thanks for the great links
thanks for the great links
very very great
Hmm, that Yuffie thing's a lot less interesting when you see the components. Still, kinda cool. Ah well.
my website is gone.
looks like webserver just stop managing the service...
Last edited by babel; 05-23-2011 at 10:02 AM.
I have just made new one.
hanging boys
Last edited by babel; 05-23-2011 at 10:02 AM.
Babel, do you make these all by yourself? And if so, do you take requests and suggestions?
Amazing babel, thanks!
Just my opinion
I agree, babel please inform us if you create a new place for your beautiful art!
Ive always been a fan of your style.
Its the little attentions to detail and that fact that you draw some perfect buling pairs of balls that makes your images so great.
I for one will be sad if your unable to share your work with us here or in your own site. Keep up with it tho!
To see some of your work actually animated tho, that would be quite something!
Wow, great job Babel. Keep 'em coming!