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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3391
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckedcck View Post
    Has anyone ever seen this movie? I saw it years ago, but only on VHS. Not sure if it made it to DVD. It was not graphic like some of today's movies, more along the lines of Hard Candy, where it is implied. Still, pretty good though.

    yeah i have and if u went though all the videos on here youd know that i posted a couple from that video on here

  2. #3392
    Member pratheeshgopan@gmail's Avatar
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    Found a new one

    It's a killer pic. The girl shows her upskirt undies while ********** her slave. The slave is on all fours like her doggy.

  3. #3393
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    anyone get a good burdizzo pic ?

  4. #3394
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    Vietnamese Lady Slices off Guy's Penis

    This will teach him not to piss off his girlfriend. Although he may never have another if his sewed on cock does not work. LOL!!!

    Fit of jealousy costs An Giang youth his manhood
    Cho Ray Hospital Saturday admitted a twenty-nine-year-old man from An Giang Province whose jealous girlfriend had severed his genitals.

    His relative said N.D.L’s girlfriend had cut the victim’s penis off during a manic fit of jealousy, and thrown it in the front yard before running away.

    His family took him to the loca hospital along with his severed member in a plastic bag inside an icebox, before moving him to HCMC’s Cho Ray Hospital.

    It took doctors more than two hours to reconnect the arteries, veins, nerves and other tiny parts of his penis.

    “The severed organ has shown signs of revival after the reattachment,” said Dr. Duong Quang Vu, the main surgeon. “However, it will take a couple days more to ascertain (the extent of recovery).”

    “Operating within six hours from the time the penis has been separated from its owner would ensure the operation’s success. But this is a 13-hour case,” he added.

  5. #3395
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    Cocks & Balls Cut off by Viet Female Gang Members.

    Soldiers in Vietnam did not have to be on the battlefield to lose their genitals. I remember reading a Look Magazine issue, a large format weekly news magazine popular in the 70s. An article discussed the night life in Saigon and the dangers horny GIs encountered. It described how female Viet gang members would pose as whores. They would lead a GI down a dark alley with the promise of sex. At a predetermined point, she would stop and pull down his pants. Then a group of her fellow gang members would come out of hiding with sticks and other weapons. They would beat the hell out of the guy. They would hold him down as the woman went through his pockets and remove any jewelry if he was stupid enough to wear any. She would then add to the GIs "humilation". She would go down between his legs as the men held his legs apart. She would ******** him with her knife or straight razor.
    Ouch. Talk about the ultimate war wound. How do you explain that to your friends and family when you get home?

    Quote Originally Posted by Intact4Now View Post
    "We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."

    The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review

    Mention of Afghan women ********** fallen British soldiers can be found here:

    Afghan women ********* all the male captives before they killed them with knives. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about Afghanistan:

    ‘When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a soldier!’

  6. #3396
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanDattum View Post
    Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil.
    Maybe someone'll get something out of it.
    Sorry if it's been posted before.
    Thanks VanDattum.

    It's nice to see this old clip in a format bigger than postage-stamp size.

    Now, does anyone happen to have that a large version of old Cruella clip in which a beautiful, long-haired woman threatens a masked man with a knife in her kitchen? The scene ends with her telling him: "I'm gonna cut your knob off". Classic stuff.

    Great vampire pictures, by the way.

  7. #3397
    Junior Member Rabbitman's Avatar
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    What video is this!?


    this looks amazing yet no reply on where video comes from

  8. #3398
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    heres a few pix

    havent made any new videos ya but ill get around to it
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 0001_01.jpg   0001_02.jpg   0001_03.jpg   0001_011.jpg   0001_021.jpg  

  9. #3399
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    if you want burdizzo pics

    join my group and help yourself

    i have no restrictions

  10. #3400
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    Crazy movie I just saw

    I just watched a movie called "Storm Warning" (2007). I found it on a well known internet based dvd rental agency. Three men living alone on an island are visited by a couple who is lost. Turns out the three men are crazy drug dealers. They make the couple slaves. Pretty disturbing stuff, including the butchering of a baby kangaroo. However, around one hour ten minutes into the film, one of the "farmers" rapes the woman. Turns out she inserted a personal defense device which really tore him up. A few minutes later we see him trying to remove it with pliers. The family dog finishes what she starts. Very graphic.

  11. #3401
    Member saxson's Avatar
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    Something like this.....?

  12. #3402
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    Originally Posted by Intact4Now
    "We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."

    The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review

    Wow. I know that better body armor has allowed more to "survive" their injuries. Loosing your genitals to an IED is bad enough, but to be hung by your ankles knowing your balls and schlong were about to be cut off and watching as they are shoved in your mouth has to be the ultimate "war wound". The VC were vicious in what they did to prisoners, but there are incidents where US troops did ******** their prisoners. I guess this is what is meant by "all is fair in love and war".

  13. #3403
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    cock hungry vampires

    I remember a photo from cuddlynecrobabes or such that had a photo of a female vampire holding a severed cock with nuns standing around her schocked and many severed cocks stashed about the castle like room. Very hot photo.

  14. #3404
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    ********** weak guy !

    I love collection of ********** weak man movie and photo, especially when they scream with pain. Its hot !

    Anyone watch film : El Castrado, storm warning, Sweatshop, Jessicka Rabid,
    She-Demons of the Black Sun, Forest Cult Ritual.

    I learn that these film ********** scene is quite graphic.

    Any movie clip available??
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stable.jpg  

  15. #3405
    Member ljfemd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can

    this one is a classic - much more fantasy than gore and better than most on the site

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