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Thread: Cowgirls Performing **********

  1. #211
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    Gelding Horses

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    Hey Becki, have you ever done horses?

    Hi Snoodle, yes, we gelded a few horses at the ranch but not nearly so many as bulls.

    Unlike bulls, we gave the horses shots of anesthetic in each nut before we cut them out. That is quite the experience. You have to hold each nut very tightly when you stick the needle in the nut so it won't squirm around and get away from you. Also, the lady that showed us how to do it said that horses can often draw their nuts up into their body if you don't hold them tight. Then it is hard to get to the escaped nut.

    The horse Association even has a form now for the castrator or castratrix to sign and swear as to which nut or nuts were cut out cause if you don't get both nuts and one is drawn up then when you sell the horse as a gelding it really is not a gelding but a cryptorchid (meaning it has one nut drawed up inside). Course, then instead if it being and acting like a gelding (nice and gentle) it will still act just like a stud and try to fuck everything in heat as well as being rowdy and uncontrollable just like a man.

    All and all, what with the anesthetic and their propensity to draw their nuts up, the lady said horses are the most like ********** men.

    But, you know, their is nothing quite comparable to the way bull balls hang low and swing back and forth, I just love that, they are so much easier to play with. Wish guys had such big, low hanging nuts !!!

  2. #212
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Hi Snoodle, yes, we gelded a few horses at the ranch but not nearly so many as bulls.

    Unlike bulls, we gave the horses shots of anesthetic in each nut before we cut them out. That is quite the experience. You have to hold each nut very tightly when you stick the needle in the nut so it won't squirm around and get away from you. Also, the lady that showed us how to do it said that horses can often draw their nuts up into their body if you don't hold them tight. Then it is hard to get to the escaped nut.

    The horse Association even has a form now for the castrator or castratrix to sign and swear as to which nut or nuts were cut out cause if you don't get both nuts and one is drawn up then when you sell the horse as a gelding it really is not a gelding but a cryptorchid (meaning it has one nut drawed up inside). Course, then instead if it being and acting like a gelding (nice and gentle) it will still act just like a stud and try to fuck everything in heat as well as being rowdy and uncontrollable just like a man.

    All and all, what with the anesthetic and their propensity to draw their nuts up, the lady said horses are the most like ********** men.

    But, you know, their is nothing quite comparable to the way bull balls hang low and swing back and forth, I just love that, they are so much easier to play with. Wish guys had such big, low hanging nuts !!!

    So, you just gave them an injection and cut them out? I was under the impression that a lot of people use specially designed tools for horses, like elastrators, or those burdizzo things. I guess that's probably because their balls are so tricky.

    I imagine doing a horse was probably a bit of a power trip...I mean, think of how many guys like to compare themselves to horses. That's like ********** a sexual demigod, right there.
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  3. #213
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    Gelding Studs

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    So, you just gave them an injection and cut them out? I was under the impression that a lot of people use specially designed tools for horses, like elastrators, or those burdizzo things. I guess that's probably because their balls are so tricky.

    I imagine doing a horse was probably a bit of a power trip...I mean, think of how many guys like to compare themselves to horses. That's like ********** a sexual demigod, right there.

    Well yes, there was more to it than just shooting their cods & then cutting the cods out.

    I will try to give you a blow by blow (actually a stic by slit) account. I am still learning about ********** & no expert so if don't remember quite right, forgive, & by all means as they say - don't try this at home boys & girls - this is not an instruction manual - only my experience as I was taught & a record of what we did as best I can remember.

    We first gave them an injection in the neck with an antibotic & sedative,
    then after they were quieted for a few minutes we restrained them,
    some of them we ********* in a standing position & some we ********* reclining on their side, don't remember why for which, but personally I prefer to ******** them reclining as it is just easier to work on their balls that way, somehow I prefer to ******** bulls standing - but thats another story,
    then we washed their scrotums very throughly with an antiseptic solution,
    then one of us would grasp the neck of the scrotum tightly to prevent the stud from drawing his nuts up inside,
    then we injected each of their stones as we squeezed them very tightly to the bottom of their scrotal sac & held them there as firmly as we could,
    then we would release the pressure from the stones,
    then we massaged each stone for a while to make sure the anesthic had taken hold & they had numb nuts,
    then we would gather up a wrinkle of skin on the bottom area of the scrotum sac,
    then we slit open the bottom of their scrotal sac with a special little scapel,
    then we squeezed out each nut.

    For some reason I just love to see huge stones slide gently out of their scrotal sac home all nice & hot & slick and into my hand & feel their heavy weight. I suppose you can call that a power trip, but it also makes me hot and wet. I just get dizzy when I see the nuts sliding out of the sac, wether it is bull, stud, goat, and I suppose it would be the same with a man!

    Then, once the sac has been slit open & the nuts slide out & hanging by their cords we used an emasculator to clamp & cut the cords with.
    We used I think it was called a "Reimer Emasculator" which I think it is just the brand name. It is a very interesting instrument, it has 3 handles & it clamps the cord with 2 handles which lock shut to prevent any bleeding,
    then we squeeze the third handle to cut the nut cord freeing the stud's stones into our hand.

    The lady that ran the ranch showed us a bunch of different kinds of emasculators that had only 2 handles & she said were not so good as the 3 handle Reimer
    - Whites & Sands which clamp & cut all in one stroke
    - Franks & Serra which do not clamp at all, just cut

    So, yes, there are many different ********** implements,
    - most seem to be named after guys although someone said the Burdizzo was named after an Italian lady vet,
    - BTW we only used the Burdizzo on bulls, not on studs

    Anyway, thats how I remember it, if I got it wrong I am sure someone will let me know !

  4. #214
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    Gelding Studs

    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Well yes, there was more to it than just shooting their cods & then cutting the cods out.

    I will try to give you a blow by blow (actually a stic by slit) account. I am still learning about ********** & no expert so if don't remember quite right, forgive, & by all means as they say - don't try this at home boys & girls - this is not an instruction manual - only my experience as I was taught & a record of what we did as best I can remember.

    We first gave them an injection in the neck with an antibotic & sedative,
    then after they were quieted for a few minutes we restrained them,
    some of them we ********* in a standing position & some we ********* reclining on their side, don't remember why for which, but personally I prefer to ******** them reclining as it is just easier to work on their balls that way, somehow I prefer to ******** bulls standing - but thats another story,
    then we washed their scrotums very throughly with an antiseptic solution,
    then one of us would grasp the neck of the scrotum tightly to prevent the stud from drawing his nuts up inside,
    then we injected each of their stones as we squeezed them very tightly to the bottom of their scrotal sac & held them there as firmly as we could,
    then we would release the pressure from the stones,
    then we massaged each stone for a while to make sure the anesthic had taken hold & they had numb nuts,
    then we would gather up a wrinkle of skin on the bottom area of the scrotum sac,
    then we slit open the bottom of their scrotal sac with a special little scapel,
    then we squeezed out each nut.

    For some reason I just love to see huge stones slide gently out of their scrotal sac home all nice & hot & slick and into my hand & feel their heavy weight. I suppose you can call that a power trip, but it also makes me hot and wet. I just get dizzy when I see the nuts sliding out of the sac, wether it is bull, stud, goat, and I suppose it would be the same with a man!

    Then, once the sac has been slit open & the nuts slide out & hanging by their cords we used an emasculator to clamp & cut the cords with.
    We used I think it was called a "Reimer Emasculator" which I think it is just the brand name. It is a very interesting instrument, it has 3 handles & it clamps the cord with 2 handles which lock shut to prevent any bleeding,
    then we squeeze the third handle to cut the nut cord freeing the stud's stones into our hand.

    The lady that ran the ranch showed us a bunch of different kinds of emasculators that had only 2 handles & she said were not so good as the 3 handle Reimer
    - Whites & Sands which clamp & cut all in one stroke
    - Franks & Serra which do not clamp at all, just cut

    So, yes, there are many different ********** implements,
    - most seem to be named after guys although someone said the Burdizzo was named after an Italian lady vet,
    - BTW we only used the Burdizzo on bulls, not on studs

    Anyway, thats how I remember it, if I got it wrong I am sure someone will let me know !

    Oh, I forgot, we then sprayed a some kind of a special solution on the studs empty sac and closed it up !!

    There was actually very little bleeding at all, I was surprised.

    Also, the stud was awake all the time and never struggled or made any sound.

    He got up after he was ********* and we walked him around a bit and he never complained at all.

    He didn't seem to be bothered at all about being *********.

    The lady that ran the ranch said that was the way it should be and those clips on the internet that show them bleeding and their balls being pulled and ripped out the cords and all and the studs reacting are just not being done as safely as we did them.

  5. #215
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    God is Goddess. Goddess is female. Women are female like The Goddess. The Goddess created women to be living embodiments of herself in the world. She created men and males to worship and serve women, one of the ways men worship and serve The Goddess is by worshipping and serving women. The Goddess gave women dominion over all males including men and She gave women the responsibility to care for and control all males. This includes caring for and controlling men, and this is done for the good of women and for the good of the men too.

    I am drawn to symbols of female power and male submission. I think that's where my sleeve fetish comes from. The man in a long sleeve shirt, his sleeves down, his arms covered completely to his hands in long sleeves. The woman in a long sleeve shirt, her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, her arms bare to above her elbows with her sleeves rolled up. It is a female power/male submission thing.

    The Goddess placed the female organs inside the female body where they are safe and protected and powerful. She placed the male organs outside the male body where they are exposed and vulnerable.

    All medical things and surgery including ********** must only ever be performed by women. These things must never ever be performed or done by men. All medicine and surgery including ********** must only be done by women.

    When a woman castrates a male cutting out his testicles and his manhood is destroyed at her hands, she feels and knows and has within herself the power and omnipotence of The Goddess Herself. This is true when she castrates a male animal, and even more true when she castrates a man. It's as if the castratrix is The Goddess and by ********** the male she creates him into what she needs and wants him to be for her own needs and purposes. When she does this she truly becomes The Goddess Herself.

    When a man is ********* should he be awake and conscious so he experiences it fully physically, sexually, and emotionally, and so he knows that a woman is performing the ********** on him and his manhood is being destroyed at her hands? Shopuld he be ********* slowly and gently like Becki and the other ladies at the ranch ********* the bulls and stallions? Should he be ********* by a veterinarian or by some cowgirls since these women have the most experience with ********** and know best how to do it? I will let the ladies here answer this because the women are the best ones to answer it.

    Are these things true? Is this part of the power and omnipotence The Goddess intends for women? Are eunuchs better off then intact men? The men selected for breeding, once they have provided this service should the women ******** them too, is this what is best for women, eunuchs, and men? Is this what The Goddess intended because in Her love for us She knows it is what's best for all of us? Again I will let the ladies here answer these questions because the women are the best ones to answer them.

    I hope the ladies here like Becki, Snoodle, Julie, and other ladies here will answer all these questions because we men need the women's omnipotent Goddess guidance.

  6. #216
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    Gelding Studs with our Sleeves Rolled UP

    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Well yes, there was more to it than just shooting their cods & then cutting the cods out.

    I will try to give you a blow by blow (actually a stic by slit) account. I am still learning about ********** & no expert so if don't remember quite right, forgive, & by all means as they say - don't try this at home boys & girls - this is not an instruction manual - only my experience as I was taught & a record of what we did as best I can remember.

    We first gave them an injection in the neck with an antibotic & sedative,
    then after they were quieted for a few minutes we restrained them,
    some of them we ********* in a standing position & some we ********* reclining on their side, don't remember why for which, but personally I prefer to ******** them reclining as it is just easier to work on their balls that way, somehow I prefer to ******** bulls standing - but thats another story,
    then we washed their scrotums very throughly with an antiseptic solution,
    then one of us would grasp the neck of the scrotum tightly to prevent the stud from drawing his nuts up inside,
    then we injected each of their stones as we squeezed them very tightly to the bottom of their scrotal sac & held them there as firmly as we could,
    then we would release the pressure from the stones,
    then we massaged each stone for a while to make sure the anesthic had taken hold & they had numb nuts,
    then we would gather up a wrinkle of skin on the bottom area of the scrotum sac,
    then we slit open the bottom of their scrotal sac with a special little scapel,
    then we squeezed out each nut.

    For some reason I just love to see huge stones slide gently out of their scrotal sac home all nice & hot & slick and into my hand & feel their heavy weight. I suppose you can call that a power trip, but it also makes me hot and wet. I just get dizzy when I see the nuts sliding out of the sac, wether it is bull, stud, goat, and I suppose it would be the same with a man!

    Then, once the sac has been slit open & the nuts slide out & hanging by their cords we used an emasculator to clamp & cut the cords with.
    We used I think it was called a "Reimer Emasculator" which I think it is just the brand name. It is a very interesting instrument, it has 3 handles & it clamps the cord with 2 handles which lock shut to prevent any bleeding,
    then we squeeze the third handle to cut the nut cord freeing the stud's stones into our hand.

    The lady that ran the ranch showed us a bunch of different kinds of emasculators that had only 2 handles & she said were not so good as the 3 handle Reimer
    - Whites & Sands which clamp & cut all in one stroke
    - Franks & Serra which do not clamp at all, just cut

    So, yes, there are many different ********** implements,
    - most seem to be named after guys although someone said the Burdizzo was named after an Italian lady vet,
    - BTW we only used the Burdizzo on bulls, not on studs

    Anyway, thats how I remember it, if I got it wrong I am sure someone will let me know !

    Oh, I forgot to mention that we should have all rolled our long shirt sleeves up above the elbow before we started ********** -

    We should not be too hard on pet, everyone has a fetish of some kind - if not, they are not much fun !!!

    I had a boyfriend once that would get a hard-on every time I exposed my bare, naked, shaved arm pits !!! He had jerked off to Playboy fold outs way to many times !!! You know, the classic cheesecake pose with the hands behind the head?

    Also, had a boyfriend that would get hard when I called him a eunuch - but that is another story

  7. #217
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    A man's ********** should also be done in such a way that he is awake and conscious, feeling it physically and emotionally, responding sexually to the ********** and to the castratrix, and so it is an experience the eunuch will remember with fear and worship of the castratrix forever as a major experience that has made him what he is. To do that enough anesthesia should be used so he is kept from the worst pain so he doesn't faint from the pain, but so he still has some sensation in his balls and his penis. It should also be an experience of intense fear at the hands of the woman ********** him. His ********** at her hands should be a very intense and memorable experience the eunuch will fully remember forever. She should also perform it very slowly because her performing it slowly will burn the experience more deeply into the eunuch's memory.

    The castratrix should also drain him completely of semen while she is performing the ********** surgery on him.

    I must also say Becki, you are an absolute omnipotent Goddess among castratrices. I have wondered what it would be like for me with my arms completely covered in long sleeves, to lay strapped down helpless to your gelding table looking up at you standing over me with your long sleeves rolled up above your elbows and worshipping you as the Goddess you are while you slowly cut my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at your hands.

    Then I wonder what it would be like forever worshipping you and also personally serving you as your personal eunuch servant/slave/pet a eunuch slave ********* at your hands. How can I serve you after you ******** me?

  8. #218
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    Becki, I don't suppose I could convince you to reply to him with "Stop posting", could I?

  9. #219
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    Becky, have you or your girlfriends ever squeezed ********* nuts just to know what they feels like, or to know how fast they return to their original form, or to study them nad test them in various ways?
    Aren't you girls curious about it, especially because you can not do all these things when the nuts are attached to a male.
    Because when I see pictures on the Internet, girls always handle the ********* nuts very very gentle and carefully, are they scared to hurt the nuts or scared that juices would come out if they squeeze them, or what?
    What about being cruel to ********* nuts, have you ever?
    I heard that if you boil them without taking out the outer membrane that they would eventually pop/explode because of the internal pressure, have you ever done this?
    Any stories, if so then how you girls feel about it when you do it, do you laugh, do you talk about it?

  10. #220
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    Ball Bash

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Becky, have you or your girlfriends ever squeezed ********* nuts just to know what they feels like, or to know how fast they return to their original form, or to study them nad test them in various ways?
    Aren't you girls curious about it, especially because you can not do all these things when the nuts are attached to a male.
    Because when I see pictures on the Internet, girls always handle the ********* nuts very very gentle and carefully, are they scared to hurt the nuts or scared that juices would come out if they squeeze them, or what?
    What about being cruel to ********* nuts, have you ever?
    I heard that if you boil them without taking out the outer membrane that they would eventually pop/explode because of the internal pressure, have you ever done this?
    Any stories, if so then how you girls feel about it when you do it, do you laugh, do you talk about it?

    I wasn't going to tell this but some of the gals there did get in a Ball Bash
    - like a food fight only with raw balls
    - have you ever been hit up side the head with raw bull ball?
    - Smarts a great deal

    - I thought it was a waste of yummy goodies but to each his own !!!

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richter View Post
    Becki, I don't suppose I could convince you to reply to him with "Stop posting", could I?

    I think that has already been tried several times here

    - all to no avail
    - if anything it just made him post more

  12. #222
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    I think that has already been tried several times here

    - all to no avail
    - if anything it just made him post more
    What amazes me the most is how often he types all that out. Frankly, I would find that to be a waste of time (still do, actually). If you actually read it (which, god help me, I have just to see if it was copypasta) it's always sliiiiightly different.

    So, Becki, have you ever used an elastrator? I really like the idea of those things. Any of the horses get hardons like the bulls had?
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  13. #223
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    Elastrators & Stud Hardons

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    What amazes me the most is how often he types all that out. Frankly, I would find that to be a waste of time (still do, actually). If you actually read it (which, god help me, I have just to see if it was copypasta) it's always sliiiiightly different.

    So, Becki, have you ever used an elastrator? I really like the idea of those things. Any of the horses get hardons like the bulls had?

    Yes, we used elastrators on bull calves, their balls are more like man size than are the older bulls.

    Also, we used burdizzo on some goats

    No, none of horses got hardons that I know of, although a couple of them did get "softons" where they let their penis hang out all limp and soft like instead of being tucked in and wow are they big around
    - don't know what that means
    - maybe they were about to pee?
    - maybe they got a very faint whiff of mare?
    - maybe their reaction to all the wet women
    - just didn't quite do it for them

    - anyone know?

  14. #224
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    Elastrators & Elastration

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    So, Becki, have you ever used an elastrator? I really like the idea of those things.

    Yes, I like the elastrator too.
    It is so quick and easy with no muss, no fuss

    I think if I ever got really pissed off with a guy I would elastrate him. Have you seen those rubber bands?
    OMG those bands are so strong !!!

    I would just love to see a guy try to get one of those bands off his little nut bag !!!

    The lady at the ranch said they are so strong and so small that they might even damage a guys cords just putting it on. I see somewhere guys claiming to play with elastrators own there own nuts, but I cannot believe they use the same rubber bands we had there.

    How about it guys and eunuchs ???

  15. #225
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    Playing with ********* balls

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Becky, have you or your girlfriends ever squeezed ********* nuts just to know what they feels like, or to know how fast they return to their original form, or to study them nad test them in various ways?
    Aren't you girls curious about it, especially because you can not do all these things when the nuts are attached to a male.


    Yes, we got to play with a lot of ********* bull nuts, not only when we cut them out but later when we prepared them for snack time hor'd ourves. The membrane is very tough so when the membrane is still on the balls are very strong and you can squeeze, bash, smash, bounce them off the wall or someone. After the membrane is removed the balls are more like liver, much softer and squishyer. Squeeze them and they may squirt out of your hand.

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