Hi Bremuse0 , i really like a lot your contrib. to the forum. i.e.
Originally Posted by Bremuse
Originally Posted by Bremuse
Originally Posted by Bremuse
Originally Posted by Bremuse
Originally Posted by Bremuse
Really you have done a lot of great contributions.Originally Posted by Bremuse
have fun,
Can we all just get back to using this forum for what it is meant for please![]()
That would be nice?![]()
Here's a great vid clip from a 1977 throbbingle gristle live concert. There's a huge screen showing a vid of a Woman ********** a Man in a kind of interrogation scene. The vulnerability of the male is emphasised by the build up where the Man, strapped and gaged on a table has clothes cut away by the Woman with a scissors. There's lots of male nudity and the Woman mauls his genitals before finaly and graphically ********** him. Not the best quality but nothing is left to the imagination and remember, this is entertainment at a live concert! LOL
Hopefully the photo I tried to put in here worked. If not I'll try again.[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/BRYONH%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg[/IMG]
I have not seen anyone else mention it, so anyone who is searching for ********** in movies should check out the witch who came in from the sea. Pretty easy to find and has several good ********** scenes with a razor.
here is a drawing from my small archive