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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #2641
    Registered Member
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    Apr 2008

    really good

    I like it, but it is not as active as the real pic.

  2. #2642
    Supreme Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by aniMALE View Post
    Bustme2hard were you flooded of pms of guys asking to be ********* by your gf?
    Not yet, but I've only just introduced her to the forum.
    As a guy into bb myself, I can assume that some of you might find it hot that she draws most of her bb art while topless.
    We're both into around-the-house nudity, both for comfort and for saving on air-conditioning bills.
    I saw the lastest panel last night, and it's a beauty. She did it so fast, too!
    It's a nice POV shot.
    I think it's cool how she and I can work together on making an art website for her, because she's got the drawing skills (which I'm beyond terrible at), and I've got the insight of a male who's been into bb for years and years -- so I can guide her as to what guys like to see.
    Although, she's picked up so much of what I've already told her, she appears almost ready to fly solo! She's just picking it up so fast, it's great!

  3. #2643
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    More personal bb info: My girlfriend is always, always in the mood to hurt my balls. And she always is ready to go further than I can endure! I feel like such a pussy sometimes, because my petite, teenaged (19) girlfriend can so easily push me to my limit, and I've seen bb videos with guys enduring much more than I can. I'm not weak, but I am average. Kind of makes me want to see her bust a "super high endurance" guy, but I doubt we'd really want to set up something like that. Especially since she'll then want to treat MY balls just as harshly after that emboldening, empowering experience!

    Oh well...

    She wants to stick needles through my nuts, as well as a rod up my dick, but I can't take either one of those, I'm sure! I had an extremely strong pain when she tried the penis rod. She literally begged me to let her try that! She said it's because women associate penetration with arousal, since they usually get penetrated during sex.
    But anyway, she loves staring me in the face up close and grinning ear-to-ear while she's squeezing the hell out of my balls! She's like, "Are you a pussy boy? Are you?" She can make a damn scary domme! But she's also very, very submissive. I literally spank her until my hand is stinging so bad I can't continue, and she endures it all that way! That's usually during sex. She also likes me to bite her, spit on her, and call her names during sex. Yet, she can totally reverse things, and dominate me to a high point of fear!
    Being totally tied up where I couldn't move caused that fear in me, so that, unfortunately, I couldn't fully enjoy the experience, because I was blindfolded and had no idea what creative thing she was going to do next to cause me pain.

  4. #2644
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    Interesting BB manga but how to get it?

    Hi guys,

    I think someone posted a very interesting BB manga at this url:

    but it seems to be required a DLKey in order to get it.

    I'm pretty sure that the author wrote it down in the thread he posted the download in, that is at this url:

    Unfortunately, it's japanese only.
    Anyone able to read it would try to understand if the key is written there?
    Or which way to download it?
    It looks so interesting that, if required, I would also buy it, but I just need to understand how.

    A small preview is attached.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 0502_3.jpg   5c43232602670de5902cf3edb6a198db.jpg  

  5. #2645
    Join Date
    May 2008
    nice site! Very!

  6. #2646
    Senior Member thumpskin's Avatar
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    Someone needs to find what these are from. I've asked 4chan several times with no success.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Translation%20Request.jpg   manga2j.jpg  

  7. #2647
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    This is bustme2hards girlfriend again! :3

    I finished the first page of the comic and added a background for the second page which is the main character that we posted the other day. (Joanne).

    We got ourselfs a new scanner so luckly the black and white panels you see will be the only ones! :3

    Surprisingly it takes a while to crank out a page of a comic because I'm just learning the system and geting familure with all the buttons and all the cool abilities that Photoshop cs3 can do. Soon i'll add some more pages before you know it!

  8. #2648
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    Amazing. Simply amazing. I'm going to imagine all she is wearing is leather, please only validate this electronic desire.
    Just my opinion

  9. #2649
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  10. #2650
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    Quote Originally Posted by gopballbuster View Post
    Amazing. Simply amazing. I'm going to imagine all she is wearing is leather, please only validate this electronic desire.
    Yep, she said it's all leather except the ribbons in her hair.
    And thanks for the feedback! I, too, am impressed with the rate at which her drawing skills are progressing. I see a lot of potential there.

  11. #2651
    Supreme Poster pelmar76's Avatar
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    here's a bunch of new pics

  12. #2652
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    My gf kicked me in the balls hard yesterday, in between working them over with mostly hard squeezes which I could not breathe during, and a few punches as well. I had told her I wanted to practice "obedience training", meaning she would train me not to react to her ballbusting me. We did it a long time, and afterwards, my balls hung very low and loose. Also produced more cum than usual when I got off, which is typical for me after severe bb. It must "loosen them up" or something.

  13. #2653
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    Quote Originally Posted by bustme2hard View Post
    Yep, she said it's all leather except the ribbons in her hair.
    And thanks for the feedback! I, too, am impressed with the rate at which her drawing skills are progressing. I see a lot of potential there.
    She really is good. Has she any formal training in art? Maybe she could try selling some of her art. Just a thought.
    Just my opinion

  14. #2654
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelmar76 View Post
    here's a bunch of new pics
    Some more great stuff, thanks Pelmar!
    Just my opinion

  15. #2655
    Big Supporter misterjover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelmar76 View Post
    here's a bunch of new pics
    Magnificent contribution. Thank you for sharing!

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