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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #61
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Cool 2 cents more

    There are guys who seem turned on by the castratrix (penectomix?) doing wasteful things with her prize.
    To stomp on it, feed it to a dog, flush it down a toilet, send it through the garbage disposal, etc.
    To me, that just nullifies the whole "desire" component. She never really wanted it in the first place, if all she does is just throw it away.
    So, what she does with it once she has it, is key to making the fantasy hot for me.
    For one thing, I've noticed that the image of a hot chick playing with a severed thingy is quite arosing to me.
    And if she does eventually get tired of it and wants to get rid of it, the sexiest thing she can do is literally gobble it up.
    It's not that cannibalism, itself, is sexy to me. That's just one person pigging out on another, as far as I'm concerned, so it does nothing for me.
    I guess it is another perversion of basic straight sex drive. It still is, after all, the he part entering the she body, isn't it. Just another orafice.
    Fans of vampires say that the concept is sexy to them because the vampire's bite is similarly disguised intercourse. His fangs are what do the penetrating.

    There you have it -- my self-analysis of why this fantasy gets me hot and bothered, whether I'm dead on or way off.

  2. #62
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    surrey b.c.


    the best thing about this post and idea is how it shows the male weakness. once his organs are removed he becomes a non entity pointing to his sorce of power.

  3. #63
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    I've never thought of the male genitals as being a source of any kind of power. I mean, a powerful businessman could secretly be a total eunuch, couldn't he?
    Strength-wise, if a powerful weight-lifter lost his privates, would he also lose the ability to lift weights?

  4. #64
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    The only power that I know that is derived from the penis, is that of a monarchy,where the power of the "true" family is passed down by the seed. (which by the way being from the USA I do not agree with one little bit)

  5. #65
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    this thread is awesome

  6. #66
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    I think for some mens they feel the penis gives them so much power to do what they want, so it should be removed form them. This is only the bad ones, they feel they must make there power over women, because they have a penis. They think it es a weapon. Hey I don't say every man is like this ok? but you knows that some are.
    If it would be cut off with scissors would the man die soon or survive a long time?

  7. #67

  8. #68
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    I don't claim to know what the ******'s problems are, but I tend to believe they stem more from his brain than his dick.
    In order to do what he does, he must really hate women. By taking his "weapon" away, all you're really doing is giving him more reason to hate women. Sure, you've stopped him from the act of penetration forever, but what would he do to his future victims to make up for that? I shudder to think.
    I'd sooner favor lobotomy for violent criminals; at least we know that works.
    Maybe total nullification might make him more docile, as it does to animals, but history has shown that a eunuch is no less capable of evil than any other man.
    I would hope that in the real world, penectomy as a "punishment" would never become law. I'm not saying all women are like this, but you know that some would abuse such a law only to mutilate innocent men. And when you have laws that commit the crime for the criminal, you've taken a giant step in the wrong direction.
    The existance of **** is always used by penectomy fetishists as justification for their fetish. Which I think is fine, as long as it stays in fantasyland.

  9. #69
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    That says it all. Without a dick, the sight of a sexy woman would drive me mad !!!

  10. #70
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    please delete this account
    If it would be cut off with scissors would the man die soon or survive a long time?

    He would likely die, very soon.
    There was the case in Germany of a homosexual man who volunteered to be ********* by another man. The other man used a kitchen knife to shear off his penis. The two then ate it, and the eunuch died shortly thereafter. It is estimated that less than 25% of the castrations in medeival Europe, and southwest Asia survived more than a few days. Severe urinary tract infections are also common, and possibly even fatal.
    That is one reason why this should be fantasy only.


  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Sexy penectomy

    From Chilly who says:

    Now, let's take the same guy, stepping out and meeting Lorena Bobbitt...
    OK, now there is an element of eroticism there, because a woman is involved. It has now become sexualized. (Granted this particular woman has a reputation, but she served her purpose in this example very well, doncha think?). This same guy meeting, say, John Bobbitt with a knife, for example, just wouldn't have the same effect on me at all, because, well, I'm not gay.
    I believe it stems from basic straight sex drive. After all, it is all about he meeting she for the purpose of bumping uglies, isn't it?

    So here's the formula so far: Penectomy + woman + ...?

    But even a woman with a knife and an evil glint in her eye has ceased to be enough for me. Like tuna fish sandwhiches at lunch, everyday, for a whole year. Loses its charm over time.
    There has to be a really hot reason why she wants to un-man him. A vengeance motive may satisfy this fantasy woman's needs, but not mine.
    No, something is still missing from the equation which would make it hot for me.
    Suppose the fantasy woman's motive was not so much one of simply wanting to deprive her male victim of the item in question, but more one of actually wanting to acquire it for herself?

    Woah. I felt a stir there. Why? Because something new has been added. Desire.
    Part of what makes us feel sexy is knowing our partners want us. Being desired is a strong aphrodisiac, itself. Agreed, in order for it to work within this type of fantasy, that desire must necessarily be focused extremely narrowly, but hey, at least its focused on the right place. Her wanting my ear just wouldn't turn me on at all.
    Sorry, Vincent Van Gogh. You were way off.
    I'm sure you are familiar with the true Japanese tale of the woman who took her dead lover's dick and walked around with it for days.
    Society frowns on such behaviour, and rightly so, but from her POV, could you really fault her choice of a memento? Sorry, but a lock of his hair is sappy juvenile romance novel stuff.

    This is a great analysis about why a penectomy could be sexy. I would love to bite off or cut off a guy's dick - to have it for my own but it has to be sexy to mean anything.

    I even think it is very sexy for a girl to talk about why she wants to cut off a guy's dick. For me it is an extreme form of penis envy. I just want to have the dick for myself. To be able to play with it and maybe even eat it when I got through playing with it. And best of all to deprive the guy of having it. For the rest of his life, he will have a strong sex drive but no way to get off. He would be so horny all the time, I would have to let him eat my pussy which I like better anyway.

    Love Betty-

  12. #72
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Hi Betty!

    Ladies and Gents, this is the authoress of the single BEST book ever written on the topic!

    Betty, please tell us that you are hard at work on a sequel, hmm?

  13. #73
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    betty wants cock

    This is a great analysis about why a penectomy could be sexy. I would love to bite off or cut off a guy's dick - to have it for my own but it has to be sexy to mean anything.

    I even think it is very sexy for a girl to talk about why she wants to cut off a guy's dick. For me it is an extreme form of penis envy. I just want to have the dick for myself. To be able to play with it and maybe even eat it when I got through playing with it. And best of all to deprive the guy of having it. For the rest of his life, he will have a strong sex drive but no way to get off. He would be so horny all the time, I would have to let him eat my pussy which I like better anyway.

    Love Betty-
    i love your confidance of your fantasy. Would you take it limp semi or hard? Would you suck it straight after when it was still warm? Gets me thinking what age group you are 20-30 30-40 or older.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    I think for some mens they feel the penis gives them so much power to do what they want, so it should be removed form them. This is only the bad ones, they feel they must make there power over women, because they have a penis. They think it es a weapon. Hey I don't say every man is like this ok? but you knows that some are.
    If it would be cut off with scissors would the man die soon or survive a long time?
    Would you cut it off while they were asleep or awake? what would you do with it after?

  15. #75
    Registered Member
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    San Francisco

    Eating the prize

    Yes, I agree with you. The castratrix should play, display or use her prize. The nullified male should be ****** to witness her doing these things. I once read a great story on BMEzine called Ellen's Gay Neighbor. Great story about a female who takes her gay neighbors penis and balls to eat later. The male wants it done to him. His partner even watches while this is happening. Being gay, I loved this story and have imagined myself as both witness and victim. I love masturbating to this one.

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