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Hello all!
I'm new to the forum and would just like to say how refreshing I find the openness and frankness of the discussion here. I have long harboured fantasies of this sort, and it's great that there is a place where we can chat about these things with like-minded people.
I would like to add that I am not insane or psychologically "damaged". For me it is the threat, the idea of being so totally at a woman's mercy that one has to do anything she says which is the turn-on. I don't really want to lose my cock and/or balls. However, the danger of that, the feel of cold steel stabbing, slicing, jerking you off... the total devotion to the girl who could ask you to do anything at that point knowing full well that you had no choice but to comply; that is a fantasy so hot that it is almost untrue!
It's difficult to say when or why these thoughts began. Nevertheless, when I was very young (about five years old) one of my favourite films was "The Scarlet Buccaneer". There is a wonderful scene in which the leading lady holds a knife to the balls of a major who is being particularly troublesome. "I shall cut them off if you persist", she tells him. I always felt a shiver of pleasure mixed with fear when I saw and heard that. Later, when I was about sixteen, that same feeling hit me when I heard about the "Bobbitt" case. I was shocked and disgusted on the one hand, but hugely aroused on the other. At that time I was in my first serious sexual relationship. I recall that my girlfriend kept a knife-shaped letter-opener on her bedside cabinet. I always wanted to ask her to threaten me with it and force me to do whatever she desired. But I never had the courage to utter that request, just as I never plucked up the strength to beg her to squeeze my balls tightly as we made love... .
To this day, I have only told two female friends of my feelings in this sphere. I have only ever practised light CBT (not even the use of replica blades yet!) with one woman. I would thus be interested not only in discussions, but also in hearing from (sane) females with an interest in this kind of fantasy. What is the attraction for you? If you happen to reside in the UK or Germany, I would value your comments even more!
Thanks for reading, and best wishes.