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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #2821
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bull4you View Post
    here is cutting by another women...
    she tie him to a window, rest you can assume
    Wow, excellent find! LOL

  2. #2822
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    Yes boys, I am nicer now, but I admit I keep a file of interesting news stories. I do not know properly where to post, but here is some. I have many more if anyone is interested I will post more. Warning - only sometimes I get naughty and 'edit' to the story ;-) (but I don't think I do that for these few)
    Happy reading boys:

    I start with everyone's favorate story!

    Woman Bites Off Chicago Man's Testicles

    May 20
    A woman walked into Chicago police headquarters early Friday morning holding an unusual piece of evidence: a pair of testicles she said she'd bitten off an attacker.
    The 42-year-old Evanston woman told police she fought back after a man ****** her to perform oral sex on him. Police put the testicles in a biohazard evidence container because the man was nowhere to be found, Sgt. Robert Cargie said.
    Then a man turned up at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center.
    Police "put two and two together," Cargie said.
    But the testicles could not be reattached, said Sandra Wilks, director of community relations for the hospital.
    Police identified the man as Eric Williams, 21, of the 3600 block of South Michigan. He was charged with aggravated criminal sexual assault.
    Police said the woman gave this account:
    She left a lounge near 35th and Michigan about 3:30 a.m. and was walking south on Michigan near 36th when Williams allegedly cornered her and said he wanted her to perform oral sex.
    It's unclear exactly how the bite happened. One police source said the woman claimed she had placed her teeth around the testicles and that when Williams allegedly hit her on the head, she bit them off.
    "I would assume that anything is possible," Cargie said.
    Dr. Robert Nadler, a urologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, said it theoretically is possible to reattach severed testicles. But the conditions of this case-an unclean cut and stretched or damaged blood vessels-would make a successful reattachment extremely unlikely.
    "This has multiple strikes against it," Nadler said.
    Even with a twisting injury to the testes, permanent damage can occur after six hours, Nadler said. "The cells that produce the sperm need oxygen, need blood," he said.
    Williams was in fair condition at Michael Reese on Friday and was being monitored for signs of infection from the bite wound, Wilks said.
    "It's such a horror story," Wilks said.

    Dec 2007: The Lillington woman accused of ********** a man with her bare hands testified Thursday that she was just defending herself.
    Rebecca Arnold Dawson told a different version of the story that Kevin Russ told a day earlier. About the only point on which the versions agreed was that Russ was left with a badly torn scrotum.
    Dawson, 35, began her testimony in Harnett County Superior Court just before noon Thursday. She has pleaded not guilty to malicious ********** and assault with intent to inflict serious bodily injury.
    Dawson testified that Russ was hurt when a drunken party Dec. 26, 2006, turned ugly and he terrified her.
    Dawson had shots of tequila and several glasses of wine and beer. At one point, Russ and his live-in girlfriend, Tanya “Niki” Castello, went out to buy more alcohol.
    At the end of the night, Castello was semi-conscious on the couple’s bed. Dawson said she had crawled into bed with Castello when Russ said he wanted to have sex with both of them.
    “The party didn’t have to end,” she said Russ told her. “Why are you the only one in bed with clothes?”
    Dawson said she took off her shirt but had not decided if she was going to have sex with Castello and Russ. Before anything happened, however, Castello threw up. Russ was infuriated, Dawson said.
    “Get out. Get out of the house,” she said he yelled at her.
    Dawson said she tried to gather her belongings and get her daughter, but Russ was pushing and hitting her. This lasted several minutes until Russ — a former Special ****** soldier — pinned her against the bedroom wall.
    “He wouldn’t let me go,” Dawson said. “I was terrified. I’m just trying to leave. I’m just trying to get my daughter and leave.”
    Dawson said Russ had her arms pinned and she could only move her lower arms. She tried to get away by grabbing Russ’ scrotum with her hand and using her three-quarter-inch, Christmas-themed acrylic nails to dig into his skin.
    As Russ moved away, she said, he tripped over a box in the bedroom and his flesh was torn, Dawson said.
    “There was an awful and horrendous look on his face,” she said.
    Russ was naked at the time, Dawson said.
    Russ’ injuries required 57 stitches.
    Assistant District Attorney Charles Bullock painted a different picture. The hour-long cross-examination was contentious at times as Bullock tried to establish a pattern of violence and reckless behavior.
    Officer Diane Bruning of the Lillington Police Department testified Wednesday that Dawson resisted arrest after the incident with Russ and cracked a windshield on a patrol car by kicking it numerous times. Bruning said Dawson also shouted profanities and spit at the officers

    In Kampala, Uganda, a woman was arrested for biting off her husband's penis and testicles after he slapped her during an argument.
    Today in Uganda, police offered details on the case of Annet Minduru, the Ugandan woman charged with biting off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument. According to police reports, Minduru was driven to the emasculating mastication by a slap from her 45-year-old husband, John Ndekeezi. "I was so drunk she overpowered me," Ndekeezi told the Ugandan Monitor. "By the time my neighbor came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis." Making matters even funkier is the possibility that Minduru's may have been a copycat crime: Two weeks ago, a Ugandan man died after his wife, angry about his failure to provide for his family, cut off his testicles
    Last Sunday, the torch was passed to Ugandan Annet Minduru. After being slapped by husband John Ndekeezi, She bit off his entire penis and both of his testicles. Yikes! Minduru is in police custody in the capital, Kampala, and could be charged with causing grievous bodily harm.

    Nov 16 2007
    A 22-year-old Swedish woman has been found guilty of "assault and sexual harassment" for tucking into a stranger's penis after he declined her offer of a swift BJ, The Local reports
    The incident took place in March at a fast food outlet in Falköping. The unnamed assailant "approached the man and asked him several times if he would like her to perform oral sex on him". He turned down her kind offer, then "kept trying to reason with her as he turned his body away from her advances".
    Evidently desperate for some fast food, she quickly "pulled his trousers down and sank her teeth into one side of his penis" and "scratched him in the face" for good measure.
    The woman admitted to Skaraborg District Court she'd been "very much under the influence of alcohol and did not remember having set foot in the fast food restaurant". The court said the credibility of the victim's story was supported by the fact it was so unusual the judges "did not believe he had made it up". He also had a witness, snaps of the wounded member and a doctor's note confirming the injuries.
    The assailant was slapped with a suspended sentence, fined 80 days' wages and ordered to pay her attempted lunch 11,600 kronor (£895) in damages

    On July 23, 2005, Delmy Ruiz, 49, was found guilty of aggravated assault after she had severed Rene Aramando Nuñez' penis with a knife. Ruiz said he had abused her earlier, but it was believed that she was really just jealous because he was seeing someone else. She lured him over to the house to talk about documents concerning the house that they owned together. He fell asleep while at the house. That is when she cut off his penis. The jury had been shown graphic photos of Nuñez' wounded crotch where more than 80% of his penis was completely removed save for a small stump. The penis was never recovered as it had been removed from the scene by her dog.

    The Case of Pavel Morozov - a one-legged football player, who had his penis cut of by a woman.
    A candidate of master of sports, a player of Spartak football team of disabled people, Pavel Morozov, was brutally murdered by his pal and his drunk girlfriend for refusing to have sex with her. Georgy Lunacharsky, the president of the international football federation of disabled people of Russia said that Pavel was a strong, well-built, sports guy: “I can not imagine how that girl managed to kill him. She probably hit him, when he was not expecting it. Pavel himself was a gentleman – he could never hit a woman. He was probably drunk too, so they just beat him up to death.”
    The Morozovs family left to the countryside for a weekend. Pavel met his pal, Fedotov, in the evening, and invited him to have a home party for three people. The third person was Fedotov’s girlfriend, Olga (30). The company was drinking vodka and Olga’s interest in Pavel was growing glass by glass. Pavel was a very well-built, tall, attractive man, and Olga had her eye on him. Pavel ignored every token of her attention, showed towards him. Olga was so longing to get the feedback that she sat on his knees and put her arm around his neck. Morozov did not tolerate that and pushed her aside, having said a bad word. Olga went furious and started beating him. Fedotov heard her screaming and rushed to help her. They both floored him and began kicking Pavel with their feet. Pavel lost his consciousness, but he was still alive. Olga grabbed a kitchen knife, unzipped the fly on Pavel’s pants and chopped his penis off. Yelling and screaming, the girl put the male organ into Pavel’s mouth and stabbed him in the chest. Having killed the guy that way, Olga and her boyfriend took the body out in the street and threw it on the ground. After that they came back to the apartment to continue the booze.
    Olga and Fedotov were nabbed in the morning. Fedotov lays the entire blame on Olga, claiming he was not beating Pavel, but was only trying to pull the fighting Olga and Pavel apart

    Woman charged with attempted murder over penis assault
    Katrina Onufer, 25, of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is up against attempted murder and involuntary deviate sexual intercourse charges after biting a 22-year-old man's penis and stabbing him with a scissors. At first the unidentified victim tried to cover for Katrina the Kutter by telling police he was injured in a mugging. But because a half-eaten penis does not conform to the usual injuries from a mugging, police arrested him for filing a false report. Then he came clean. According the victim, Onufer assaulted him regularly, biting him all over and occasionally cutting him with a scissors. The Ultimate Attack was prompted by an argument between the two over cleaning his blood off the floor of her home. Read the whole bizarre story on the Express-Times:

    Angry girl takes bite out of Hamburger

    Tuesday, April 3, 2007
    A German girl who could not get an admirer to stop bothering her in a Hamburg disco unzipped the man's flies, pulled out his penis, put it in her mouth - and then almost bit it in half.
    Natascha Mueller reportedly told police: 'I just wanted to dance and he kept coming alongside me and would not go away.'
    Her victim, Andreas Baum, 39, said: 'She beckoned me over and told me 'I know what you need'. Then she unzipped my trousers and I thought it was Xmas, and then she bit me. The pain was incredible. She almost bit it off.'
    Emergency services found the man clutching his blood-stained member in the middle of the dance floor.
    The young woman who was arrested was six times over the legal limit for driving when breath tested.

    July 3 2008 German woman bites ******'s penis and escapes
    The Heidelberg woman escaped from her ****** by biting his penis, according to the German police. The police expect to arrest the man soon, because his injuries requires immediate medical care.
    The 23-year-old woman in Heidelberg, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, met a stranger while she was sitting outside her apartment. The stranger had a conversation with her just before the attack and the woman went back inside her home soon after.

    The man waited for her outside and attacked her. He tried to force the woman to perform oral sex on him but she bit his penis and fled the incident.

    The police are looking for the man, about 30 years old. They hope to arrest him soon because his injury needed immediate medical attention.

    14 sept 2004 Maasai man in Kenya reveals all
    A Maasai man in Kenya has had his penis bitten off by his angry wife, who suspected him of adultery.
    Saloon Ole Mewet from Ngong in southern Kenya said his spouse attacked him in his sleep. "She bit me and removed all of it," he told the BBC's Muchiri Kioi.
    His shouts raised the alarm and he was taken to a local hospital by his neighbours where he received stitches.
    It is an unusual admission, as Maasai men, who often beat their wives, do not like to lose face before their community.
    "If you do not beat your wife it's taken that you're a hen-pecked husband, which is not allowed in our community," Maasai elder Johnson Ole Sipitiek told the BBC's Network Africa programme.
    But Mr Mewet, who has reported the incident to the police, said he was so overcome with pain that he could not help but make a noise.
    His wife, who is a Kikuyu, is now in hiding.
    On the evening of the assault, Mr Mewet returned home at 2200 and was beaten up by his wife just after he drifted off to sleep. After hitting her husband and knocking out his front teeth, Mrs Mewet bit off his testicles and despite his struggles when he awoke, chewed off his penis.
    "I don't have a penis now," he explained, showing the BBC's reporter his wound.
    Mr Mewet admitted he did have a girlfriend, but said he was at a loss to understand his wife's actions as she was aware that he had other girlfriends when they got married.

    July 22 2008 A woman in a **** trial has told the Central Criminal Court that she bit her alleged attacker’s penis as hard as she could before running away.
    The Longford woman was giving evidence in the trial of a 25-year-old Lithuanian man accused of ****** her at Leitrim Lake on April 8, 2007.
    The accused told gardai that he was in a car with the complainant and a man who left the vehicle to go to the toilet. He said he then got into the back-seat of the car where the woman was and said, maybe we could make love”.
    He said she told him she was not a prostitute and started to “scream, shout and cry” when he asked if he could kiss her.
    He denied that he ****** himself on her.
    The complainant, who’s in her 20’s said in evidence that she was not aware of being penetrated by the accused during the alleged attack.
    She told the court he got her trousers “half-off” and partially undressed himself.
    He pressed his penis against her but she was not aware of any penetration, she said.
    She said she thought the only way to get out of the car was past him so she pretended to give him oral sex and then bit his penis “as hard as she could.”

    22 Mar 06, 7:41 pm
    Woman who cut off hubby's penis walks free

    A woman who cut off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife in a fit of jealousy has walked free.

    Yulia Petrushina, 31, had been thrown out of the house in Briansk, Russia by 41-year-old husband Nikolay after she accused him of cheating on her when he started coming home late from work.

    But she snuck back in as he slept and cut off his penis and testicles with a kitchen knife before throwing them out of the car window, local media reported.

    She later gave herself up to police and a court gave her a three year suspended sentence after she told the judge she had to care for her son by a previous marriage.

    Nikolay meanwhile has undergone surgery to rebuild his genitals and said he never wants to see his wife again.

    03/20/2002 03:28 PM Angry Woman Gnaws Off Man's Penis & Testicles

    John Ndekeezi may regret going on a drunken bender as on Sunday night he slapped his young wife and she took revenge by overpowering her 45 year old husband and bit off both his penis and testicles.
    Annet Minduru is in prison at the moment waiting on charges to be brought and her husband's version of the events that happened are not available at the present time.
    This genital attack comes 24 hours after a similar event where a woman snipped off the testicles of her husband because he was unable to support the family. He died later

    Woman insists she ********* ******
    GRAHAMSTOWN -- A **** survivor here was adamant yesterday that she had ********* her male attacker on Monday, despite police finding no evidence at the scene.
    Until a man missing his manhood is found dead or alive, police say there is no evidence to back up her claim.
    The 36-year-old woman said in an interview that she had gone to cut wood in fields to the east of the town when a man slapped her on the shoulder and said he wanted her "to do something for him".
    She said she had never seen the man before and immediately knew he wanted to **** her.
    "I told him I was HIV-positive, but he still went ahead."
    She said while he was ****** her she felt that she still had a knife, which she had used to cut meat that morning, in her pocket.
    "I was feeling around in my jacket to get the knife and he asked me what I was doing. I told him there was a stick underneath me that was making me uncomfortable."
    She said when he finished she offered to dust him off as he looked a mess.
    She then took out the knife and ********* him.
    "I threw them back at him and ran away. I was scared. I cut it all off."
    She said she ran to a shop nearby and asked for help.
    After she had phoned the police an ambulance took her Settlers Hospital.
    She laid a charge of **** at the police station here on the same day.
    Fantastic. Thanks. LOL

  3. #2823
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    another find

    Now that I can see thumbnails, I'm really enjoying my time here. I found a link to free, femdom ballbusting clips. This one fits this thread exactly. I really enjoyed it. There is a series of 7 and they are about 8 min apiece. And, free!

  4. #2824

  5. #2825
    Member zerocool's Avatar
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    I saw a film with a castartion scene. It's casting by Dyanne Thorne.

  6. #2826
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    i dont have this movie but remembered The Granny Or Granny

    there was a movie called the granny or granny that envolved a old possed woman that drank from the holy grail but she didnt do it they way the instructions said ur never suppose to let sunlight touch it and she did and she didnt read all the incantation and she became basically the devil if she wouldve done it right it would have restored her youth and gave her eternal life but anyways she becomes a sexy burnette and starts giving this guy a BJ and then she takes a pair of scissors and cuts it off holding it in the air then tossing it and then she has a pair of hedge clippers and then says now iam gonna cut off ur big head lol its kinda a comedy horror id watch again later on in the movie all the people she basically killed are still actively alive idk how or what not but u see the burnette again sucking on his stub that he use to have i mean munching down and throbbing her head back and forth on his bloody stub i got the line your a load ur mother shouldve swoullowed from that movie well if anyone can find that it would be a excellent contribution to this site

  7. #2827
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    Quote Originally Posted by attis2 View Post
    Now that I can see thumbnails, I'm really enjoying my time here. I found a link to free, femdom ballbusting clips. This one fits this thread exactly. I really enjoyed it. There is a series of 7 and they are about 8 min apiece. And, free!
    if you haven't found it already, there is another forum site which has this clip and similar in the videos section that you can download. the clip you linked to is one of my favourites and there aren't many as good as that (imo) on burdizzocastration but def worth a look. my username on that is ilisol2345. the site itself is good with friendly folk. it's also quite new (about a year i think) so the inevitable forum arguments haven't really got going yet

  8. #2828
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    I'm very happy with this forum.

    I've now read every post from page 1 to 36 and the most recent 5 or so. I'm not ready to lose mine, by any means, but it is exciting to know the many possibilities. Once you enter into an exclusive relationship with someone, your balls do belong to that person! The word testify used to mean to (literally) swear an oath on your testicles. Hmmm, sure would make perjury an interesting offense....

  9. #2829
    Supreme Poster Lizzycat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by attis2 View Post
    Now that I can see thumbnails, I'm really enjoying my time here. I found a link to free, femdom ballbusting clips. This one fits this thread exactly. I really enjoyed it. There is a series of 7 and they are about 8 min apiece. And, free! the beginning of that one...I like how he was turning dark purple!

  10. #2830
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bull4you View Post
    here is cutting by another women...
    she tie him to a window, rest you can assume
    Taken down off youtube already? My My, does any of you boys capture this one?


  11. #2831
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    "News" stories

    A few more for you with my usual warnings about creative edits....

    March 7, 2005 -- A Bronx wife turned the tables on her enraged hubby and stabbed him in the groin with a hunting knife after he hacked her with a machete during a vicious argument yesterday, police said.
    The bloody incident began at around 1:10 a.m., when Anthony Jenkins, 47, started arguing with his 32-year-old wife, Marcell, in the bedroom of their apartment at 481 E. 140th St. in the Mott Haven section, cops said.
    During the fight, Anthony Jenkins picked up a machete and slashed his wife's hand, authorities said. Jenkins then grabbed a hunting knife, and his wounded and terrified wife tried to flee, cops said.
    But Jenkins ran after her and caught her, slashing her in the right side of the head and upper back with the knife, they said.
    The pair struggled, and she wrested the knife away from him, cops said.
    Marcell Jenkins then stabbed her husband in the groin with her knife and sliced upwards, as he crumpled to the floor she then she stabbed him twice in the back and twice in the chest, authorities said.
    Dec 2001
    Woman freed by court despite cutting off husband's penis

    A woman who cut off her husband's penis with scissors after drugging him has been freed by a Hong Kong court.

    Lam Yuk-kam pleaded guilty to one count of wounding with intent.

    The 42-year-old had been in custody since the incident on March 4.

    The court heard she cut off her husband's penis after discovering he'd had an affair and spent her money.

    Justice Peter Nguyen said he was moved by the evidence and decided she'd spent enough time in jail. He sentenced her to nine months, so she was immediately released.

    Defence lawyer Pamela Cheng told the court her client was suffering severe emotional depression at the time of the offence, the
    Hong Kong iMail reports.

    The lawyer said Chu Chi-lik, a construction worker, who hadn't brought any money home since 1998, stole his wife's credit card and withdrew HK$190,000 ( £17,000). He also took her jewellery.

    After a heated argument, he told his wife he would never go back to her and returned the next day to discuss their separation. His wife put some sleeping pills in his soup during the visit and he became drowsy.

    She then grabbed a pair of scissors and lunged at him - cutting off his penis.

    KUALA LUMPUR - A Malaysian businessman lost his penis and testicles when his enraged wife, who suspected him of having an affair, bit it off during oral sex this week, a local newspaper reported on Saturday.

    The 50-year-old man, unidentified, was immediately taken to a local hospital in Sandakan on the eastern state of Sabah on Borneo, but doctors were unable to reattach the severed member, the Star newspaper said.

    Sandakan district deputy police chief Mashud Awang Hamid told the paper the woman suspected her husband was being unfaithful because he had been coming home late for the past few months. On Wednesday night, the 30-year-old wife trailed and then confronted her husband. A scuffle broke out during which she squeezed his testicles so hard he fell to the grund, she then proceeded to bit off her husband's penis and spit it into a nearby sewer.

    October 17, 2002 by Modesto Bee, The (CA)

    Modesto police said Kelli Pratt wanted her feeble 65-year-old husband to have sex with her the night of Oct. 7.
    When Arthur Pratt refused, police said, his 45-year-old wife held him down and bit him repeatedly during a savage attack that ultimately killed him.
    MODESTO, Calif. (Oct. 18) - A California woman who allegedly flew into a rage and bit her husband repeatedly after he refused to have sex with her is being held on charges that police say may eventually include murder.Modesto police said that Kelli Pratt, 45, attacked her 65-year-old husband Arthur on Oct. 7, holding him down and biting him some 20 times after a dispute over sex.''Most of the bites were confined to his groin area, and a few were very deep with major tissue damage,'' Sgt. Al Carter of the Modesto police told a television news reporter Thursday.The Modesto Bee newspaper reported that Arthur Pratt, whose skin was covered with more than 20 deep tooth marks, actually has his penis bitten off and that both testicles were ruptured by serious bites. He died Sunday at a local hospital and that the local forensic pathologist believes the bites are the likely cause of death.''He (the husband) was able to dial 911 (emergency) that night,'' Carter told the newspaper. ''We have a tape recording of him screaming while she was biting him. When officers arrived, he was screaming that he'd been assaulted, blood was pouring from his groin. She fought with the officers and tried to bite them, too.''Arthur Pratt had a history of medical problems including diabetes, heart and circulation problems. An official ruling on the possible homicide charge is awaiting toxicology tests, which could determine whether the bites caused an infection that proved fatal, the Bee said.Carter said police were already persuaded that ''his death was a direct result of being bitten.''''I've seen cases where dogs have bitten kids, and blood loss or infection led to death,'' Carter said. ''I've never heard of anyone being bitten to death (by a human) before.''Kelli Pratt is currently being held in Modesto, about 90 miles east of San Francisco, on charges of elder abuse, domestic violence and assault on a police officer.
    BTW she only got probation, no jail time - look it up!

    After hacking her husband to death with a hoe late on the evening of June 21, Preeyapha Tasuwan, 37, cut off and boiled his penis – before hanging herself.

    Police arrived to find a gruesome scene. Preeyapha’s husband, Rangsan Supakpattana, 46, was found lying dead on the floor with deep cuts to his head, chin and throat, and his severed penis was found boiling in a pot. Preeyapha’s body was dangling from the room’s main beam.

    Police said Preeyapha left a note saying she had killed her husband because she believed he intended to leave her for another woman.

    A portion of the woman’s suicide note read: “When we loved each other a lot, you never reprimanded me. You asked me to stop working as a prostitute and I obeyed. But recently, everything I did was wrong in your eyes. Now you are going to have a new wife. I can’t bear this, so I have to kill you so that we can be together forever.”

    March 2005
    A korean woman bit off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument, police said on Wednesday. She was in police custody in Seoul and might be charged with causing grievous bodily harm, said the officer in charge of the station.

    The newspaper said she had bitten off Chairman Park's penis and testicles Sunday night after her 65-year-old husband slapped her.

    "Because I was so drunk she overpowered me and by the time my son came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis," Mr. Park told the paper.

    The attack came only days after Chairman Kim of a large conglomerate died in Seoul after his wife, angered by his infidelity, cut off his penis

    Nov 6, 2003 PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- A popular karaoke performer was hospitalized after his jealous wife tried, but failed, to cut off his penis while he slept Wednesday, Phnom Penh police said.
    Kan Bun Hou, 26, was asleep when his wife, Ma Len, attacked him with a razor blade, said Touch Sarin, a Phnom Penh police chief. Police were looking for the woman, who fled after the attack.
    "The injury is not severe. It could have been worse if she had used scissors," he said. "His wound is treatable."
    The attack apparently stemmed from Kan Bun Hou's popularity as a karaoke performer. The couple had fought the day before.
    "He's a handsome man and used to party a lot at night," Touch Sarin said.
    In August, a man was allegedly killed by his wife after she squeezed his testicles until he fainted and then tied his neck to a bed with a scarf. The woman, who said her husband used to beat her, turned herself in to the police.

    17 November 2006
    'I hope I've stopped playboy having any more children'
    A former It Girl who kneed her ex-lover in the groin after she lost a legal bid for child maintenance said she hoped the attack stopped him from having any more children.
    Birgit Cunningham attacked multimillionaire's son Henry Nuttall as she left court after failing to get the racing driver to pay more than £5 a week towards the upkeep of their son Jack, four.
    She appeared before City of Westminster magistrates charged with common assault and pleaded "guilty as hell".
    The court heard the 41-year-old son of Bahamas-based Sir Nicholas Nuttall suffered severe pain from swollen testicles in the attack last October. But Ms Cunningham walked free with a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £60 costs.
    She said she was relieved it was all over - but didn't regret a thing. "I hope I damaged his testicles so badly that he never has children again. I hope that they are ruptured!"
    Ms Cunningham, 43, of Ladbroke Grove, denied reports that she had also punched Mr Nuttall in the head, eyes and ears.
    "It's rubbish, absolute rubbish. I am guilty of kneeing him in the groin but I didn't attack his head at all."
    Describing the scenes in court after she lost her child maintenance case, Ms Cunningham, a one-time flatmate of Liz Hurley, said: "The court had finished and as I was about to walk out, I walked past him.
    "Most times I've only seen the back of his Saville Row suit but this time I thought, 'I'm not going to hold back'. "I walked to the door briskly, but he got there first, and Harry, ever the gentleman, opened it for me.
    "I turned and faced him and that's when I gave him all I had with a knee in the groin. He grabbed me round the waist in a bear hug as he gasped for breath so I was unable to do anything else, or I would of torn his bloody testicle’s off."
    Rodean-educated Ms Cunningham, whose father was treasurer of the Bank of America, had a three-year affair with Kevin Costner and many other flings with the rich and well connected before meeting Mr Nuttall in 2000.

    Posted on 02/11/2004 7:02:56 AM PST
    Angry residents of a South African township cut off the penis of a man caught ****** a five-year-old girl, police said.
    The 26-year-old man was in a critical condition in hospital after the assault, which happened on Sunday at Mandela Park in the East Rand township near Johannesburg, Sergeant Zithini Dlamini told Reuters.
    The traumatised girl was being treated for her injuries, which were not life-threatening, she said.
    No arrests had yet been made. Members of the child's community would not reveal who assaulted the man when several caught him in the act of ****** the child after luring her to a shack, she said.
    "Nobody is talking. While we condone the community for catching the man, we would encourage people to come to us rather than taking justice into their own hands," she said.

    Hours after “Josh” (not his real name) picked up a “very attractive woman” in a Miami-Dade bar he found himself dazed, confused and *********. It appears that the woman he hooked up with at the bar took him back to his place, drugged him and surgically ********* him.
    “The doctors at the hospital said that whoever did it knew what they were doing,” Josh said. “Otherwise, I would have bled to death.” He said the Miami-Dade police told him there had been several other such cases, two more in Miami-Dade, one in Palm Beach County and four in Broward County.
    “The [Miami] police didn’t seem too concerned with the whole thing,” he said in frustration. “I think they thought it was all just fun and games gone awry.” In the S&M community there have been cases of men accidentally being ********* during rough “play,” according to reports.
    Although he was in a heavy daze, Josh heard the woman make a statement about hating men and having ********* hundreds so far. She stated that she would not stop ********** until she got caught and hoped that she would be able to emasculate thousands of men before then. Other comments she made have allowed The Independent to make a preliminary identification of the alleged assailant, who is described as an wealthy “attractive woman” in her late 40s/early 50s who has a unique tattoo on one of her calves.
    Josh is currently undergoing intense psychotherapy in a South Florida hospital, where he has been since the attack.
    Local therapist Marvin Kidwell said, “I am concerned about the community knowing about this. There is someone out there and the community needs to know.” Kidwell stated that, if the perpetrator works for the airline industry (as the Independent claims), then she could very have ********* hundreds of men all over the country or around the world. “She obviously is experienced with narcotic drugs and their effects and also minor surgery. One is ****** to admit that her skill at human ********** is impressive; apparently she did the whole thing in less than twenty minutes, and did a clean job of it. Obviously she’s done this surgery many times, and she knows how to remove a man’s testicle’s in a very coldly efficient manner.” As orchiectomies are not performed every day, she just might be the most experienced person in the world in this kind of surgery.
    One of her other victims, who has asked not to be named, told the Independent that he was not fully *********** during the procedure but was very groggy and unable to focus or move much. He says that soon after they got back to his place they went straight to his bedroom then things “started to go in slow motion”. She lead him to the bed, unfasten and pulled down his pants and underwear, at this point he thought her interest was still sexual but as he got more lethargic she pushed him back onto the bed and he saw her take a small fabric roll from her purse and unroll it on the bed. He claims she pulled his knees apart – his feet were off the bed and on the floor, stood between his open legs; leaning forward she told him exactly what she was going to do. He thought it might be some wild S&M fantasy but he began to panic, as he could not easily move to defend himself. He claims that as he tried to move his legs she reached down and put “incredible pressure” on his testicles and warned him to lay still or she “would rupture them”. After that he got groggier and admits to simply quietly weeping as he lay there and she performed the surgery on him. He claims she spoke with him the entire time, looking up at him often, the victim stated that she did not seem vindictive or vicious at this point but very “business like”, talking her way through the procedure, however after she sewed his incision she picked up the severed testicle’s, held them in one hand and went on a tirade about her hatred for men, he does not remember many specific comments though, but it was clear in the viticms mind that this women had ********* a lot of men and intended to emasculate as many as she could before being caught.

    Woman Nearly Rips Off Husband's Testicles in Domestic Spat
    Aug 28, 2001
    The man, whose name has not been released, returned to his Pickering, Ont., home about 3 a.m. Monday after a night of drinking and celebrating, then promptly got into an argument with his apparently testy 42-year-old common-law wife about the second of their three children, Sgt. Paul Malik of the Durham Regional Police said.
    Things turned even nastier when the heated discussion became a physical fight, and the incident took a painful twist when the woman grabbed the man’s testicles and yanked.
    "She grabbed them so hard and squeezed them so hard that he was in excruciating pain," Malik said.
    Leaving her husband bleeding and almost bereft of his testicles, the woman called police and told them she had "damaged" his testicles, Malik said.
    But the organs were not completely separated from the man’s body, as had been previously reported.
    "She ripped hard enough that it felt like it was off," Malik said.
    *I looked into this story because I was curious how a girl could perform an impromptu orchectomy on a fully-clothed man...your standard pair of Levis would have made it difficult to get a grip. (Even so, its rather amazing) But no, that's not how it happened.
    Keep in mind that the girl is fashionably thin and 5' 2".
    1. She 'lured' him out to his front yard.
    2. She knocked him down so he was flat on his back on the lawn.
    3. She ripped his shorts off of him, leaving him wearing only his underwear.

    THEN she did the deed.
    Personally, I'd love to know what the last thing he said was BEFORE she ********* him.)
    BTW - How many women would eat a raw human testicle sober?

    June 17 2007
    Woman bites penis to deter attacker
    By Leo Leonidou
    POLICE AND hospitals in Ayia Napa are on the lookout for a man who had his penis bitten by a woman who rejected his sexual advances.

    The incident took place in the early hours of Friday morning on the party town’s Krio Nero Avenue.

    The 21-year-old Austrian, who works in a local hotel, was taking a walk with a friend when two young men approached them on mopeds.

    According to her statement, the men offered to take them for a stroll and a drink along the beach.

    The women accepted but the Austrian soon became suspicious when her driver stopped at a secluded area before asking her for sex.

    She claims that when she refused, the man turned violent and struck her. Her statement goes on to say that in an effort to calm him down and get away, she offered to perform oral sex on him.

    During the act, she says she bit his penis, before kicking his genitalia and punching him in the face. She then ran away.

    Sep 1, 2007 A THAI woman is at large with her husband's penis today after discovering the man's unfaithfulness.
    Pornbun Sinthusin, 35, came home in Bangkok yesterday and found her 34-year-old husband Ploeng Plaekratoke in bed with another woman, said police Lieutenant Colonel Kornwat Hunpradit.
    She later gave him several beers before cutting off his penis with "a sharp object,'' Lt-Col Kornwat said.
    The husband was now in intensive care.
    "We suspect she took both her weapon and her husband's penis because we cannot find the penis in their apartment. We even checked a toilet but she did not dump it there,'' Lt-Col Kornwat said.

    Just tell me when to stop,


  12. #2832
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Absofuckinglutely awesome. Don't stop !

    The castratrix story is exciting. Any more on that ?

  13. #2833
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in empty space
    Quote Originally Posted by attis2 View Post
    Now that I can see thumbnails, I'm really enjoying my time here. I found a link to free, femdom ballbusting clips. This one fits this thread exactly. I really enjoyed it. There is a series of 7 and they are about 8 min apiece. And, free!
    What a great find

  14. #2834
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    A few more for you with my usual warnings about creative edits....

    March 7, 2005 -- A Bronx wife turned the tables on her enraged hubby and stabbed him in the groin with a hunting knife after he hacked her with a machete during a vicious argument yesterday, police said.
    The bloody incident began at around 1:10 a.m., when Anthony Jenkins, 47, started arguing with his 32-year-old wife, Marcell, in the bedroom of their apartment at 481 E. 140th St. in the Mott Haven section, cops said.
    During the fight, Anthony Jenkins picked up a machete and slashed his wife's hand, authorities said. Jenkins then grabbed a hunting knife, and his wounded and terrified wife tried to flee, cops said.
    But Jenkins ran after her and caught her, slashing her in the right side of the head and upper back with the knife, they said.
    The pair struggled, and she wrested the knife away from him, cops said.
    Marcell Jenkins then stabbed her husband in the groin with her knife and sliced upwards, as he crumpled to the floor she then she stabbed him twice in the back and twice in the chest, authorities said.
    Dec 2001
    Woman freed by court despite cutting off husband's penis

    A woman who cut off her husband's penis with scissors after drugging him has been freed by a Hong Kong court.

    Lam Yuk-kam pleaded guilty to one count of wounding with intent.

    The 42-year-old had been in custody since the incident on March 4.

    The court heard she cut off her husband's penis after discovering he'd had an affair and spent her money.

    Justice Peter Nguyen said he was moved by the evidence and decided she'd spent enough time in jail. He sentenced her to nine months, so she was immediately released.

    Defence lawyer Pamela Cheng told the court her client was suffering severe emotional depression at the time of the offence, the Hong Kong iMail reports.

    The lawyer said Chu Chi-lik, a construction worker, who hadn't brought any money home since 1998, stole his wife's credit card and withdrew HK$190,000 ( £17,000). He also took her jewellery.

    After a heated argument, he told his wife he would never go back to her and returned the next day to discuss their separation. His wife put some sleeping pills in his soup during the visit and he became drowsy.

    She then grabbed a pair of scissors and lunged at him - cutting off his penis.

    KUALA LUMPUR - A Malaysian businessman lost his penis and testicles when his enraged wife, who suspected him of having an affair, bit it off during oral sex this week, a local newspaper reported on Saturday.

    The 50-year-old man, unidentified, was immediately taken to a local hospital in Sandakan on the eastern state of Sabah on Borneo, but doctors were unable to reattach the severed member, the Star newspaper said.

    Sandakan district deputy police chief Mashud Awang Hamid told the paper the woman suspected her husband was being unfaithful because he had been coming home late for the past few months. On Wednesday night, the 30-year-old wife trailed and then confronted her husband. A scuffle broke out during which she squeezed his testicles so hard he fell to the grund, she then proceeded to bit off her husband's penis and spit it into a nearby sewer.

    October 17, 2002 by Modesto Bee, The (CA)
    Modesto police said Kelli Pratt wanted her feeble 65-year-old husband to have sex with her the night of Oct. 7.
    When Arthur Pratt refused, police said, his 45-year-old wife held him down and bit him repeatedly during a savage attack that ultimately killed him.
    MODESTO, Calif. (Oct. 18) - A California woman who allegedly flew into a rage and bit her husband repeatedly after he refused to have sex with her is being held on charges that police say may eventually include murder.Modesto police said that Kelli Pratt, 45, attacked her 65-year-old husband Arthur on Oct. 7, holding him down and biting him some 20 times after a dispute over sex.''Most of the bites were confined to his groin area, and a few were very deep with major tissue damage,'' Sgt. Al Carter of the Modesto police told a television news reporter Thursday.The Modesto Bee newspaper reported that Arthur Pratt, whose skin was covered with more than 20 deep tooth marks, actually has his penis bitten off and that both testicles were ruptured by serious bites. He died Sunday at a local hospital and that the local forensic pathologist believes the bites are the likely cause of death.''He (the husband) was able to dial 911 (emergency) that night,'' Carter told the newspaper. ''We have a tape recording of him screaming while she was biting him. When officers arrived, he was screaming that he'd been assaulted, blood was pouring from his groin. She fought with the officers and tried to bite them, too.''Arthur Pratt had a history of medical problems including diabetes, heart and circulation problems. An official ruling on the possible homicide charge is awaiting toxicology tests, which could determine whether the bites caused an infection that proved fatal, the Bee said.Carter said police were already persuaded that ''his death was a direct result of being bitten.''''I've seen cases where dogs have bitten kids, and blood loss or infection led to death,'' Carter said. ''I've never heard of anyone being bitten to death (by a human) before.''Kelli Pratt is currently being held in Modesto, about 90 miles east of San Francisco, on charges of elder abuse, domestic violence and assault on a police officer.
    BTW she only got probation, no jail time - look it up!

    After hacking her husband to death with a hoe late on the evening of June 21, Preeyapha Tasuwan, 37, cut off and boiled his penis – before hanging herself.

    Police arrived to find a gruesome scene. Preeyapha’s husband, Rangsan Supakpattana, 46, was found lying dead on the floor with deep cuts to his head, chin and throat, and his severed penis was found boiling in a pot. Preeyapha’s body was dangling from the room’s main beam.

    Police said Preeyapha left a note saying she had killed her husband because she believed he intended to leave her for another woman.

    A portion of the woman’s suicide note read: “When we loved each other a lot, you never reprimanded me. You asked me to stop working as a prostitute and I obeyed. But recently, everything I did was wrong in your eyes. Now you are going to have a new wife. I can’t bear this, so I have to kill you so that we can be together forever.”

    March 2005
    A korean woman bit off her husband's penis and testicles during an argument, police said on Wednesday. She was in police custody in Seoul and might be charged with causing grievous bodily harm, said the officer in charge of the station.

    The newspaper said she had bitten off Chairman Park's penis and testicles Sunday night after her 65-year-old husband slapped her.
    "Because I was so drunk she overpowered me and by the time my son came to my rescue, she had bitten off both my testicles and the penis," Mr. Park told the paper.

    The attack came only days after Chairman Kim of a large conglomerate died in Seoul after his wife, angered by his infidelity, cut off his penis

    Nov 6, 2003 PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- A popular karaoke performer was hospitalized after his jealous wife tried, but failed, to cut off his penis while he slept Wednesday, Phnom Penh police said.
    Kan Bun Hou, 26, was asleep when his wife, Ma Len, attacked him with a razor blade, said Touch Sarin, a Phnom Penh police chief. Police were looking for the woman, who fled after the attack.
    "The injury is not severe. It could have been worse if she had used scissors," he said. "His wound is treatable."
    The attack apparently stemmed from Kan Bun Hou's popularity as a karaoke performer. The couple had fought the day before.
    "He's a handsome man and used to party a lot at night," Touch Sarin said.
    In August, a man was allegedly killed by his wife after she squeezed his testicles until he fainted and then tied his neck to a bed with a scarf. The woman, who said her husband used to beat her, turned herself in to the police.

    17 November 2006
    'I hope I've stopped playboy having any more children'
    A former It Girl who kneed her ex-lover in the groin after she lost a legal bid for child maintenance said she hoped the attack stopped him from having any more children.
    Birgit Cunningham attacked multimillionaire's son Henry Nuttall as she left court after failing to get the racing driver to pay more than £5 a week towards the upkeep of their son Jack, four.
    She appeared before City of Westminster magistrates charged with common assault and pleaded "guilty as hell".
    The court heard the 41-year-old son of Bahamas-based Sir Nicholas Nuttall suffered severe pain from swollen testicles in the attack last October. But Ms Cunningham walked free with a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £60 costs.
    She said she was relieved it was all over - but didn't regret a thing. "I hope I damaged his testicles so badly that he never has children again. I hope that they are ruptured!"
    Ms Cunningham, 43, of Ladbroke Grove, denied reports that she had also punched Mr Nuttall in the head, eyes and ears.
    "It's rubbish, absolute rubbish. I am guilty of kneeing him in the groin but I didn't attack his head at all."
    Describing the scenes in court after she lost her child maintenance case, Ms Cunningham, a one-time flatmate of Liz Hurley, said: "The court had finished and as I was about to walk out, I walked past him.
    "Most times I've only seen the back of his Saville Row suit but this time I thought, 'I'm not going to hold back'. "I walked to the door briskly, but he got there first, and Harry, ever the gentleman, opened it for me.
    "I turned and faced him and that's when I gave him all I had with a knee in the groin. He grabbed me round the waist in a bear hug as he gasped for breath so I was unable to do anything else, or I would of torn his bloody testicle’s off."
    Rodean-educated Ms Cunningham, whose father was treasurer of the Bank of America, had a three-year affair with Kevin Costner and many other flings with the rich and well connected before meeting Mr Nuttall in 2000.

    Posted on 02/11/2004 7:02:56 AM PST
    Angry residents of a South African township cut off the penis of a man caught ****** a five-year-old girl, police said.
    The 26-year-old man was in a critical condition in hospital after the assault, which happened on Sunday at Mandela Park in the East Rand township near Johannesburg, Sergeant Zithini Dlamini told Reuters.
    The traumatised girl was being treated for her injuries, which were not life-threatening, she said.
    No arrests had yet been made. Members of the child's community would not reveal who assaulted the man when several caught him in the act of ****** the child after luring her to a shack, she said.
    "Nobody is talking. While we condone the community for catching the man, we would encourage people to come to us rather than taking justice into their own hands," she said.

    Hours after “Josh” (not his real name) picked up a “very attractive woman” in a Miami-Dade bar he found himself dazed, confused and *********. It appears that the woman he hooked up with at the bar took him back to his place, drugged him and surgically ********* him.
    “The doctors at the hospital said that whoever did it knew what they were doing,” Josh said. “Otherwise, I would have bled to death.” He said the Miami-Dade police told him there had been several other such cases, two more in Miami-Dade, one in Palm Beach County and four in Broward County.
    “The [Miami] police didn’t seem too concerned with the whole thing,” he said in frustration. “I think they thought it was all just fun and games gone awry.” In the S&M community there have been cases of men accidentally being ********* during rough “play,” according to reports.
    Although he was in a heavy daze, Josh heard the woman make a statement about hating men and having ********* hundreds so far. She stated that she would not stop ********** until she got caught and hoped that she would be able to emasculate thousands of men before then. Other comments she made have allowed The Independent to make a preliminary identification of the alleged assailant, who is described as an wealthy “attractive woman” in her late 40s/early 50s who has a unique tattoo on one of her calves.
    Josh is currently undergoing intense psychotherapy in a South Florida hospital, where he has been since the attack.
    Local therapist Marvin Kidwell said, “I am concerned about the community knowing about this. There is someone out there and the community needs to know.” Kidwell stated that, if the perpetrator works for the airline industry (as the Independent claims), then she could very have ********* hundreds of men all over the country or around the world. “She obviously is experienced with narcotic drugs and their effects and also minor surgery. One is ****** to admit that her skill at human ********** is impressive; apparently she did the whole thing in less than twenty minutes, and did a clean job of it. Obviously she’s done this surgery many times, and she knows how to remove a man’s testicle’s in a very coldly efficient manner.” As orchiectomies are not performed every day, she just might be the most experienced person in the world in this kind of surgery.
    One of her other victims, who has asked not to be named, told the Independent that he was not fully *********** during the procedure but was very groggy and unable to focus or move much. He says that soon after they got back to his place they went straight to his bedroom then things “started to go in slow motion”. She lead him to the bed, unfasten and pulled down his pants and underwear, at this point he thought her interest was still sexual but as he got more lethargic she pushed him back onto the bed and he saw her take a small fabric roll from her purse and unroll it on the bed. He claims she pulled his knees apart – his feet were off the bed and on the floor, stood between his open legs; leaning forward she told him exactly what she was going to do. He thought it might be some wild S&M fantasy but he began to panic, as he could not easily move to defend himself. He claims that as he tried to move his legs she reached down and put “incredible pressure” on his testicles and warned him to lay still or she “would rupture them”. After that he got groggier and admits to simply quietly weeping as he lay there and she performed the surgery on him. He claims she spoke with him the entire time, looking up at him often, the victim stated that she did not seem vindictive or vicious at this point but very “business like”, talking her way through the procedure, however after she sewed his incision she picked up the severed testicle’s, held them in one hand and went on a tirade about her hatred for men, he does not remember many specific comments though, but it was clear in the viticms mind that this women had ********* a lot of men and intended to emasculate as many as she could before being caught.

    Woman Nearly Rips Off Husband's Testicles in Domestic Spat
    Aug 28, 2001
    The man, whose name has not been released, returned to his Pickering, Ont., home about 3 a.m. Monday after a night of drinking and celebrating, then promptly got into an argument with his apparently testy 42-year-old common-law wife about the second of their three children, Sgt. Paul Malik of the Durham Regional Police said.
    Things turned even nastier when the heated discussion became a physical fight, and the incident took a painful twist when the woman grabbed the man’s testicles and yanked.
    "She grabbed them so hard and squeezed them so hard that he was in excruciating pain," Malik said.
    Leaving her husband bleeding and almost bereft of his testicles, the woman called police and told them she had "damaged" his testicles, Malik said.
    But the organs were not completely separated from the man’s body, as had been previously reported.
    "She ripped hard enough that it felt like it was off," Malik said.
    *I looked into this story because I was curious how a girl could perform an impromptu orchectomy on a fully-clothed man...your standard pair of Levis would have made it difficult to get a grip. (Even so, its rather amazing) But no, that's not how it happened.
    Keep in mind that the girl is fashionably thin and 5' 2".
    1. She 'lured' him out to his front yard.
    2. She knocked him down so he was flat on his back on the lawn.
    3. She ripped his shorts off of him, leaving him wearing only his underwear.
    THEN she did the deed.
    Personally, I'd love to know what the last thing he said was BEFORE she ********* him.)
    BTW - How many women would eat a raw human testicle sober?

    June 17 2007
    Woman bites penis to deter attacker
    By Leo Leonidou
    POLICE AND hospitals in Ayia Napa are on the lookout for a man who had his penis bitten by a woman who rejected his sexual advances.

    The incident took place in the early hours of Friday morning on the party town’s Krio Nero Avenue.

    The 21-year-old Austrian, who works in a local hotel, was taking a walk with a friend when two young men approached them on mopeds.

    According to her statement, the men offered to take them for a stroll and a drink along the beach.

    The women accepted but the Austrian soon became suspicious when her driver stopped at a secluded area before asking her for sex.

    She claims that when she refused, the man turned violent and struck her. Her statement goes on to say that in an effort to calm him down and get away, she offered to perform oral sex on him.

    During the act, she says she bit his penis, before kicking his genitalia and punching him in the face. She then ran away.
    Sep 1, 2007 A THAI woman is at large with her husband's penis today after discovering the man's unfaithfulness.
    Pornbun Sinthusin, 35, came home in Bangkok yesterday and found her 34-year-old husband Ploeng Plaekratoke in bed with another woman, said police Lieutenant Colonel Kornwat Hunpradit.
    She later gave him several beers before cutting off his penis with "a sharp object,'' Lt-Col Kornwat said.
    The husband was now in intensive care.
    "We suspect she took both her weapon and her husband's penis because we cannot find the penis in their apartment. We even checked a toilet but she did not dump it there,'' Lt-Col Kornwat said.

    Just tell me when to stop,

    FANTASTIC. I especially like the Florida Castrator. Woman Power! Keep up the good work. LOL

  15. #2835
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by uppishcarrot2nd View Post
    "i just uploaded this movie it took a lil while to upload cause its like 699mb big its the whole movie of bare behind bars"

    I'm sure we all appreciate the effort.... but 699mb??? Are you kidding me? Cant you splice the movie and just post the scene?
    yeah, that's crazy big. I've heard about this one for awhile, but haven't managed to find it.

    Does anyone have the time to splice it? It would be much appreciated

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