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Thread: Cowgirls Performing **********

  1. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Yes, I like the elastrator too.
    It is so quick and easy with no muss, no fuss

    I think if I ever got really pissed off with a guy I would elastrate him. Have you seen those rubber bands?
    OMG those bands are so strong !!!

    I would just love to see a guy try to get one of those bands off his little nut bag !!!

    The lady at the ranch said they are so strong and so small that they might even damage a guys cords just putting it on. I see somewhere guys claiming to play with elastrators own there own nuts, but I cannot believe they use the same rubber bands we had there.

    How about it guys and eunuchs ???
    I've heard it's possible to safely ******** a guy by banding him and leaving the band on for at least 12 hours then putting a second band about 3/4" out from the first one which is as close to the body as possible. Then cut half way between the bands with a red hot knife to cauterize the cords in case they slip out of the band. Now of course this is very painfull, but it would also serve to bond the Castratrix with her eunuch. What do you think about this becki?

  2. #227
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    Must be very painful

    Quote Originally Posted by want2b333 View Post
    I've heard it's possible to safely ******** a guy by banding him and leaving the band on for at least 12 hours then putting a second band about 3/4" out from the first one which is as close to the body as possible. Then cut half way between the bands with a red hot knife to cauterize the cords in case they slip out of the band. Now of course this is very painfull, but it would also serve to bond the Castratrix with her eunuch. What do you think about this becki?
    Well, yes want2b, I think that would indeed be very painful !!!
    It would probably hurt much worse than BB
    Do you want to be done that way?

  3. #228
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    I have been wondering Becki how you would go about ********** me, how long it would take you to perform the **********, and what it would be like while you are cutting my nuts out.

  4. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Well, yes want2b, I think that would indeed be very painful !!!
    It would probably hurt much worse than BB
    Do you want to be done that way?
    becki, yes that's the way I'd like to be done. Once it's healed I'd have the smooth look and my castratrix could keep my package as trophy if she liked.

  5. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    I wasn't going to tell this but some of the gals there did get in a Ball Bash
    - like a food fight only with raw balls
    - have you ever been hit up side the head with raw bull ball?
    - Smarts a great deal

    - I thought it was a waste of yummy goodies but to each his own !!!
    That's crazy!
    Do you think it would hurt a man to get hit in the balls with a bull ball?

  6. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Yes, we got to play with a lot of ********* bull nuts, not only when we cut them out but later when we prepared them for snack time hor'd ourves. The membrane is very tough so when the membrane is still on the balls are very strong and you can squeeze, bash, smash, bounce them off the wall or someone. After the membrane is removed the balls are more like liver, much softer and squishyer. Squeeze them and they may squirt out of your hand.
    Do they bounce like tennis balls???

  7. #232
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    Becki, do you or any of your girlfriends have huge nuts preserved in a jar? And do you show them to your male friends shaking the jar for the balls to bounce around? If so what are the male's reactions to it?

  8. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by becki2shoe View Post
    Yes, we used elastrators on bull calves, their balls are more like man size than are the older bulls.

    Also, we used burdizzo on some goats

    No, none of horses got hardons that I know of, although a couple of them did get "softons" where they let their penis hang out all limp and soft like instead of being tucked in and wow are they big around
    - don't know what that means
    - maybe they were about to pee?
    - maybe they got a very faint whiff of mare?
    - maybe their reaction to all the wet women
    - just didn't quite do it for them

    - anyone know?
    Well, it might have been 'cause they were 'relaxed,' since they were sedated. I read somewhere that it just kind of flops out when they're mellow. ...either that, or maybe it was a last ditch effort at some fun? XD

    How big was it?
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  9. #234
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    Got to say that thread is awesome, mostly thank to Becki.

    Keep on the good job turning us on. =)

  10. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    Well, it might have been 'cause they were 'relaxed,' since they were sedated. I read somewhere that it just kind of flops out when they're mellow. ...either that, or maybe it was a last ditch effort at some fun? XD

    How big was it?
    Usually animals can smell better than humans. I think they could somewhat smell the girls' wet pussies, that's why they got somewhat hard. I think that if becky place herself near thier noses, they would get full hard and cum.

  11. #236
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    ********** my pet

    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    I have been wondering Becki
    how you would go about ********** me,
    how long it would take you to perform the **********, and
    what it would be like while you are cutting my nuts out.

    My, my, pet, so you are trainable after all !!!
    You may make a good eunuch yet !!

    I knew you must have some kind of smarts with all the questions you ask
    - very weird, very rude, very whacko, but with some kind of smarts
    - good to see you limit yourself to 1 very complex question instead of the whole world, so maybe you are trainable.

    Thats the important part of a good eunuch you knnow
    - being trainable for something USEFUL to your OWNER (rather than yourself)
    - cuting the nuts out & turning a male into a eunuch is the trival part

    How I would go about it:
    My experience with men is that if I want a good slave, and thats how I view a eunuch - a good slave first, that is then *********, so I first ******** his mind, ******** him mentally, emotionally, psychologically, before I ever start on his balls. This is the most important part.

    How long would it take me to ******** you:
    From what I have read from you so far - it would take a very long time to ******** you properly.
    - first, your mind seems to be in quite a rut, major, severe ********** & retraining effort required there. Unlike in ancient times, it is not easy sell an unfit eunuch. Ladies today have far fewer eunuchs so they only want good ones and the few eunuch slave markets are underground and hard to find.
    - second, you have not demonstrated any good lady's eunuch skills, major training effort required there. I am not a "pro domme" I need a eunuch that can DO something for ME other than just kneel at my feet & worship me or lay in a cage all day.
    - third, cutting your balls out (which is all you seem interested in of all this) would take a lot longer than a routine ********** because it would be for my pleasure and the pleasure of my girlfriends.

    What it would be like while I am cutting your nuts out:
    - first, you would have to serve my girlfriends
    - second, they would all have to know & see that you need to be *********
    - third, ...

    So you see, even this one little question (with 3 very large parts) when posed to me prompts an almost endless amount of detail - it would take weeks to play out, either in writting or in real life and unfortunately everyone here is bored to tears and beyond with all this and I am sure they don't want to hear me go on that long either.

  12. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by want2b333 View Post
    becki, yes that's the way I'd like to be done. Once it's healed I'd have the smooth look and my castratrix could keep my package as trophy if she liked.
    - So how big is your trophy package want2b?
    - Has it been mutilated with your BB play, needles, weight hanging, tortures?
    - How many nuts 0, 1, 2, 3? (yes, I knew a boy once that had 3, atl least for a while).
    - Any scars or tatoos on the scrotum sac?

  13. #238
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    BB men with Bull Balls

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    That's crazy!
    Do you think it would hurt a man to get hit in the balls with a bull ball?

    Could do. Depending on who throws it and how good a shot. Also, how tough the man's balls are.

    Good point tho, I will have to try doing BB with bull balls, never thought of that.

    Hmmmm, lets see, I think I will first try squeezing a man's balls between 2 bull balls, then ...

  14. #239
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    Bouncing Bull Balls

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Do they bounce like tennis balls???
    Bull balls with sheath intact do bounce but not quite like tennis balls

  15. #240
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    Showing preserved trophy nuts to boyfriends

    Quote Originally Posted by MiniBoi View Post
    Becki, do you or any of your girlfriends have huge nuts preserved in a jar? And do you show them to your male friends shaking the jar for the balls to bounce around? If so what are the male's reactions to it?

    The lady that ran the ranch first gave us training lessons in the ********** sequence, restraining, handling, & preping males for **********, ********** instruments, how to use the instruments, ********** related meds, injections, & examples of ********* nuts.

    She had a collection of balls from a large number of different type males. Such a collection is fascinating.

    I have not done this but may start my collection this summer as I am sure it would be wonderful for entertaining guys - sort keep the subject focused on whats important in the relationship !!!

    First I will need to study preservation methods and display options.

    Any suggestions appreciated !!!

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