nice pic chestnuts!
nice pic chestnuts!
I can't believe I joined the forum yesterday and I have now gone through all 221 pages... jeez... granted I didn't read every post, but many of them.
I thought I'd upload these 3 images from the comic "Spunky Knight 2"
Good cartoons, but how, just how did this thread balloon to such size? I know Its been years, but still, Most threads on the internet only last one to two years at max
BABEL your work is now the only reason I visit this forum.
Bable, the before and after with the wrecking ball may be the best thing I've ever seen. I'd love to see more before and after work. You rock.
I agree bable that was great, my only request is i personally like to see the buster in the pics,
Babel is the best LOL =D The only thing that I could suggest is maybe putting in a translation?
Great thread.
All-Star Batman issue 10 and a few others, as well as almost anything else by Frank Miller have a guarantee of bb and some **********.
All-Star Batman 10 has bb by Batgirl.![]()
Chestnuts, the one you posted by mwa is a classic! The Mistress has just the right expression!