I have it
Thank you Dereknor for your tip with the English side^^
Here is how it works:
first you go on this site:
Then scroll down to the field "ログインID ". Its the onl field on this site. There you put in your nickname you like to choose. there are two optionbuttons over this field. Click the left one with "同意する", this meens "I agree".
And then the left button on the bottom to confirm.
Then you come to the registration form. this is the order of Fields:
お名前 : Name
お名前フリガナ : Name in Furigana
(you can just choose the examples below the fields: 山田太郎 and ヤマダタロウ )
電話番号 : Phonenumber
(just take the example and change some numbers)
生年月日 : Birthday
メールアドレス : Mailadress
(some mailadresses wont work, like hotmail.)
メールアドレス(確認) : repeat mailadress
ダウンロード制限金額(一ヶ月間) : Limit for downloads per month
・メールマガジン(無料) : Newsletter
お名前(ローマ字) : Name on Creditcard
カード番号 : Creditcard number
クレジットカード有効期限: Credit card expiration date
ログインパスワード : Login pasword
ログインパスワード(確認) repeat password.
Now you can always log in and just need to buy mangas![]()
hm, choosed a different password and emailadress ?
Did you choosed the example phonenumber?
I know this is not the place to discuss it, but the water effect in http://http://wakutama.web.fc2.com/w080621.jpg is awesome. All of your art is great. I thank you for your contribution to the community.
There are some sweet cartoons on this thread!
This is the last colour pic I'll be submitting for a while as I need to improve how I colour them, to get rid of the white streaks, which spoil them. But I thought some might still like to see this one. Oh, and a good old B&W one to.
Last edited by try; 12-09-2008 at 09:34 PM.
My MSN is megadream20@msn.com
Send me a bunch of spammy mail
My little version of this picI like it!
12 pics inside:
does anyone have any bust for the cartoon stripperella? there were some great bust especially the one where she squeezes the guys balls to death
What? I've seen every episode of Striperella. There's some kicks and a knee, but nothing like that.