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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #2566
    Junior Member
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    Dear Altamesa,

    I wrote a story on the subject you are talking about. Only this is about penectomy. But it covers the subject. I am planning to write more on the male behavior and mind in the second part. But the exciting part is that the female wants it, or better wants to play like she wants it. I haven't got a clou how such things emerge the first time in a man's or woman's mind. Freud might have had some idea's.

  2. #2567
    Junior Member
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    Somewhere warm
    Yeah, where’s Sigmund when you need him.

    Thanks for the insight and the link

  3. #2568
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  4. #2569
    Supreme Poster
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    pics i found

    i found a couple pics from some russian site couldnt translate it but hey i found the pics
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 8bddc1dee4eb.jpg   03876_011_123_98lo.jpg   04281_009_123_16lo.jpg   04682_007_123_41lo.jpg   04907_004_123_75lo.jpg  

  5. #2570
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    There is an entire serie about this character "Madame Rebecca Steele" in the site....


  6. #2571
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    new york


    shall I post the after pic?
    Last edited by slim; 12-16-2008 at 04:06 AM.

  7. #2572
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    At Eunuch Archive (Eunuch.Org) in the stories archive read the stories written by Hereunuch. I wrote those stories when I had a membership there under the username Hereunuch. My stories like my femdom ********** fantasies are very in depth and detailed.

    In my femdom ********** fantasies I am always dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves. The castratrix is also wearing a long sleeve shirt, and she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows and she performs the ********** surgery on me with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I think the sleeve fetish has to do with symbols of female power and female dominance, and male weakness and male submission to women.

    The woman ********** me always performs the ********** surgically the way a surgeon would remove the testicles or the way a veterinarian would surgically neuter a large male dog, but with no anesthesia or at most with only a mild local anesthetic so I am fully awake the whole time she is doing it. She performs the ********** very very slowly, skillfully, and omnipotently. Throughout the operation she describes in detail to the women assisting her and the women watching it each step in the ********** surgery as she performs it, and she and the other women talk among themselves about all kinds of things having to do with **********, what it is, why she is doing it to me, what I will be and what I will be like when she is done and why I will be that way. I have a huge erection and she ****** me to cum once or twice while she is performing the ********** surgery on me, and then one final cum after she has cut them off and my manhood has been destroyed at her hands. You can imagine what all this would be like for a man physically, emotionally, and sexually.

    As she performs the ********** surgery on me, the castratrix becomes and is God Herself (as in God is female, God is Goddess) and I worship her totally as she cuts my nuts out, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation. ********* at her hands, I forever worship her and forever belong completely to her. So to me there is a very very strong spiritual aspect to my femdom ********** fantasies.

    The idea of this kind of total power, total destruction, total control held and wielded only by women is a very big turnon for me. The fact that it is permanent and forever, and of being completely under the power and at the mercy of a woman in this way is a total turnon for me. It is certainly the ultimate in female power and dominance, and male weakness and submission. The idea of God is female and God is a woman that kind of total female power and dominance over me and of my total male weakness and submission to her. I have never been comfortable at all with images of God as male, I'm only comfortable with images of God as female, and like I said there is something very deeply spiritual about it to me about femdom surgical ********** performed by a woman in terms of a female Goddess spirituality.

    I'm not sure if your boyfriend has any of these kinds of feelings about it, but I hope this helps you to better understand femdom ********** fantasies and what's going on in them and why.

    I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and feelings about femdom ********** and femdom ********** fantasies from a women's perspective, and from the perspective of a woman who has had experience with a man who has femdom ********** fantasies.

  8. #2573
    Junior Member
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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    i found a couple pics from some russian site couldnt translate it but hey i found the pics

    I like the pic of cut the ball and dick down after cum.

  9. #2574
    Join Date
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    Nice stuff here.

  10. #2575
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    Quote Originally Posted by LRKSFAG View Post
    Good pictures and links here, but this one i can't open.

  11. #2576
    Supreme Poster
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    Bite and pull out the balls or penis (WOW!!!)

    Could anyone tell me what is the title of this movie & who is the actor and actress ???
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bite bite.jpg  

  12. #2577
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    Quote Originally Posted by d14736251d View Post
    this guy moves around a lot, but here's where you can find him now:
    hi d14736251d, i can't see this site anymore... what a shame!
    do you know where i can find it now? or, maybe, where i can find the same pictures in an other place?

  13. #2578
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    Enjoyed #2768

    Dirk, I like the pictures in webtease 2768. Any stories and pictures featuring hot women with big tools for removing cocks and balls is very arousing for me. They could be improved:

    1) show detailed images of applying tools to big cocks

    2) the men should be fully erect, very aroused with the tool on their cock, or approaching their cock to remove it.

    That's my 2 cents!

    By the way, I like your story on Eunuch Archives. Keep it going!


  14. #2579
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    "Rachel and Jakob" series on Eunuch Archive stories

    I have posted 3 episodes of a series Rachel and Jakob on Eunuch Archive stories. You can search for them by title or author ("Finder and Rachel" are the authors). (Rachel is someone I'm corresponding with by email, with similar interests, and she is contributing ideas for the stories).

    The stories explore what happens when a well-endowed guy and his girlfriend share similar kinks and curiosity about the male member.

    Part of the story is a description of a strange video casette Jakob buys at the local XXX video store. The video contains a collection of episodes graphically showing penis abuse and removal by a variety of methods. If this topic interests you, and you have some favorite fantasies, please let me know, or you may want to write it up yourself, and we will try to incorporate it into the story as one of the video scenarios. Or any feedback on the story and where you'd like to see it go is also welcome.

    Email to cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  15. #2580
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Too sexy! Seeing those big cutters.... wow!

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