Originally Posted by
Castratrix's pet
I did visit the o-r-r.com site and even joined once. At that time they had a series of pics and I think a video of a mock ********** being done by a woman doctor named Surgeon Bo.
If this picture was on o-r-r.com, then they took it from Webshots. If you look at each of the different sets of pics this Webshots member has you will see not all of them are about ********** and surgery and veterinarians, but the young woman holding the testicle is in all the sets in that member's album.
The woman holding the testicle is the Webshots member. It says there that she is a veterinary student in college studying to be a veterinarian. So she is not a scrub nurse, she is a veterinary surgeon. She herself performed the ********** on a large male dog, and she held up the second testicle after she cut it off.
Like I said, looking into her beautiful blue eyes, I would love to undergo surgical ********** at her hands performed while I was awake and without anesthesia, and with her not wearing the mask so I could see her whole face, and in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I'm not into feet or kicking or kneeing at all, but I am very much into a very dominant woman doing things to my balls or to my cock and balls with her hands like squeezing, grinding, twisting, grabbing, punching, milking, and of course **********.
When a woman is doing things to my balls or to my cock and balls, when I like to look into her eyes but I want to see her entire face, so no mask. I also like to see her breasts and also her naked pubic area. I want to know she is a woman doing it to me.