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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3271
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  2. #3272
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    Quote Originally Posted by fullsett View Post
    You said it zhiway. Those VC women loved those cherry boys. When you consider that most of the GIs going to Nam were in their late teens, there were a lot of guys that never knew the pleasure of being with a woman sexually. Something they reminded the men of as they slid their knives between their bound captives legs. I wonder if any of the women gave them a taste of sex either oral of vaginal before they severed their genitals. Just to let them feel what they will be missing should they survive the torture at the hands of some of the most sadistic female warriors.
    I think the VC women cutting off men penis is the worst, more evil, becuase without the penis, they still got those balls between the leg, and there aren't a penis to cum, that's torture a man, all the cum inside the balls,no way out, but cutting off the testicls, the penis still can get hard. lost balls better to the penis.

  3. #3273
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    Quote Originally Posted by zhiway View Post
    I think the VC women cutting off men penis is the worst, more evil, becuase without the penis, they still got those balls between the leg, and there aren't a penis to cum, that's torture a man, all the cum inside the balls,no way out, but cutting off the testicls, the penis still can get hard. lost balls better to the penis.
    I have heard stories of VC chicks cutting off the dicks of GIs and shoving them into their mouths and sewing their mouths shut. The penis would eventually work it's way into the poor guys throat and choke him. What a way to go, choking on your own cock.

  4. #3274

  5. #3275
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    Presentation: "An epidemic of penile amputations in Thailand"

    For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:

    (note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).

    Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).

    I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.

    Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!


  6. #3276
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.

  7. #3277
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post

    Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
    WHAT THE FUCK ???? hahahaha
    Pornography = boring.

  8. #3278
    Big Supporter EggsForCrush's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vulkrypse View Post

    Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
    one of the best videos ive ever seen!!! i wish there were some other girls and guys watching her and girls talking about this nutcrushing and threatening the guys to apply the same procedure on them...

    but its still perfect!!! thanks brother!...

  9. #3279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finder View Post
    For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:

    (note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).

    Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).
    My girlfriend is Thai. She mentioned that if she got raped by a friend, she would lure him into committing the act again and then cut his dick off. Yikes! I know now why she talks like that.

  10. #3280
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    Quote Originally Posted by EggsForCrush View Post
    one of the best videos ive ever seen!!! i wish there were some other girls and guys watching her and girls talking about this nutcrushing and threatening the guys to apply the same procedure on them...

    but its still perfect!!! thanks brother!...
    Problem with this video is that the woman is obviously a professional dominatrix, rather than a 'real' woman. Also, we didn't get to see the balls being cut off in the first place !

    I recommend another video, which I left a comment about at the end of the 'Cowgirls Performing **********' thread. This video shows a female vet (albeit older than I'd prefer) ********** a minature horse. This is done as a demonstration in front of an audience including teenage girls ! The person filming the ********** was also a woman ! No-one apart from me has left any comments, so I'm guessing people just haven't visited that thread lately.

  11. #3281
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    Bouncing Betty ********** Mine

    These nasty things planted by the VC could ruin your whole day.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bounce betty TXT.JPG  

  12. #3282
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    wasnt there a clip of a afganistan ********** or sometihgn of a woman watching and the guy gets diced with a sword.?

  13. #3283
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    Any chance of capping or downloading this one? Couldn't get to play in my browser....This kind of thing should definitely be archived!

    Quote Originally Posted by Finder View Post
    For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:

    (note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).

    Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).

    I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.

    Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!


  14. #3284
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    Epidemic of penis removal in Thailand - the video

    (reply to post above)
    If you view it from the conference web site, you will get synchronized presentation of video showing her talking, plus her powerpoint presentation. There's not a whole lot of visual content in the latter however, mostly text that repeats what she's saying - so the powerpoint is sort of optional.

    I found it didn't work with Mozilla Firefox, but it works with MS Internet Explorer. Have not tried it with Google's new browser but that's an option if you have religious aversion to using anything from MS. No guarantees that it will work.

    I may have saved the video on my other computer so could email that to anyone that's interested if the file size isn't too large - contact me at
    cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. I haven't tried posting to one of those large-video-file download sites, could also do that if someone sends me a pointer with link and description of the upload procedure.


  15. #3285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finder View Post
    (reply to post above)
    If you view it from the conference web site, you will get synchronized presentation of video showing her talking, plus her powerpoint presentation. There's not a whole lot of visual content in the latter however, mostly text that repeats what she's saying - so the powerpoint is sort of optional.

    I found it didn't work with Mozilla Firefox, but it works with MS Internet Explorer. Have not tried it with Google's new browser but that's an option if you have religious aversion to using anything from MS. No guarantees that it will work.

    I may have saved the video on my other computer so could email that to anyone that's interested if the file size isn't too large - contact me at
    cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. I haven't tried posting to one of those large-video-file download sites, could also do that if someone sends me a pointer with link and description of the upload procedure.

    Cheers for that, but I actually was able to get it going in Firefox, there is a Flash video link here:

    I quite liked this video - especially as it seemed somewhat useless as far as actual research, and more just the morbid fascination of the rather cute young doctor - her little smiles throughout and her seeming lack of sympathy for the victims is very sexy. And the picture of her with the snake at the end - priceless.

    Thanks for this one, it's a gem.

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