugh. After they start to turn dark purple she grabs the nut cracker and clamps down on the cords and smashes it. It then feels like knife been stuck in to my groin. Then she finally cuts off the band and wow what a rush.As the blood starts going back in to the nuts, It feels like a thousand of pins being stuck in my at once. You ask maybe why she does not just cut my nuts off and have it all over with? Well then neither one of us get to do it again.

  6. #876
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    Reasons why some women want to ******** men:

    #1 To gentle them. Everyone knows a male animal becomes docile after **********.

    Since the goal is to make the animal behave in a more passive way. It is important to make the experience as pain free as possible. By avoiding excessive trauma the owner knows that her slave will be able to make a quick transition from him to it.

  7. #877
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    Like the Person who posted this topic, I to have fantasies about **********. Also like the user who posted this topic I have been ****** to evolve my fantasies from the simple little ideas they once were to the epic dreams they are now. I used to have a bunch (like 10 or so) of little thoughts that would be good enough but over the years they have merged into this one mega-fantasy that is constantly evolving and changing.

  8. #878
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    this is one where fantasy will be better than the reality, in most cases. I've played it out irl and it's a huge rush to have a knife at the balls (someone you trust of course) but hey... one slip and it's all over. be careful out there!

  9. #879
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    fetish music video

    there's all kinds of fetishes in this animated music vid by jap band dir en grey.

  10. #880
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    ********** is for me

    I fanatic of ********** fantasi. I am spanish, me gustaria intercambirar experiencias en este idioma
    Demetiro aporta sus pics.

  11. #881
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    Quote Originally Posted by dawes6 View Post
    Reasons why some women want to ******** men:

    #1 To gentle them. Everyone knows a male animal becomes docile after **********.

    Since the goal is to make the animal behave in a more passive way. It is important to make the experience as pain free as possible. By avoiding excessive trauma the owner knows that her slave will be able to make a quick transition from him to it.

    This is why we need women who have the skill and experience to roll up their sleeves and gently and painlessly cut a male slave's nuts out. It might also help if the castratrix is herself a surgeon or a veterinarian, or has a strong medical background or training.

    The male/eunuch slave's ********** should be one of the very most primary experiences of his entire life, and an experience that should remain with him very strong and fresh for the rest of his entire life. Local anesthetics can also help with this. Local anesthetics allow the male/eunuch to remain fully awake and conscious while he is being *********.

    This also allows the castratrix to perform the ********** surgery much more slowly allowing her to be more gentle and to make sure she does her job properly from a medical standpoint.

    It allows the male/eunuch to really concentrate on what is really being done to him, on the fact that it is being performed by a woman, and allows the reality of his ********** to sink in while she is performing it on him.

    She should also make it very much a sexual experience for him. She should masturbate him or in some way milk or drain him totally dry of male fluids at some point or points while she is performing the ********** surgery on him. Obviously this should be done before she cuts the erectile nerves to his penis if that is to be a part of his **********.

    It should seem to the male/eunuch as if the castratrix is The Goddess Herself. She needs to personify all the total omnipotence and all the other qualities of The Goddess Herself. Performing the ********** surgery as gently and painlessly as she can helps a lot with making her seem to him as if she is The Goddess Herself and will help make the eunuch much more worshipful toward women worshipping all women as Goddesses.

    When the ********** is done gently and painlessly like this it really helps a lot to make the eunuch much more gentle and docile toward women and also much more respectful of them and to worship all women as Goddesses, and that is really a primary goal of **********.

    It would be interesting to know what any of the women here think about this and what the women's views on this are. Also, are there women here who would like to perform ********** surgery like this on a man or on men, perhaps women who would like to be professional castratrices? Women who are professional castratrices could certainly provide a very great service to women and women run civilization and society.

  12. #882
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    I would like to see more pictures, videos, photo manipulations, and GIF's of women ********** men, especially where she does it surgically by cutting the testicles out. Does anyone have anything more they can add please?

  13. #883
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    I'm a cowgirl riding on my horse dumdi do dah

  14. #884
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    canada (quebec)


    Eany-one her dream aboth a femdom ****** regression followed by a ********** to become totaky helpless baby

  15. #885
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    Are there any videos where the person doing the ********** is a woman? What was asked for here were videos of cowgirls doing castrations, as in the person doing the ********** is a woman or a girl, is female.

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