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Thread: Cowgirls Performing **********

  1. #451
    Supreme Poster
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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    too bad pictures dont stay online forever.
    Well this one is a particulay nice one. She's demonstrating good atittude.

  2. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    Piggies also lose their balls
    Seeing it done to pigs, especially such small ones, isn't the same as seeing a huge bull-bag or goat-scrote get played with.

  3. #453
    Big Supporter Arcane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnni View Post
    Seeing it done to pigs, especially such small ones, isn't the same as seeing a huge bull-bag or goat-scrote get played with.
    I 100% agree

  4. #454
    Supreme Poster smartty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by +Matthew+ View Post
    This HAS to happen on farms on a regular basis, but i can see why some people are angry. Why did they have to take pictures and some smiled when it happened?

    people are mad because of the internal hemraging that will insue, because the cords were not clamped and sealed.

    the pain will last if not kill that animal.

  5. #455
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Pornography = boring.

  6. #456
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    This is probably the best video I have seen yet. Huge, juicy balls getting stretched WAY out, slapped and roughly washed with water, before the "final act."
    If anybody has anything more like this I would LOVE to see it. Keep the thread alive!

  7. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnni View Post
    This is probably the best video I have seen yet. Huge, juicy balls getting stretched WAY out, slapped and roughly washed with water, before the "final act."
    If anybody has anything more like this I would LOVE to see it. Keep the thread alive!
    Please re-read the thread title.

  8. #458
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    On earth
    Torturing an animal simply for sexual pleasure?
    Surgical ********** vids aren't enough?

  9. #459
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    Sad to see this thread has fallen back. Are there any websites other than Youtube that might have relevant videos?

    Also, is ever going to be reincarnated?

  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happyboy View Post
    Torturing an animal simply for sexual pleasure?
    Surgical ********** vids aren't enough?
    errr see the thing is these are videos of castrations from farms, where the act is simply utilitarian. You have to remove some of the bulls from the gene pool to effectively manage a herd. other people just enjoy watching it.

    now is that wrong, maybe, but it's not torturing anything for sexual pleasure.

  11. #461
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    Think how desensitized to ********** they must become

  12. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilglad View Post
    Think how desensitized to ********** they must become
    Who? The animals? The cowgirls?

  13. #463
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Donkey **********


    Pornography = boring.

  14. #464
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    Here's part of one from the archive. "Aaron and Angie part 6", an excerpt:
    Tammy came to me one day,and announced that we were going to ******** the old bull. He was worn out,and no longer was servicing the cows. This came as somewhat a surprize to me, I thought he was fine, a big old brahma. It was an augury of things to come,but I didn't see that either. I should have run then. I said ok,but that it was a big job and we could sell him as he was,and get a better price. Angie was there and she became enthusiastic about it immediately. She had always wanted to cut his great big sac off. We had been making jokes about it for years. Tam wanted to tan his sac into a drawstring handbag. We knew plenty about tanning then,and I had several recipes,but my favorite was a simple soak in tannic acid,followed by kneading the fresh leather over a sharp edge piece of wood until it was supple,and soft. Tam wanted his balls plain and simple
    It was a big job, and I knew it. The night before I led him into the corral with the pickup truck. Angie sat in the back and fed him grain off the tailgate as I slowly drove into the corral. Wendy shut the gate. Both of the girls were eager about slicing the huge pendulous ballbag off the massive bull. Those balls were truely huge,they would weigh in at five pounds or more. As the old boy walked they would swing back and forth smacking against his inner thighs.They were the biggest balls I have ever helped cut. The girls were flushed and excitedly chattering about the **********. Tammy wanted to make the cut, it was her bull after all, so the rest of us would have to simply watch. The sex was really hot that evening in our room. I heard the noises coming from behind Wendy's door also. Angie's eyes appeared in the crack in the wall of the masterbedroom,and I could with my mind's eye,picture her sliding the smooth end of the hairbrush in,and out,and across her clit as she watched the spectacle of her Mother,and Stepfather engaging in odd sexual pratices.
    That night when the house was quiet,and everyone was asleep,I slipped out into the night. I went down to the corral to stand,and gaze at the stars. I spoke to the old bull as he stood munching hay in the pen. I said,"Hello there old friend."" How are you doing?" He raised his head at the sound of my voice. "I,ve been thinking alot about things lately." "Sometimes I wish it was simpler." " I wish that I wasn't such a fuck-up.""What do you think about that?" The old bull didn't answer. It was quiet. The stars shone and the crickets buzzed,and the bull chewed it's cud. "Tommorow is a big day for you old friend." "Tommorow the woman is going to cut your balls off."I said. " Yea, she wants to make a handbag out of your scrotum, and a few weeks from now you,ll be in the feed lot over in Coalinga making friends with some other poor old bullocks." "I'm sorry buddy." "The pussy seems to call the shots around here." "You know I knocked that girl up...." "I guess that wouldn't concern you too much, being that's your job and all....." " I hope that you're not too bummed when you lose it...." "You've been a good old bull...."
    Later I walked back in and went to sleep on the couch. In the morning Angie was stroking my penis as I awoke from a dream. It was rock hard and ready to blow. The sun was just coming up. She climbed on top and slid my throbbing cock inside her warm wet fold,and started rocking back and forth. As the sunlight poured through the kitchen windows she sweated and cried. Even as I awoke fully she collapsed on my chest. Her arms where wrapped all around me,and her hair spilled over my shoulder. She had the big"O" and was basking in the after glow of sex. My stiff member was still buried inside her,and after some wiggling around I started to get some traction in there. I pumped it back and forth until my own white hot cum was sticking all over our pubes,and sticking to her legs.
    Two hours or more later we were all down at the corral,minus Ricky who had spent the night over at a friends house. Tammy had a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. On a tray nearby was a big curved needle,a roll of fishline,a bottle of iodine,and Tam's sharp knife. We drove the old bull gently into the chute,and I thought,"So this is it, here we go."I did the driving with cracks from the whip, and when he was past the gate I shut it. He was trapped in the chute. He started to kick up a fuss then.
    The cattle chute was strong as hell, made from ten foot railroad ties buried deep in the ground. The ties were spaced real close together,and then covered with rough cut two inch planks. When the old bull was in there he had only inches to clear on each side.Angie slid a thick timber through the spaces between the boards in front of the old boy. It backed up against one of the railroad ties preventing him from moving forward. I had hopped over the outside of the fence to slide one in behind him. He was trapped in the chute, and clearly not liking it. He gave a loud bellow and started kicking. I hollered at the girls to quick get another plank in front of him before he busts through, while I shoved one more in between him and the railroad tie behind him. We should have used the squeeze chute for this,but I doubted that he would even fit into it. I slid a couple of boards through the spaces between the pen above him as well. We then took a look at what we had done. I had a cup of brew with Tammy who had been helping Angie with the plank sliding. She had dirt on her hands and was breathing hard,and looked flushed-excited. We noted that we had him boxed in good.
    Wendy came oozing up slowly with the cattle prod, and looked mischievously over at Tam and I. I asked Tammy,"Do you think it will hold?" I refered to the boards and the sides of the chute. She shrugged and said,"Well, there is a way to find out." She nodded to her daughter.Wendy gave a little squeal of delight,and rushed forward to the side of the pen. Angie smiled brightly and moved forward to get a better veiw.Tammy said,"Jesus Aaron what have you been teaching these girls?"in a playful tone. Wendy went right for the testicles zapping the hell out of them. The girls were clearly enjoying frying the old boys nuts. He kicked and bellowed and strained the timbers right to the breaking point,but they held fine.Angie took the prod away from her sister and started to do it herself. She would even work it over the tender skin between his legs and the sheath of his penis. The old bull was becoming tired from the struggles,and the repeated zapping pain. I finally called it off,and said to the girls,"If he dies in there are you going to help me pull him out?" Wendy looked back at me,and said,"Look Daddy is popping a boner,"and pointed to the bulge straining the fabric of my trousers. The girls all laughed,and Tammy said,"Maybe we should do you next." Angie giggled,"Yea Dad you know you would enjoy it." Wendy said,"Then you wouldn't be such a pervert around the house." Tammy said,"Now that you got me knocked up, you won't have to worry about not having any childern of your own." Angie said,"Yea, Come on Dad." kind of tauntingly. I said,"Ahhh, come on girls, Take it easy on your old man..." Tammy giggled along with the rest and said,"Well, I don't know about the rest of you,but this sort of thing makes me hot as hell." "I get horny just thinking about cutting this old bulls sac off." "In fact I've been dreaming about it for years." She smiled and looked to her daughters,and said,"We're going to make a handbag out of his sac, and then we send him to market to become hamburger." "Think about it!" " It makes me feel soooo powerful!" "And I get to keep a souvenir." "Daddy isn't the only one turned on by this, and when we get done,we're going for a little romp, so don't be bugging us afterward." Then she said," Soften him up a little more Angie,then we'll get started."
    Tammy came in through the end of the chute with her tray of goodies. The poor old bull was lathered from the repeated shocks to his dangling testicles. I joined her behind the massive bull in the chute, and the girls looked through the fence,all of us were up real close. Tam reached in with both hands,her knife was held in one. With the other she struggled to gather up the skin around the base of the huge sac. She tightened her hold on the giant organs stretching the skin down,and then began sawing her knife through tissues. The bull let out a bellow as she cut through the bag and started to kick. Blood was running pretty good over her fingers,and the knife. She backed her hands,and arms out while the old bull gave one last struggle to escape. His sac was half way off, and it dangled by only some skin. Blood was dripping everywhere.The girls gasped in unison. Then she reached in and finished the job. The bull quieted,and simply panted,it's breathing loud and labored. Tammy held up her trophy, it looked even bigger,and more stretched out then before. She then turned to me,and asked if I could stitch him up. I agreed. Her and the girls walked back to the house,the girls circled around her chattering excitedly,and begging to hold her massive prize. I did the best I could, crushing the bleeding cords with a pair of pliers,and trying to find enough skin to draw together the gaping wound.

  15. #465
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    Dangerous jobs for girls

    Hi, i've read that in the new program of Channel 4, when women went in Brazil like cowgirls, and they are ********* a horse.

    Someone have most informations ? pics or videos ?

    Bye, Frency

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