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Thread: Male **********

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Norwich (UK)

    Male **********

    Hi all my first time here and have to admit i like the site alot.

    Anyway i found this site the other day, and there was a poll about sex offenders and how to cure them, and i have to admit that i agreed with what most of the women were saying, Chemical ********** is in the near future. Aggresive behavior of all kinds will be modified with medication that renders the testicles useless. Think how much better society would be if male sperm was frozen and then the male was chemically *********. Sperm production would be preserved but aggression would be drastically reduced. I think that many women would welcome an estrogen-rich unisex future where they were no longer threatened by testosterone poisoned males.

    Mandatory **********, being mandatory would be fair. Sperm could be banked before the procedure and then the male would know that the possibility of his sperm being used would depend on how obedient he was to the women around him. It would be highly effective. It would slash crime and it would change the world for the better.

    if we geld male horses to make them more docile and obedient to the needs of their mistresses, surely the same logic dictates that the ********** of the human male in the interest of behavioural conditioning would be similarly desireable. I know that the wholesale ********** of men at the present time would be viewed as an infringement of their human rights, but in the future changes in the law and social customs could make the removal of the testicles for the purpose of social conditioning an accepted part of the growing up process in boys. The consequent establishing of a less agressive less competitive and more compliant male population benefit all human kind.

    And i totaly agree with ********** boys at a young age, anyway id like to hear from other women and also men to see what there thoughts are.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    Supreme Poster
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    Feb 2009
    love this

    this is how men who **** should be delt with.

  4. #4
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thanks for the link - it was a darn good read - quite amusing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Norwich (UK)
    Well most men and some women may not agree with me, but i think feminine authority will happen in the near future. and then Mandatory ********** will come into effect were say boys at the age of 13 have there balls removed to carm them down sexually and then educated in female supremacy and then made to work, here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone, but that goes for young boys also they do **** and there hormones are all over the place at that age, they get erection morning noon and night so take that ability away it would carm him down greatly, if we ******** male animals to carm them down, why cant we ******** human males would make the world alot safer, i have a son and i would gladly get him done, i do think we should keep some males for farming sperm for freezing and then at a sorten age he should then be *********, sorry but i just think young boys/men get off easly especialy when they commit a sexual act wether that be **** or someone that exposes himself and masturbates infront of a female that there sex drive should be killed off long term and ********** is the best way, i dont agree with chemical ********** either as its reverible the male can stop taking the medication and his sex drive returns, so i think physical ********** is a must and also maybe removal of the penis, anyway im rambling on i just feel strongly about this and i hope i havnt offended anyone, but girls surly u agree that ********** needs to be done !!!


  6. #6
    Supreme Poster
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    Go Girl!!!

  7. #7
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelbutterfly View Post
    Well most men and some women may not agree with me, but i think feminine authority will happen in the near future. and then Mandatory ********** will come into effect were say boys at the age of 13 have there balls removed to carm them down sexually and then educated in female supremacy and then made to work, here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone, but that goes for young boys also they do **** and there hormones are all over the place at that age, they get erection morning noon and night so take that ability away it would carm him down greatly, if we ******** male animals to carm them down, why cant we ******** human males would make the world alot safer, i have a son and i would gladly get him done, i do think we should keep some males for farming sperm for freezing and then at a sorten age he should then be *********, sorry but i just think young boys/men get off easly especialy when they commit a sexual act wether that be **** or someone that exposes himself and masturbates infront of a female that there sex drive should be killed off long term and ********** is the best way, i dont agree with chemical ********** either as its reverible the male can stop taking the medication and his sex drive returns, so i think physical ********** is a must and also maybe removal of the penis, anyway im rambling on i just feel strongly about this and i hope i havnt offended anyone, but girls surly u agree that ********** needs to be done !!!

    Are You serious? You want to deprive all men of the joy of sex? (And maybe some females too, as not all women tend to be lesbian....) Talk about human rights!!

    But, hey, come over and cut my balls and dick off - if You still want to do it after a good fuck.... ;-)

  8. #8
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    Apr 2009
    Yeah tipical female no brains, and thats why they will never come to power.

    But steelbutterfly if thats how you feel about boys and men, what about the female sex offenders, or the hookers, or the girls'/women that cant keep there legs together, i think they should have there clits removed and then sterilized so they cant have children especially the girls/women that abuse, dont you agree if your so against sex offenders, i feel sorry for your son as you said you would ******** him (your own son) he should be taken away from you and put into care and then you should be sterilised so you cant have anymore kids, at least im seeking help for my problem.

    Oh and by the way are you single ? as you must hate men and sex !!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelbutterfly View Post
    here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone
    Shows how little you know about the world. Where I live, police just arrested a woman who confessed to molesting her 4-year-old son. What should be done with her??

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Very interesting link. I makes for some quite interesting reading.

  11. #11
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    Norwich (UK)
    Women sex offenders are very very rare, but do admit they are out there, but i dont agree with removing there clitoris or making them so they can never have children that to me is cruel, they should either be put in jail, or maybe a mental hospital, but we all know theres alot more male sex offenders, child molesters and there is a guy on here called "MALEVIRGIN" that exposes himself to minors and women and masturbates and according to his post, his therapist and doctors have made him take chemical ********** that kills his sex drive, and for me as a woman thats not the answer hes exposing himself and masturbating infront of young girls and maybe boys to, and the only answer is PHYSICAL ********** as once its been done his sex drive will be next to nothing, plus his body wont be able to make that poison testrome, but once done put on female hormones to kill whats left of his testrome etc, but still make him see his therapist, end of the day next time it could be your wife, girl friend or even worse your little girl or little boy he exposes and masturbates, if hes exposing himself to young girls or boys hes a SEX OFFENDER & PAEDOPHILE, and this is just my opinion but i think he should be banned from this site.

    Im not here to offend anyone especially the men, but if we carm dogs and horse to carm them down by cutting there balls off, why cant we do it to boys and men to carm them down mentally and sexually, but mostly going to the boys and men that have sexual problems ie expose themselfs, ****, into children, beastity.......!


  12. #12
    Supreme Poster
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    I don't understand:
    Why would sterilisation be a solution for male sex offenders and not for female?

  13. #13
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelbutterfly View Post
    Women sex offenders are very very rare, but do admit they are out there, but i dont agree with removing there clitoris or making them so they can never have children that to me is cruel, they should either be put in jail, or maybe a mental hospital, but we all know theres alot more male sex offenders, child molesters (...)
    Sorry to point that out, but You are not being consistent. Where is Your argument justifying a different treatment for male and female offenders? The number of offenders is not sufficient. Otherwise let's hack off the hands of shoplifters because there are so many of them....

    Why is it cruel to cancel out sexual pleasures for a woman but not cruel regarding a man? Why is it cruel to make a woman unable of having children but not cruel doing the same to a man? Why is it ok for society to deal with female offenders by putting them in jail or a mental hospital but not ok to do so for men?

    Whether You like it or not: You will have to answer those questions and give a profound reason to uphold Your position.

  14. #14
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    in empty space
    Quote Originally Posted by pianoboy75 View Post
    ...are not being consistent. Where is Your argument justifying a different treatment for male and female offenders?
    This all goes to show female domination in its final stage.
    Isn't this what we all want? At least in fantasy?
    If someone's not in female domination, so what is he looking for here?

  15. #15
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    We all are in female domination here, but sexual agression (of children especially) is not a kind of domination! it's just a crime. The offender may be either a man or a woman it's still a crime. It has nothing to do with female domination.

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