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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1456
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    No Problem! / Di (Femdom-World on **********)

    Quote Originally Posted by Finder View Post
    Change of topic: thanks to (person on this list) who pointed me to
    http://********************/studio/333 - just downloaded 7 videos and I have to say I'm impressed, they are everything I was hoping for and more. And no I'm not a shill for the studio. I'm willing to pay something for high-quality fringe material that's probably not in great demand. As you might guess, I found the video clips on Cock Whipping (he remains impressively erect throughout the abuse!), 2 videos with mild and severe cock-biting, and 1 video with a big knife - applied at least 4 or 5 times to her man's very erect penis (it must be a deliberately dull knife because she did some serious sawing with (I think) the sharp edge of the blade, but no blood).

    Di's personality is perfect for these videos. She obviously loves playing with the man's cock, keeping him on the edge of coming, and is proud of her technique. She is comfortable and intimate with the camera, looks completely relaxed, and keeps a running hot commentary going throughout the clip. This is good stuff. Thanks for posting the link!
    Dear Finder,

    That was me, if I recall correctly. I haven't visited this forum for quite some time, so my memory is a touch hazy. Please do ask Di at Femdom World to shoot another, similar video. The one that she did with the knife (as well as a couple of others including a great tit-fucking clip, which I believe is the only scene in which we get to see her beautiful, bare breasts) were in direct response to requests that I made. However, I don't want to pester her non-stop, so perhaps others could join in and ask her? She is extremely pleasant and very helpful... and, no, I have no connection with the site either, other than admiring their material.

    Best wishes,


  2. #1457
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    Originally posted by Lew27
    Sara,have you ever used the burdizzo clamp when you were a veterinary assistant?Itss sort of the most non gross method of **********.If you used it on a guy,you could hear the crunch of the cords being crushed and then slowly watch his balls shrink away over time and know that its because of what your hands did to him!

    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara View Post
    Yeah, I've used it on smaller younger animals.
    It's supposed to be better for them than other methods because there aren't any incisions to get infected.

    I could feel the crunch, but not hear it.
    There's a pic of that tool above this post.

    On a guy it wouldn't be dramatic enough.
    No trophies for me either!

    I spent my summer vacation at a dude ranch this summer and one of the things we did was help with castrations. I used a burdizzo clamp on several young bulls and it was exciting to feel and hear that crunch as you closed the clamp on their cords. They would always make a vigorous struggle then but it was to late for them to get away from it, just a nervous reaction I am sure from their nerve cords being severed.

  3. #1458
    Member megakrassus's Avatar
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    hmm somehow i cant believe, that it makes a crushing sound, if the cord is being crushed.
    if you try to "crush" a thin piece of meat, it doesnt make a crushing sound i guess.
    But tell me if im wrong, maybe the sound is just a gentle "crunch"?

  4. #1459
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    I qm in love with snood;e

  5. #1460
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    Who isnt in love with our snoodle?

  6. #1461
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    Quote Originally Posted by megakrassus View Post
    hmm somehow i cant believe, that it makes a crushing sound, if the cord is being crushed.
    if you try to "crush" a thin piece of meat, it doesnt make a crushing sound i guess.
    But tell me if im wrong, maybe the sound is just a gentle "crunch"?

    hmmm guess you have not used burdizzo to ******** bulls

    Not sure what your misunderstanding is here exactly.

    The burdizzos did make a "sound" when they were closed, maybe some do not but all the burdizzos at the ranch did. The sound is different when it is closed empty and when it is closed on nut cord. I was referring to this "sound" that is made when the burdizzo is closed on nut cords.

    Guess you never handled a bull's nut cord cause it is not a thin piece of soft meat, maybe your cord is soft meat but a bull's is not. It is sheathed in a very strong gristly like covering, not at all like soft meat, certainly not like soft steak meat or a soft penis.

    As for a name for the "sound" that is made, what is the difference between "crush" and "crunch"? I am not sure. Seems like a "crunch" would be louder than a "crush". It wasn't very loud sound. One had to listen very closely and have good hearing when actually closing a burdizzo on the bulls nut cords cause they made loud bellowing sounds. The sound was sort of a dull sound.

    Oh well, call it what you like, crush, crunch, snip, snap, clip, nick, whatever. The important thing is that the burdizzo is a fast, easy way to ******** bulls without all the mess, course the disadvantage is that you don't get any oyster fry! Don't think it matters very much, unless maybe some people get off on that sound. Perhaps thats it, do you get off on a "crunch"? Or, do you have a fantasy of being "crunched"? That would be neat!

  7. #1462
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    *This thread needs more pics...*

    Last edited by finally; 03-29-2011 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #1463
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    Oh well, call it what you like, crush, crunch, snip, snap, clip, nick, whatever. The important thing is that the burdizzo is a fast, easy way to ******** bulls without all the mess, course the disadvantage is that you don't get any oyster fry!

    Becki, Have you ever had oyster fries before? I never had any before and would like to try.

  9. #1464
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    finally, that is one of the best photoshoped pictures on this board ...

  10. #1465
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    Quote Originally Posted by saucem View Post
    Oh well, call it what you like, crush, crunch, snip, snap, clip, nick, whatever. The important thing is that the burdizzo is a fast, easy way to ******** bulls without all the mess, course the disadvantage is that you don't get any oyster fry!

    Becki, Have you ever had oyster fries before? I never had any before and would like to try.

    Surely you are teasing me now saucem - what would you be doing with all that sauce all these years?
    And don't tell me you just put it on your wiener

    They did serve them at the ranch and they were delcious!

  11. #1466
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    Becki, thanks for sharing. I went to a lot of "branding" parties when I was in South Dakota. I never had any of the oysters seemed cruel to eat them while the steer stood there watching.

  12. #1467
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hasta View Post
    Becki, thanks for sharing. I went to a lot of "branding" parties when I was in South Dakota. I never had any of the oysters seemed cruel to eat them while the steer stood there watching.
    You called them branding parties? That is interesting. They must have roasted them right there on the branding fire as they cut the nuts out? Could not get any fresher than that!

    Hmmm, somehow I don't think the bulls, rather steers, would be thinking so much about you eating their nuts, they would still be reacting to losing their nut and having an empty or missing nut sac.

    We gathered ours up and took them in to prepare them and served them at chow time.

  13. #1468
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    I would really like getting my balls tortured and cut off by a beautiful woman. I think watching her feeding them to a dog would be fun, too.

  14. #1469
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  15. #1470
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NNF4E View Post
    I dont wish to offend anyone, but cartoons suck.
    For example I draw this image in MSpaint in less than 2 minutes.

    I am not an artist, just a computer programmer. I mean whoever gets aroused by what I can draw in less than 2 minutes is easily satisfied reality check people !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 2minutes.jpg  

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