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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1156
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    New Here!

    Hello all!

    I'm new to the forum and would just like to say how refreshing I find the openness and frankness of the discussion here. I have long harboured fantasies of this sort, and it's great that there is a place where we can chat about these things with like-minded people.

    I would like to add that I am not insane or psychologically "damaged". For me it is the threat, the idea of being so totally at a woman's mercy that one has to do anything she says which is the turn-on. I don't really want to lose my cock and/or balls. However, the danger of that, the feel of cold steel stabbing, slicing, jerking you off... the total devotion to the girl who could ask you to do anything at that point knowing full well that you had no choice but to comply; that is a fantasy so hot that it is almost untrue!

    It's difficult to say when or why these thoughts began. Nevertheless, when I was very young (about five years old) one of my favourite films was "The Scarlet Buccaneer". There is a wonderful scene in which the leading lady holds a knife to the balls of a major who is being particularly troublesome. "I shall cut them off if you persist", she tells him. I always felt a shiver of pleasure mixed with fear when I saw and heard that. Later, when I was about sixteen, that same feeling hit me when I heard about the "Bobbitt" case. I was shocked and disgusted on the one hand, but hugely aroused on the other. At that time I was in my first serious sexual relationship. I recall that my girlfriend kept a knife-shaped letter-opener on her bedside cabinet. I always wanted to ask her to threaten me with it and force me to do whatever she desired. But I never had the courage to utter that request, just as I never plucked up the strength to beg her to squeeze my balls tightly as we made love... .

    To this day, I have only told two female friends of my feelings in this sphere. I have only ever practised light CBT (not even the use of replica blades yet!) with one woman. I would thus be interested not only in discussions, but also in hearing from (sane) females with an interest in this kind of fantasy. What is the attraction for you? If you happen to reside in the UK or Germany, I would value your comments even more!

    Thanks for reading, and best wishes.


  2. #1157
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    Quote Originally Posted by want2b333 View Post

    Been there, done that. this should kill 2 birds with one stone, it has her talking/mocking, and needles. And this one isnt fake.

    As to fooling me, I wouldnt put it past her, once I've gotten her preggo.
    Wow linklierok, really awesome. Er, not to be too greedy, but do you have some footage of your wife as she skewers your ball that you would share?

  3. #1158
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    Yes that's a good way to ********. The heat of the knife coterizes the wound in case the inner band slips off, although it shouldn't since it's been super glued. Another variation of this technique, is to use a large very sharp bread knife and heat it until it's red hot. Then sever the sack and hold the red hot blade against the severed scrotum being careful not to melt the band. Just enough pressure to hold the hot blade against the empty sack.

  4. #1159
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    Quote Originally Posted by asdqqq View Post
    i can't see any of the pictures,
    i have this message:

    asdqqq, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
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    (newbie mode on)
    A poster here said that in order to be able to see pictures I must post something first. So I did. Hopefully it works. The thumbnails are great, would love to see the large version.
    (newbie mode off)

  5. #1160
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linklierok View Post

    Wow linklierok, really awesome. Er, not to be too greedy, but do you have some footage of your wife as she skewers your ball that you would share?
    Hehe you greedy bastards never happy. I have never used rapidshare very much so hope this work. The quality is not very good.

    Hope you guys and ladies enjoy.

  6. #1161
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    That's great watching a woman hurting a man's balls like that. Thanks Linklierok.

    Since this thread is about ********** I would still love to see something on the ********** theme. Perhaps your wife threatening to ******** you and her talking about ********** as she hurts and abuses your balls, or perhaps your wife performing a mock ********** on you and hearing her talk about ********** and about eunuchs and you as a eunuch while she is doing it.

    Would also like to see her wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows when she is doing it to you. Just seeing enough to know that it's a woman doing it and she has her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
    There has just always been something to me about a woman when she is wearing a regular long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows that makes her seem even more powerful, dominant, in charge and in control, omnipotent and Goddess-like, andwhen a woman is wearing a long sleeve shirt and she rolls up her sleeves, the guy pretty much knows she's really going to do him good, he's in for it and she means business.

  7. #1162
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    a funny movie
    Click image for larger version

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  8. #1163
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    I imagine the lady suddenly ripped the poor guy's penis away from his body.. that would make a scary, and yet somehow sensational, scene of a movie..

    (If the attachment doesn't work please forgive me, newbie here)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails niggerwhat.jpg  

  9. #1164
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    Quote Originally Posted by vilma7oo View Post
    a funny movie
    Click image for larger version

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    whats it about... any BB?

  10. #1165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jigillo42 View Post
    whats it about... any BB?

    Guaranteed to be the most controversial film in 2007 is Mitchell Lichtenstein’s TEETH, a coming-of-age horror story that is sure have you talking about it for days. The film, which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, has one major flaw – it’s a one trick pony. Our lead character, Dawn (Jess Weixler), was born with a mutation – teeth in her vagina.

    High school student Dawn works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group's most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's increasingly provocative behavior at home. A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth.

    The story, which was also written by Lichtenstein, could have easily been written in many different ways, he chose to go the “black comedy” route. Written like a fun, cheesy, classic monster movie, TEETH has a very sarcastic and fun tone that keeps the audience extremely comfortable until our one trick pony takes stage. When the “moment” arrives where our little vagina monster defends herself (I guess it’s a chick) the entire audience screams, yells and cheers like there’s no tomorrow. I guess you can compare it to films like BASKET CASE, where the audience sits in suspense until that special moment – the reveal. The thing with TEETH is that there are three of these moments, so you’re not just waiting until the final scene of the movie to get your money’s worth. But the problem lies in the fact that since we get the first “decapitation” pretty early in the film it doesn’t leave much to look forward to. I'm not saying that this makes the film a bad one, I've noticed that the film doesn't have much to stand on.

    With the screenplay, Lichtenstein did what anyone in his position would do. He added a heavy dose of phallic symbols and background themes such as, the stories of The Garden of Eden and Medusa. There are heavy references to snakes, forbidden fruit, innocence – and of course the beheading of Medusa. It was nice having a bit of these intertwined, since they added a much-needed layer to a thin plot.

    One problem with the screenplay was that certain scenes weren't very clear. Many of the audience members were complaining in the lobby about not understanding the relationship between Dawn and her aggressive, rebellious brother. In addition, the ending was extremely ludicrous and unnecessary, turning our hero into an instant venomous Villain… I guess they were trying to say that she took the forbidden fruit (had sex) and has been led down the path of evil. I get it, but I didn’t like it.

    Other positive things, that really enhanced the film's viewing experience were: The characters were well developed, the acting was extremely authentic, the cinematography was beautiful, the editing top notch and the production value was way up there. But what you all came to see was the vagina monster in action – how did it par up?

    The vagina dentate scenes escalated with every moment and as the movie progressed the events became worse and worse. Our first victim rapes Dawn and that’s when she realizes something might be wrong. She returns to the scene of the crime, just to make sure it wasn’t a dream only to find bugs chowing down on the male member. In addition, a gynecologist loses a few fingers and someone well deserving loses his penis as well. The level of blood was moderate, which made it more realistic and the way in which some of the scenes were shot were amazing. Especially the moment when Dawn decapitates one of the character's member and stands up, we see the penis fall from under her, onto the ground. It was truly a disturbing moment. It was truly a disturbing moment.

    As much as I didn’t love the film, I still think it’s a well-made movie that has potential to stir up some serious controversy. I hope TEETH finds it's way into theaters because it carries a special bite that one should share with a full theater. Whether you’re a male or a female TEETH is guaranteed to make you squirm and scream “OOOOOHHHHHH, NO WAY!” at least once… and sometimes that’s all you need.

    By Mr Disgusting

  11. #1166
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    Most excellent vids Linklierok. Out of curiousity, how did your wife learn how to skewer balls and how long does it take you to typically recover? Have you had any serious scares with needle usage?


  12. #1167
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    Good for a chuckle

    And then this

    If you have not seen this, an interview with a guy that was ********* by mistake during surgery

    Kinda funny

  13. #1168
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metalun View Post
    Most excellent vids Linklierok. Out of curiousity, how did your wife learn how to skewer balls and how long does it take you to typically recover? Have you had any serious scares with needle usage?
    Thank you! Well hehe you could say she "learned" in a day, or you could say it was my birthday a few years ago and I asked her to be harsher than she ever had, so she just decided to try it despite the risks hehe. She looked up info that said make sure the needles were sterile, don't use cheap sewing needles because their metal covering can come off in the tissue, and make sure that the needle does not 'wiggle' around inside.

    beyond that it she pretty much just shoved them in. She's done it maybe a dozen times since then, sometimes like 5 needles in but not all the way thru when she does that. She has ALWAYS been careful to not hit any visible veins, i think that helps.

    Usually when she does so, especially when its all the way thru longways, i have throbbing pain for a few days or so. beyond that it seems normal.

    Again though this is NOT an endorsement of total safety. My wife and I are both aware that she is doing permanent damage over time anyway in lots of other ways too.

    As you can see she's not opposed to damage.
    Last edited by linklierok; 02-25-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  14. #1169
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    Many thanks for all the links!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #1170
    Registered Member
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    Hi, I also have ********** fantasies. How I can watch the pics?

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