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Having actually cycled through the whole thing, I can say that it's easy to put together at least the general gist of the plot without understanding the specifics of the Japanese dialogue. Yuffie gets hired by some other girl to find a token badguy (named by the player at the beginning) for some token reason. The first chapter involves Yuffie getting the younger girl to lure a random fellow to her so she can 'interrogate' him, which is what leads up to the photo of her kicking the one fellow from behind. The younger girl feels bad about Yuffie hurting him, and the chapter culminates with the fellow getting a footjob.
The second chapter (which is where the second set of stomping photos come from) is a good bit more straightforward. Yuffie runs into a random fellow out in the woods while searching, and is somehow coerced into giving the guy a footjob in exchange for information. She gets fed up in the middle of it, and begins stomping on his crotch instead. After he passes out, she ties him to a tree and proceeds to kick him repeatedly until - presumably - he gives her the information she's looking for.
The third chapter involves her catching up with the token badguy, but she's quickly outmatched. He tears her clothes off and, apparently, attempts to **** her - up until she knees him in the groin. The rest of the chapter is basically about Yuffie pummelling and busting the fellow in various ways (as well as the aforementioned brief scene of anal **** using a strap-on), including a prolonged squeezing sequence, stomping with her heel, and then binding him up and kicking him repeatedly while she's in the nude.
Once the story ends, you get new options on the opening screen that allow you to skip right to any part of the story you want to see again. It also gives you options to set some of the longer busting scenes on a perpetual "loop" - specifically the scenes from Chapter Two and Three with the repeated kicking. There were also commentary files that were unlocked, but of course those are quite reliant on one understanding Japanese to comprehend them - lots of giggling from the female voice actors, though.