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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3616
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    remove horns??? holy shit! ok, well, I'd rather NOT buy it then.... thanks for the hint!

  2. #3617
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    @dick_eat #3612: VERY nice - got more of that kind? (not especially the nun part, but the dick-losing one *g*)

  3. #3618
    Big Supporter stevesilver's Avatar
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    There is a lot of misinformation regarding elastrator bands going around here lately. Mika Tan is using a real elastrator band in the video. It looks thinner simply because it is stretched out on the elastrator. The bands are tiny in circumference when purchased but they have to be stretched to get the testicles through.

    Once they are snapped off the elastrator (above the balls) they try to get back to their normal size thus slowly cutting off the blood supply to the balls. Permanent damage is far from instant and in general takes many hours.

    The bands are very easy to cut off…they are rubber bands after all. One quick snip with a pair of scissors and they instantly pop off.

  4. #3619
    Member dick_eat's Avatar
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    One hungry girl!

    One very hungry girl!
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  5. #3620
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevesilver View Post

    There is a lot of misinformation regarding elastrator bands going around here lately. Mika Tan is using a real elastrator band in the video. It looks thinner simply because it is stretched out on the elastrator. The bands are tiny in circumference when purchased but they have to be stretched to get the testicles through.

    Once they are snapped off the elastrator (above the balls) they try to get back to their normal size thus slowly cutting off the blood supply to the balls. Permanent damage is far from instant and in general takes many hours.

    The bands are very easy to cut off…they are rubber bands after all. One quick snip with a pair of scissors and they instantly pop off.
    Thanks for information. I like the idea of elastrator **********.

    I wanted to purchase one, but couldn't get it in my place. Made an order from outside my country. [Customs got it now.] So, I don't have one.

    I wanted to do a game with my lady, we talked about it and she will do it. It is game called "Confession." I am tied-up and elastrator banded, and my lady will ask me questions to "confess" to her. She can ask anything and I have to tell her the truth. If I lie, the band stays on longer. If she thinks I am liar, the elastrator band stays on to my balls die. I must confess all to her, or be *********. It is way she has all the power, and I think reason she want to do it together.

    I get idea from the classic film "Female Inquisitor." It is about a Lady Yakuza boss that uses ********** to get information from captured males. She is excellent and powerful, but one guy holds out a long time. But, Female Inquisitor always gets her man -- *********.

    I want to film it, but I don't say this to my lady. She will not do it, maybe.

    But, we don't have elastrator and band.

  6. #3621
    Big Supporter pianoboy75's Avatar
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    @stevesilver: thanks for the information! Do You have personal experience? on livestock or Yourself?

    @Johnny_CockNballs: It shouldn't be a problem to order that online, e.g.
    It's completely legal and You don't have to be a veterinarian to order - and nobody at the customs knows You are planning on using it on Yourself.... ;-)

  7. #3622
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pianoboy75 View Post
    @stevesilver: thanks for the information! Do You have personal experience? on livestock or Yourself?

    @Johnny_CockNballs: It shouldn't be a problem to order that online, e.g.
    It's completely legal and You don't have to be a veterinarian to order - and nobody at the customs knows You are planning on using it on Yourself.... ;-)
    Thanks for post.

    Actually, we order elastrator from a company from India. But, the customs here get it. We are in Japan. Many foreign mails/packages are checked, and I think I'm "flagged" now.

    I will have to get it here Japan, and pay money on hand.

  8. #3623
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    Quote Originally Posted by psikopat13 View Post
    Yessss... Mika Tan is the sexiest Asian
    Dear Psikopat,

    Although it may be a little off-topic here, I just have to say that your handjob blog is amazing.

    Do you have an uncensored version of the two Japanese schoolgirls giving a blow-job and playing with the guy's cock?

    Best wishes,


  9. #3624
    Big Supporter stevesilver's Avatar
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    Johnny_CockNballs, your scenerio with your lady sounds awesome! I had a girlfriend a few years ago who would use it on me and it was amazing. Unfortunately those ladies are hard to find.

    That totally sucks with customs. I can't believe they'd withhold a farm tool...bastards! Best of luck.

  10. #3625
    Big Supporter stevesilver's Avatar
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    pianoboy75, I do have a good bit of experience. I've always been into Femdom and ballbusting and thanks to the internet I found out about elastrators. I think it's the ultimate ballbusting/Femdom tool.

    I got my first one in 1998 and I use it 3-5 times per year. I've only had one girfriend that was into using it on me though...but I'll keep looking.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  11. #3626
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    Vampiric Cock-Biting

    Dear All,

    Since the pictures that I posted ages ago of Anastasia as a cock-sucking vampiress proved popular with this group, I thought it wise to alert your collective attention to something similar. An twenty-something minute video starring Melissa Lauren is available here:

    Melissa bites and slaps both cock and balls, sucks dick, titty-fucks, gives handjobs and has sex in various positions during this film. Her fangs are a real turn on when they sink into vulnerable male genitalia! It's not a pure ********** flick, but I definitely think that it will interest people here. The address posted above features a link to screen-shots, too. You'll have to scroll down in order to download the file.

    Although I personally would have preferred a female with natural boobs and an uncircumcised male model, this scene has to rate as one of the best that I've seen in a while. Enjoy!


  12. #3627
    Member dick_eat's Avatar
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    another hungry girl

    Bite of that cock head!
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  13. #3628
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    Well, penectomy does not quite equal ********** and this one was not successful. interesting how he was dependent upon a female for healing after one almost hacked it off. too bad that, as he got an erection, the other woman just doesn't finish the job.

  14. #3629
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    Quote Originally Posted by miaomiaocowboy View Post
    This is my all time favourite.

    Anyone can share clip of El Castrado, Silence Dead,Forest Cult Ritual, The Commune, Jessicka Rabid, City in Panic.
    it's cool

  15. #3630
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    Does any one know if there is the clip of el castrado

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