o?is that ture,spridermale?
o?is that ture,spridermale?
o?is that ture,spridermale?
Sorry. There are no girls with the fetish of wanting to cut through an erect penis in any variation.
This is a male fantasy.
And girls/women play along as long as there is something in there for them.
This is only a fantasy...:
Last edited by finally; 10-24-2010 at 02:37 AM.
Finally, what makes ya think you know whats on the minds of all the women on the planet? It may be rare but there ARE women with this fetish, my wife is one of them. But I'll admit the chances of running across one on the internet are probably worse than the lottery.
Heres a clip of my wife and Me: Warning this looks VERY violent, BUT the trick is, not real! Its cherry tomatoes wrapped in a beige cloth, my actual balls are underneath the board. Looks convincing though doesnt it?
Hi there,i am a new member,know what you mean about finding women to
participate in kinky sex games,its difficult! Personally i have found married
women to be more willing, try to find one without a jealous husband, or else HE might put your balls in a vice! Start with some light B&D games (get her
horny for you when your not together) you need to make a woman horny in
her MIND! As to where to meet, try a swingers club, or try ALT.COM this is a
B&D / S&M meeting site! Dont know about your country, but in mine there are a lot of kinky women on that site! Above all be careful, there are lots of
sadistic women who love to inflict pain on all of the male body, genitals
included! Personally i not into pain, but ********** fantasy games are so much fun! And yes, you will find a few women who have these fantasies, they will tend to be only girl in family with 1 or more older brothers (penis envy Freud would say!) Good luck, stay safe in your search!![]()
Yes there are some girls and women who actually have fantasies in which she herself cuts a man's balls out. There fewer girls and women who have fantasies about ********** a man than there are of men with fantasies of being ********* by a girl or a woman. But there are some girls and women out there who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man.
Yes there are also some women who have fantasies about being served by a eunuch slave that she herself has *********.
And yes, I think there are some women who would actually like to ******** a man and would actually enjoy doing it if she could.
Why don't we hear more about them? I think women are more private about their fantasies and less likely to talk about them or express them than men are, especially in places like public forums or on the internet like this. It's not that tey don't have such fantasies, it's just that women I think are more private about their fantasies and more likely to keep their fantasies to themselves than men are. When they do express their fantasies, I think they are more willing and likely to share them with other women than they are to do so with men.
Also, it is one thing for a man to admit he has fantasies about being ********* by a woman or by women. It is something else for a woman to admit she has fantasies where she herself cuts a man's nuts out and that she would actually like to do it.
I also think there are some women who have and do ******** male livestock animals, for example girls on farms or ranches and perhaps some women veterinarians, who get a certain enjoyment or feeling out of doing it, who have certain feelings and such because she is a girl and she is doing this to males. I think when this is being done some of these women may joke around some about it. The joking they do and their openness about it is probably different when men are around than it is when the ********** is being done entirely by women in an all woman group where girls and women are the only ones there.
So yes, I think there are girls and women out there like this. Not a lot of them, but there are some. And while there's not a lot of them, it would probably surprise you if you knew how many there are. I think the reason we don't hear more from or about them is that I think women are more private and less likely to share or express their fantasies and feelings like this than men are, more likely to keep it to themselves than men are. Also, understandably, most people are reluctant to admit they have fantasies about doing things like cutting a man's nuts out. But I do think there are some girls and women out there like this.
I am new to this forum.
By way of introduction, let me say that I'm a fifty some white submissive male who has had a ********** obsession for most of my life. Though not physically *********, I am psychologically ********* in as many ways as possible.
From outward appearances I seem successful, but we all know better.
Two Bad Nurses
torrent is up on puretna.com. a decent scene, has a scissors part
Interesting thought. And thanks for your encouragement.And yes, you will find a few women who have these fantasies, they will tend to be only girl in family with 1 or more older brothers
Your probably right with your suggestion: "i have found married
women to be more willing". It's my experience also.
So, what stays from what SHE wants if I! have to get her to want it?you need to make... try to find... get her horny for you... etc.
I mean, I do we talk about a girl/woman who has a fetish, a fetish like ...captivating a male and emasculating him, maybe while she is feeling the regarding part just then inside her pussy?
You know..., male have strange fantsies too, and so there are always some who act them out.
No woman ever acts out, what we dream of.
Or IF, then it's because of her boyfriend/husband.
Gilrs/women don't HAVE such a fetish.
And that ist very sad.
I think there are some girls and women who do have fantasies and fetishes about ********** a man. But I think women are more private about their fantasies and fetishes, and don't talk about them like men do.
I think there are some girls and women who have femdom ********** fantasies, who have acted them out because she wants to. I think some of these girls and women have made her boyfriend/husband let her act it out on him because she want to. But no man is going to say to someone, "My girlfriend/wife likes to act out that she is ********** me, she wants to do it."
And like I said, I think women are more private and don't talk about their fantasies like men do.
Just as there are men who have fantasies where he is ********* by a woman or by women, I think there are some girls and women who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man, and I think some of these women act out their fantasies with a man not because the man wants it, but because the woman, she wants it.
But like I said, I think women are more private about their feelings, fantasies, and fetishes than men are, and that women are less likely to talk about their fantasies and fetishes than men do.
I also think there are a very few rare cases where a woman has actually ********* a man for real, and she did it because she really wanted to do it. Of course because they don't want to get in trouble with the law, you will never hear about it. But I think there are a very few rare cases where it has happened for real.
Yes, for sure there are some. Or maybe one...I think there are some girls and women who do have [...]
I think you know what I mean. You can estimate that many men have active **** fantasies because some stupid really do it and it comes out.
So you can estimate that no woman has active ********** fantasies, because you never hear about some stupid who did it "wrong".
The thing is, that I don't believe. No one of "us" seems to, mostly because we just don't want. We want to believe that women/girls share that fascination.
And, if you mess with girls, on the one hand you will keep that "impression" that they must understand, at least some of them are of the kind, you look in her eyes and you know!
But on the other hand, the mor you mess with them, it becomes more and more sure, that they will never tell, they will never share, they act just as if they didn't have the drive.
What drives them are completely different things.
Andis a nice way of putting it.women are more private about their feelings, fantasies, and fetishes than men are![]()
Wow... what a great amount of information
I love this thread.. and the forum of course...
Anyway I also have a great ********** fantasy.. it will always stay a fantasy, but it make me go crasy if my wife teases me w/ bound up balls etc.