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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #931
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    Does a woman need a eunuch?

    On the message board at Eunuch Archive ( there is a thread asking, does a woman need a eunuch. Many of the responses were very interesting. Especially interesting were some of the answers from women members who responded to that thread. Some of the ladies seemed to say they felt a deeper emotional relationship was possible with a eunuch than with an intact man, and they also seemed to say that a deeper emotional relationship was much more satisfying to them than sex.

    Go to Eunuch Archive ( to the message board there and read the thread. It is in the "Ladies And Gentlemen" forum and the thread is , does a woman need a eunuch. It does give some interesting food for thought and another view on this subject.

  2. #932
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    I'm quite familiar with the messages at Also, I don't think a "re-education" about female-eunuch relations is going to change my mind about what I wrote earlier.

  3. #933
    Member goldasimov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atherfeet420 View Post
    For me its a combo of trampling and **********. Using the heel of each shoe (one heel per nut) and then lifting her toes off the floor increasing the pressure untill the balls popped. The thought of this has made me cum quite a few times
    Like the pics in this post?
    Go for it hun, you won't feel a thing!

  4. #934
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    why do you enjoy this

  5. #935
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    What a question is "why do you like this?", everybody has his fetish....

  6. #936
    Member goldasimov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peapopper View Post
    why do you enjoy this
    Because I like it ... I like it alot!

    It so good when I can help her feel powerful by making me cum just standinging on my balls.
    Go for it hun, you won't feel a thing!

  7. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by bookoo View Post
    Some more titilating pics of VC Women enjoying themselves.
    thanks for the pics really good stuff

  8. #938
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    The Unkindest Cut, by longsleeves

    This is perhaps vengeance, or a vivisection class; why this incision is being done, why this victim was chosen, was not explained. Whatever crime or hope for fantasy fulfillment led to this situation, the victim is definitely not enjoying the reality. And this may be only the first of several cuts, or they make take turns, and so each cut will sting like a razor cut, until they make the final "cleanup" cut.

    Someone may wish to post "skalpel" from Galleri D; and the "English" stories includes a page and drawing of two men's capture by female warriors.

    source disclosure:
    this is from Galleri F
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails longsleeves.jpg  

  9. #939
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    Does anyone know of a serious treatise on how to properly ******** a male who desires to be *********.....I am talking safety, etc.

  10. #940
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisahoustonattorney View Post
    Does anyone know of a serious treatise on how to properly ******** a male who desires to be *********.....I am talking safety, etc.
    I've heard that Burdizzo thing is pretty safe.

  11. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    I've heard that Burdizzo thing is pretty safe.

    I've heard the Burdizzo doesn't work well at all on humans, just causes lots of problems. There's lots of posts about this sort of thing at Eunuch Archive.

    Would like to know more about lisahoustanattorney and her interest and such in **********. She hasn't told us anything really about herself, her interest and background and experiences with **********, the male she wants to ********, the situation and why she wants to ******** him. I assume she wants it done by a woman, is she going to do it herself or get another woman to do the **********, etc.

    It would be good for us to know more about her. Also if she really is serous about this I feel she needs to go to Eunuch Archive ( and perhaps join there and post and read the posts about this. There is a lot of information and advice about male ********** there and that advice needs to be listened to.

  12. #942
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    The advice most often given on Eunuch Archive about ********** is, DON'T DO IT! Let your ********** fantasies be just that, fantasies only.

    If you absolutely positively have to do it, have it done by a medical doctor, a surgeon, who knows how to do it and knows what they are doing. It is very difficult finding a surgeon especially a woman surgeon who will ******** a man when there is no medical reason to do it. But according to some of the information on Eunuch Archive there are a few surgeons, including some women surgeons who will do it.

    So the advice on Eunuch Archive about ********** for real is:

    1. DON'T DO IT! Let your ********** fantasies be just that, fantasies ONLY.

    2. If you absolutely positively have to do it, have it done by a medical doctor a surgeon who knows how and knows what they are doing.

    My sense is to follow the first advice, 1. DON'T DO IT! Let your ********** fantasies be just that, fantasies ONLY.

  13. #943
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiricordidime View Post
    What a question is "why do you like this?", everybody has his fetish....
    I like her smile. Great pic

  14. #944
    Big Supporter David_B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    If you absolutely positively have to do it, have it done by a medical doctor a surgeon who knows how and knows what they are doing.
    Also, if you must get *********, make sure you carefully arrange to have this done by a hot-looking lady doctor, otherwise you could accidentally get booked to do this with a guy, which would probably spoil the fun.

    David B.

  15. #945
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    Double Band

    Anyone ever hear of using a double-band to ********. I remember reading some post by a female Dom that claimed to have ********* a guy by banding his balls off with 2 bands and cutting between the bands. My first thought is the upper band holding his wound together could slip off. But then you could apply super glue around the band so it would stay put. Since there would be a band on the severed ball sack it would remain intact. Now she could toss it around like a ball, (and they would still be warm ). Then she could have a mold ready to pour clear lucite (liquid plastic) into, push the severed ball sack into the lucite and make herself a paper weight. I wonder how much you could get for one of those paper weights on ebay

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