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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #946
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    Nov 2006

    Vietnamese **********

    I like it !!! This is MistressKat9 holding the ball clippers to this poor slobs balls. Mistress Thora and her really fuck with this guys dick & balls. They kick them step on them shove sounds & a glass rod down his pee hole and smash it with a hammer. Pull on his balls and push a real Viet Cong Knife into them.
    It's hard to make it through the whole movie without exploding!!!!
    Hot Sadistic Asian Women !!! The best kind.!!!

  2. #947
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2007

    Post good pics are my needing

    good pics are my needing

  3. #948
    Supreme Poster
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    The double banding technique I've heard of is basically using a red hot knife to do the cut so it cauterizes the wound. That way if the band slips off and the severed spermatic cords withdraw into the abdominal cavity, there will no internal bleeding which could cause a fatality from something as innocent as consentual **********

  4. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by want2b333 View Post
    The double banding technique I've heard of is basically using a red hot knife to do the cut so it cauterizes the wound. That way if the band slips off and the severed spermatic cords withdraw into the abdominal cavity, there will no internal bleeding which could cause a fatality from something as innocent as consentual **********
    ********** is innocent?

  5. #950
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    Jan 2007

    "********** is innocent?"

    Isn't it?

    This is my first post.

    I decided to introduce in this thread because it's what gets me on: A girl cutting off my penis.

    Too sad that girls are not fascinated by this fantasy at all.

    So quite often I take my porn-pictures into photoshop and manipulate them into fantasy **********-scenes and in fact under all the pics/links on this board I already located one I have made times ago.
    I will eventually post some of them here as soon as I figure out how it works.


  6. #951
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    I have wondered what it really would be like

    I know I have asked this before, and I also know my femdom ********** fantasies are and should only be just that, fantasies.

    But still I have wondered what it really would be like. What would it be like if a group of very beautiful sexy girls or women kidnapped me and had total control of me like that? What would it be like if they strapped or tied me down to some kind of operating or gelding table, what would it be like laying there totally helpless with this group of girls or women standing over me? What would it be like if one of the girls or women rolled up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows and then she slowly cut my nuts out? Physically, sexually, and emotionally, what would it really be like while she is doing that to me, while she is performing the ********** on me? That is something I have wondered about.

  7. #952
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    Since this is about ********** here is something I found. It shows a woman veterinarian Dr. Louise St Germain neutering a large male dog. I think it is the same method a surgeon would use if she were ********** a man. It shows her performing the entire ********** surgery and a woman, I guess Dr. Louise St Germain herself, narrates describing each step in the operation as she peofroms it. The narration is in French. I would love to hear a woman narrate this in English. I thought this would give a good idea of what an actual ********** surgery would look like if a woman performed it on a man, and it is being performed here by a woman.

  8. #953
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    Sorry I couldn't get the video to upload.

    Under Google Images I typed in Dr. Louise St Germain and it directed me to a site where I could see the video.

  9. #954
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    I will try again, I've never been any good with this sort of thing. Guess I can't get it to upload, anyway, it's easy to find and view.

  10. #955
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    SWEDEN, motala
    why cant i see the attachments, this is my 4th reply...

  11. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by bart777 View Post
    why cant i see the attachments, this is my 4th reply...
    Unfortunately there are no attachments. I was not able to get them to attach. The site and videos are easy to find. Under Google Images I typed in Dr. Louise St Germain and it directed me to where I could easily see the videos.

    If someone else can get the videos and put them here please do so.

  12. #957
    Junior Member a881drq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caesar4768 View Post
    I want to eat sausages.
    your invited to my bbq any time

  13. #958
    Supreme Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValmarIrenicus View Post
    The site and the wonderfull movies are gone
    Seems like they did the site wrong way - could not afford it any more - they should rather use a forum like this that is free. For those that missed out some pictures
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails happy_1.jpg   happy_3.jpg  

  14. #959
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    Do you have any more of the pics or any of the videos from the former Balls-Off site, and if you do can you please post them here?

  15. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    Since this is about ********** here is something I found. It shows a woman veterinarian Dr. Louise St Germain neutering a large male dog. I think it is the same method a surgeon would use if she were ********** a man. It shows her performing the entire ********** surgery and a woman, I guess Dr. Louise St Germain herself, narrates describing each step in the operation as she peofroms it. The narration is in French. I would love to hear a woman narrate this in English. I thought this would give a good idea of what an actual ********** surgery would look like if a woman performed it on a man, and it is being performed here by a woman.
    Sorry I couldn't get this video to upload to this site. To get to it, I went to Google Images and typed in Dr. Louise St Germain and it directed me to where I could see the video. It is a video used to train veterinary students at a veterinary school.

    Has anyone else gone there and seen the video? I think those who are into ********** would find it interesting. Since I don't speak or understand French, I would love to watch that video with a woman narrating it in English.

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