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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #901
    Member torres's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by venkman View Post
    I don't know if anyone's interested, but heres a couple of links to fictional ********** stories I posted on the Eunuch Archive ages ago:

    If you're into stories, check them out.
    yeah quite good stories there, well the only site i know with some

  2. #902
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv View Post
    For those of you into the rougher side of BB through to ********** then there’s a gazillion stories on the topic for free at ‘The Eunuch Archive’.

    Use this link to get there: and then just search the boxes on the right by alphabetical story title listing or by author.

    New stories are added most days and have been for years. Use this link for the newer stuff.

    Enjoy It’ll take you nearly a year to read it all!
    thannnnnnnk youuuuu

  3. #903
    Join Date
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    Castrix Pet,

    What kind of reasons would you accept?

    You don't really want a causal, naturalistic explanation of your feelings, do you? You want a spiritual explanation? Is that the only thing that would satisfy you?

    Maybe you think that the ultimate creator of the universe must be female because it is females who give birth to things. That explanation makes sense to me.

    Are you the only one who thinks females are divine? No, its very common for men to consider interactions with women to be a religious experience. Its how a lot of men interpret the experience of the feminine. Young men particularly often feel that touching a woman is a sacrament. Sometimes they don't admit it.

    Some religious orders from time to time throughout history have advised men to chastise the body, sometimes just by ignoring it through meditation, sometimes with fasting, sometimes whipping themselves till they bled, and sometimes with self-**********.

    And ********** of monks is much more common in religions that worship a goddess than a god, but it happens there too.

    Notice though that it is much more common for males to see their geitals as something other than themselves, a burden, a temptation that is being cut away to purify their soul, than it is for them to see the situation as you say, having your essence cut away and destroyed.

    I mean, if your balls really were your essence then having them cut out would be the death of you, wouldn't it? Either you would be a functioning shell, without even a soul, that impossibility of dualism, or else a corpse. It would be something akin to an operation to remove the brain, or destroy a part of it in the modern view.

    You therefore don't literally mean "essence" however the word may excite you, merely something very dear. Yes, a sacrifice of something dear, but not of your self, or your essence.

    If She is perfect then does making you less of a man help you get closer to her perfection? If you bleed from your genitals as women do then do you come closer to experiencing what women experience? Does your mind become more feminine? Does losing your balls and lowering your sex urge and your ability to father children make you in their image?

    What would it really be like? The pain would make arousal impossible once the cutting has begun, probably, and anasthetic would also likely make the sensations that lead to arousal possible for the duration.

    After the operation your sex drive would diminish, but not all at once. It would probably decline over the next few years in a way similar to what you would experience as an old man if you kept the balls. You would have to cuddle and have foreplay to get it up, but you would probably enjoy sex just as much and ejaculate. Most of the volume of the ejaculation is produced by the prostrate. You may not miss the contribution from your balls.

    Though if the nerves that cause erections were also cut as you specified that wouldn't happen.
    In that case you may feel sensations of itching or numbness in your penis, as the lines of communication now cut are filled with static by part of your brain hallucinating sensations since it misses the input. I suggest something like phantom-limb. Your penis may shrink because of diminished blood flow, even if the extra blood-flow during erections is only periodic.

    If you still had sensation, but were unable to erect then you might not have unpleasant sensations. You might still find yourself playing with the limp weiner for a few years in frustration, or enjoy having it sucked, or rubbing in on her body, or on her pussy, but without penetration. It will most likely shrink though.

    Removing both the testicles and the ability to erect is not enough to make it impossible to reach orgasm. But it will be very very difficult and without your balls making you horny it probably won't seem worth the time to try very often. After a few years it will almost never happen.

    No matter how beautiful your Castrix, she will unfortunately, not be truly divine, and will therefore fart, and age. She will make mistakes from time to time that even you can see as stupid, but you will put thoughts of her stupidity out of your mind and tolerate her, probably, as an ongoing sacrifice.

    She may leave you. She may wish she had not done what she did. You may also change your mind. You may cry about it sometimes. You may become dissatasfied with her, perhaps becoming fascinated with someone younger and more beautiful, particularly if she does you kindnesses. Losing your balls is not a guarantee that this tendency will stop.

    Whatever woman you end up hanging around may miss the penetration of a good big hard penis. She may wish to bear children. Women have a tendency to long to bear children more as they get older. So she may sneak around on you. Both your impotence, and her sneaking may cause her to despise you. One has a tendency to see as pathetic someone that one has harmed or wronged in some way.

    One thing to ask yourself is how can you feel strongly that something is right or divine when it is so against nature? Women may not always be happy with men, but they are designed to desire their company, if not for sex, then at least to smell our pheromones which calm them and keeps their periods regular. No balls no pheromones.

    And ask yourself how the right course could be one that destroys a functioning organ, and one that could make her happy by bringing her orgasms and children?

    Also, if your Castrix were really ultimate God, the creator of the universe, she would have invented testicles. She would have given them to you, and merely be taking them back.

    Not to say that it isn't a variety of religious experience, but it doesn't hold up logically, nor even intuitively in some ways. What you are craving is not an ultimate holy creator as a goddess of death, like Kali, a reaper.

    I know, I've got a boner for Kali too, but I know she's Kali, or rather, that it's the aspect Kali rather than the ultimate Holy, that I'm looking at.

  4. #904
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    I only know what it is that I feel, so that is all I can answer to. Even if I can't understand it, even if the feelings are not logical, all I know is what I feel and that's all I can answer to.

    I realize how this might sound, but as a believer in reincarnation I have wondered if my ********** fantasies and my spiritual feelings about it might be something from a past life or from some past lives. Perhaps a past lifetime or past lifetimes in which a group of women ********* me as part of some Goddess ritual.

    Yes, women ********** a man as part of a Goddess ritual sounds like the theme of a lot of some femdom ********** stories. But I've wondered if that ever actually did happen. I have wondered if my femdom ********** fantasies and the spiritual feelings I have about them might be because of a past lifetime or past lifetimes in which I was ****** to undergo ********** performed by women as part of a Goddess ritual in which my manhood, my being and essence were sacrificed to The Goddess.

    I cannot find anything in my childhood, or my background and experiences that would have caused me to have femdom ********** fantasies or to have them as strongly as I do, or would have caused the spiritual feelings about them I have. So I've wondered about the past life thing. I can't think of anywhere else it would have come from, and it had to come from or be caused by something.

  5. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alizee1965 View Post
    Worried if somebody eat your nuts in front you?

  6. #906
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    joder pero que jartos estais!

  7. #907
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    Quote Originally Posted by jigab00 View Post
    You're telling me. The first time I saw a ********** fantasy picture, I thought I was gonna bust outta my pants! The helplessness/vulnerability is addicting. Not so strangely, cock-********** stuff doesn't get me off at all - it's gotta be by the balls.

    Here's some from my collection.. enjoy.
    nice post,starting to like this forum,never seen it before,i have a lot of femdom pic and video,not only ballbusting,you vill see my post soon.

  8. #908
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    here is some pics i have
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ballbusting 1.jpg   ballbusting 2.jpg   ballbusting 3.jpg   ballbusting 4.jpg   ballbusting 5.jpg  

  9. #909
    Member alblp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by venkman View Post
    I don't know if anyone's interested, but heres a couple of links to fictional ********** stories I posted on the Eunuch Archive ages ago:

    If you're into stories, check them out.

  10. #910
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    ********* Man Wins Contest

    Three women went into a bar. They called three men over to their table and one woman said I will pay you each 1.00 for every inch between the head of your penis and your balls. The first guy pulled down his pants and he said Five & had about 5 inches. The second said eight and had an impressive 8 inches from his cockhead to his balls. The third pulled down his pants. The girls looked in shock as they saw only a small peanut sized penis and no testicles on the guy. They all said at once where are your balls? He said in Ho Chi Minh City. A Saigon hooker cut them off in 1971. That's 3000 miles away now pay up ladies. LOL.

  11. #911
    Member torres's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bookoo View Post
    Three women went into a bar. They called three men over to their table and one woman said I will pay you each 1.00 for every inch between the head of your penis and your balls. The first guy pulled down his pants and he said Five & had about 5 inches. The second said eight and had an impressive 8 inches from his cockhead to his balls. The third pulled down his pants. The girls looked in shock as they saw only a small peanut sized penis and no testicles on the guy. They all said at once where are your balls? He said in Ho Chi Minh City. A Saigon hooker cut them off in 1971. That's 3000 miles away now pay up ladies. LOL.
    haha ^^ nice joke

    damm guys look at this, that must have been rough and painful:

  12. #912
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    It exciting

    I admit I find the concept of ********** / penis removal exciting, but I know its only in the realm of fantasy. Maybe it's related to my transgenderism (I crossdress) but I do like the idea of ****** sex change along with feminization...

    do other people link this fetish to transgenderism? Or not?

  13. #913
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  14. #914
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    ********* in thr Jungle

    Wow. Captured in the jungle by women and ********* by them. I love it. Thanks for the artwork.

  15. #915

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