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Thread: Ballbusting Pics - Attached - (not for text-only posts)

  1. #1

    Arrow Ballbusting Pics - Attached - (not for text-only posts)

    Originally posted by doorm99
    i love the picture4s here on the board.
    wel i to stuipid to oppload pics on the net , i dont have pictures from myself and i dont know with the copyright . can anybody help me ??

    To upload a pic: click on "post reply", then just go down the page that loads and click on the button "Manage Attachments". In the window that opens, click on "browse".
    Then, highlight the name of the pic you want to post from your hard drive and then "open" or whatever your operating system has as the equivalent. (Not "cancel".)

    Please note that the system doesn't allow first-time posters to attach pics. That rule and others are explained in the thread at the top of all pages in this forum. The thread is called:
    "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}"

    You can also get to that thread by clicking on this link:
    As it says there, the rules apply to you whether you read them or not.

    About copyrights, I'm no copyright attorney, so I claim ignorance!
    Besides, I'm not posting pics for profit.
    I tend to avoid pics with a URL on them.
    I just "find" pics in my collection, from newsgroups, emails from friends, etc., etc...

    If I come across a posted pic that is obviously copyrighted, I may delete that post. So can the other moderators here. If the Webmistress gets a complaint, same thing.

    Good luck!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sara001.jpg  
    Last edited by SadisticSara; 05-15-2005 at 09:13 PM. Reason: (Updated instructions for attaching pics)

  2. #2
    Just found something more about posting pics (above post).

    This is in the ' Forums Rules':

    " . . .
    You are allowed to post about anything that you want except for a few things: ChildPorn, Warez, Viruses, Trojans, and illegal stuff.
    If you post any pictures on the boards (Forums) make sure you are the owner or have permission from the owner to post it in public.
    If any posted pictures belong to you and you haven't given permission to have them posted please mail us and prove your ownership and we will remove them immediately.
    . . ."

    OK. So if the legal owner complains, the pics are removed.
    Last edited by SadisticSara; 10-12-2004 at 03:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Toronto Canada

    My Favourite Ball Busting Picture

    Post your own!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails dsjodie3.jpg  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thats my favorite too!

    Here is another I like...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cbk01.jpg  

  5. #5
    Just a reminder:
    This thread is for posting pics only.
    Not links to pics.
    Links to pics go in the thread "Free Ballbusting Links".

    I'll either move off-topic posts to the correct thread, or just delete them (depending on my mood at the time).
    I wouldn't be posting this reminder if I hadn't already found a post with a link (and no pic) in this thread.

    So, please guys -- try not to cause me extra work and time by posting links in this thread.
    I'm trying to keep all the posts where they should be, to keep things organized and easy to find, for everybody's benefit.

    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

    - Sara
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sara004.jpg  

  6. #6
    Senior Member Geezer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New England

    Distorted Nuts

    Pictures of the mere "presentation" of balls on a fist is cool but let's see some really squeezed testicles if anyone is able to apply some real showing enough pressure on one or both so we can see that they are really being squeezed and their shape distorted.

    Here are a couple of my more mild poking and squeezing pictures...I've previously posted a couple more in the "ball hardness" thread.

    If anybody is into severe squeezing (clamping and crushing) their testicles, reply with some pics here in this thread and I'll post some less mild ball torture pics.

    The Geezer
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pokefist.jpg   squzthumbcu2.jpg   squz2handcu.jpg  
    If balls weren't meant to be squeezed they wouldn't just be hanging there.

  7. #7
    Junior Member werner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Girls have Fun !!!

    5 free pics for all the Forum-Users ,and specialy for my Women of Dreams-
    Magic -Sara
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails damy042.jpg   damy047.jpg   damy061.jpg   damy086.jpg   damy013.jpg  

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    some pix
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails shorts2[1].jpe   3[1].jpe   grab1[1].jpe   k02[1].jpe   mh%20jbb[1].jpe  

  9. #9
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Exclamation How to upload pics

    Click the Post Reply button. Under the text box where you type in your message you have "Additional Options". Click the button labeled "Manage Attachments". A new window will open that will let you upload your pics. You just browse to the pics you want to upload and click on them. After you select your pics, click the "Upload" button in the lower right corner. After they upload click the "Close Window" button. Now click the Submit Reply button at the bottom of the window to finish the post.

    Your filenames need to be simple, with only letters, numbers, or _. Do not use any special characters like ( or *. If you try to upload a pic that has the same name as another it cannot be uploaded.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Now, I'm a "registered user" but I still can't download the pics

  11. #11
    Hint to members:

    Assuming you've already posted something, you should be able to click on attached pics, see them full size and download them.

    If you just posted your first post, the system will upgrade your status within an hour.
    If it doesn't; log off, close your browser, clear your cookies, then log in again.

    Make sure that the box labelled "Remember Me?" is checked when you log in.

    Also, your browser must allow cookies from this site.
    Without cookies from this site, you'd be treated as a newbie as soon as you go to another page here after logging in. In that case, you wouldn't be able to see the pics full size or download them.
    Good luck!

    - Sara
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sara006.jpg  

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    my best pics :)

    as I promised, here you are my best 5 pics, i got others, but not like these! I have a foot-fetish, but it's quite hard to find around the web good pics of ballbusting like thorn gave us! however i have some very interesting links were you will find a lot of good pics! (i prefer not to download all the pics on my computer, i usually see them on the sites, and after i clear all cookies )

    If you are interested i could give you also some links! Let me know what you think about pics, and if you want links too!

    Cu all, Ricky
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails beh.jpg   ipic013.jpg   r2c5.jpg   r5c5.jpg   011.jpg  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    ok Thorn! :)

    Here you are others pics that i download for you all from some of the links that i told you in my last post! However i would be glad if someone tells me if wanna knows those links, so that i'm not going to do all the work of "cut and paste" all the pics for you -.- Infact as i already said i usually don't download the pics on my pc, but i go to the sites that i know when i want to see them!

    Enjoy these pics!

    Cu Ricky.

    P.S: I'm sorry for my bad english!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails vicbt0009.jpg   vicbt0016.jpg   vicbt0019.jpg   vicbt0020.jpg   vicbt0021.jpg  

  14. #14
    Administrator's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Attachments & Limits

    Hi guys and girls,

    About the attachments then there is a limit now for 2 MB this means that
    you can upload up to 2 MB of pictures.
    When this is reached you wont be able to upload anymore before the previous pictures have been removed.
    This means that you should ex delete your oldest attachments so you can
    upload some new ones.
    We do this as we dont want to be a dedicated file sharing forum but at the same time want to see some pics from the forums visitors.

    If you wanna display lots of pictures please fill in the url from a free host
    so that the image will appear in your post.
    Ex the post above where a picture appear in full size you can right click on the image and see that its uploaded to a host called:

    You can for free get a place at a host where you upload the picture you want to appear on this forum and then you type in the url for it and then it will appear here when you post.
    Best Regards
    Team Femaledom

  15. #15
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    How to link to pictures on the web

    There might some people who don't know to link to pictures or might need some help. This is how to post images by putting a link to the image in the forum. You won't need to download any pictures to your computer. The pictures must be available on the Internet, not on someone's computer.

    1. Find the picture that you want to appear in this forum.

    2. Make sure that the image has a valid link. Right click on the image and click on Properties. This will give you the web address to the picture.


    You can paste this text into the address line of your web browser, then click enter, and you will see the picture. When you post it in the forum, the picture will automatically appear by following the instructions below.

    3. Highlight the picture's web address text, right click on it, and click on copy. This will copy the address to your clipboard. I suggest you open Notepad and paste the pic's web address onto it temporarily.

    4. In the Femaledom forum, go to the thread "Some Ballbusting Pics", and click "Post Reply" after the last post. A "Reply to Thread" message box will open. Click in the large text box in the Message window.

    5. Above the Message text box are some small icons. The small icon picture that has yellow above two mountains (to the left of the earth with a chain link) is the "Insert Image" icon. Place your mouse pointer on it and the text "Insert Image" will appear. Click on this icon and an "Explorer Image Prompt" text box will appear. This is where you enter the web address of the image you want to appear in this forum.

    6. On the line beginning with http://, make sure the http:// is highlighted or deleted, then paste the picture's web address into the box by right clicking and then clicking Paste, then click OK. The text will appear in the message box with [IMG] code at each end. If you have multiple images to link to, after you add a picture web address in the message box, just hit enter and then click on the Insert Image icon again.

    7. Click the submit reply button to finish posting.

    You won't be able to see the image address text after it is posted to the forum unless you right click on the picture, then it will show up in Properties. The picture below belongs to the example URL (the web address) used above.

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  • You may not post new threads
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  • You may not post attachments
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