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Thread: Grabbing and squeezing

  1. #1726
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jessica View Post
    Theres a real popular picture with a young girl grabbing a boy by his nuts called dsjodie3.jpg I'm sure many of you have seen it before. Are there anymore in this series?

    Does anyone know who the model is?
    good picture

  2. #1727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberman View Post
    Thank’s to Rani for guidance in how to do this. I’ve attached a movie at the link below and a capture from the movie below so you can see what you’ll be getting. Hope it works.
    file not found

  3. #1728
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    Jul 2009

    for men loss of testicules or any dmg that ruins them is 100x worse then death

    Quote Originally Posted by elliebi001 View Post
    I like the threads here, but am a bit concerned about how far to go. I had a friend I use to help with ball squeezing, but he got more carried away and finally I stopped because it was getting dangerous for him and bothering me. He eventually was permanently hurt and badly damaged by a "pro" and dropped out of sight. This has happened more than people will admit and I'm not sure men know how this can get out of hand. (that is not a joke)

    i think your right , guys, especialy when the cock or balls are involved will usualy suffer in shame in silence , when they get hurt down there, ( im not talking bout ppl geting hurt in BB sessions but in accidents, animal attack, sickness cancer or attack from 1 of the many sico women out there.

    its mainly because how man are seeing or treated in our society, because ppl dont care about guys/men even guys dont care bout other guys(usualy guys when they are happy in their own world wont see or care bout the rest)( but every 1 care bout women lol) a guy who is hurt badly or has lost his testicules wont b taken seriously by any 1, ppl will be either discusted, will find it funny or wont care at all, women usualy always say he must of deserverd it... if your lucky you will get pity out of ppl, that the best you can hope for... ( i mean a UK women ripped her ex's ball out with her fingernails right out of his sack n tried to swallow it just because he wouldnt sleep with her and the fucking whore only got charged with regular assault!!! she got 2 years, just as she only beat some 1 up, that deserved 10-15 years ( i mean ****** get more them that n she actualy did something 100x worse then ****** some 1 )but u know ppl dont care bout men n when your a victim like that all you fell is sadness sorrow pain but mainly SHAME , i would of tortured and killed the bitch ( or i would of called few friends of mine who for 5000$ take care of any 1 anything for me torture n all lol)

    SO usualy guys will suffer in silence ,even if they were victims of crazy women assault, untill they die of find the courrage to kill them selves ''

    ******''cause for men loss of testicules or any dmg that ruins them or makes reg life unbareable is much MUCH MUCH worse then death''

    cause after it happen , after all the psycological /physical suffereing you still got to find the courrage to kill your self ( and to kill the person responsible for it if it wasnt an accident)

    <Moral of the story your balls! Keep ballplay safe¸( most women are clueless so find a pro or give your lady some experience, we, men cant all take the same assault on our balls, ''learn the game '' and its not cause you havent goten any dmg b4 that it will never happen and its not always the actual testicule that gets hurt/ruines, its defferent cannels n the epidymite that get fucked up twisted moved n crossed
    and if a bitch hurts you down there without giving you regular sexual satisfaction , kill the bitch

    Play safe boys and girls, learn your limits and keep a loaded gun under your bed just in case u lose something important

    sorry if it all kinda sounded lil fucked up but belive me... its all true, i hope some day, women will start to get it even a little...

  4. #1729
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    sounds fucked up
    didnt actually think that it could get soo serious :S

  5. #1730
    Big Supporter TVEE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessica View Post
    Theres a real popular picture with a young girl grabbing a boy by his nuts called dsjodie3.jpg I'm sure many of you have seen it before. Are there anymore in this series?

    Does anyone know who the model is?
    This image is not loading for me , would really appreciate if some one can directly post it to the thread of by giving another link of it

  6. #1731
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheVictim View Post
    i think your right , guys, especialy when the cock or balls are involved will usualy suffer in shame in silence , when they get hurt down there, ( im not talking bout ppl geting hurt in BB sessions but in accidents, animal attack, sickness cancer or attack from 1 of the many sico women out there.

    its mainly because how man are seeing or treated in our society, because ppl dont care about guys/men even guys dont care bout other guys(usualy guys when they are happy in their own world wont see or care bout the rest)( but every 1 care bout women lol) a guy who is hurt badly or has lost his testicules wont b taken seriously by any 1, ppl will be either discusted, will find it funny or wont care at all, women usualy always say he must of deserverd it... if your lucky you will get pity out of ppl, that the best you can hope for... ( i mean a UK women ripped her ex's ball out with her fingernails right out of his sack n tried to swallow it just because he wouldnt sleep with her and the fucking whore only got charged with regular assault!!! she got 2 years, just as she only beat some 1 up, that deserved 10-15 years ( i mean ****** get more them that n she actualy did something 100x worse then ****** some 1 )but u know ppl dont care bout men n when your a victim like that all you fell is sadness sorrow pain but mainly SHAME , i would of tortured and killed the bitch ( or i would of called few friends of mine who for 5000$ take care of any 1 anything for me torture n all lol)

    SO usualy guys will suffer in silence ,even if they were victims of crazy women assault, untill they die of find the courrage to kill them selves ''

    ******''cause for men loss of testicules or any dmg that ruins them or makes reg life unbareable is much MUCH MUCH worse then death''

    cause after it happen , after all the psycological /physical suffereing you still got to find the courrage to kill your self ( and to kill the person responsible for it if it wasnt an accident)

    <Moral of the story your balls! Keep ballplay safe¸( most women are clueless so find a pro or give your lady some experience, we, men cant all take the same assault on our balls, ''learn the game '' and its not cause you havent goten any dmg b4 that it will never happen and its not always the actual testicule that gets hurt/ruines, its defferent cannels n the epidymite that get fucked up twisted moved n crossed
    and if a bitch hurts you down there without giving you regular sexual satisfaction , kill the bitch

    Play safe boys and girls, learn your limits and keep a loaded gun under your bed just in case u lose something important

    sorry if it all kinda sounded lil fucked up but belive me... its all true, i hope some day, women will start to get it even a little...
    hey Victim, yes I think that you are right. No on cares about men. We have 17 offices here for female support, and ZERO for men. Men end up killing themselves and there is no support.

  7. #1732
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    Try this. I don't know how to preview .sfv files:

  8. #1733
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimpednutz View Post
    Just a little sample of some squeezing from

    Hope you likes..

    Download Sample Here
    Pretty hot!

  9. #1734
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    united states


    That wasn't hot, that was a dude!

  10. #1735
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    Quote Originally Posted by TVEE View Post
    Check this out ball squeez ! u can hear da "crunch"
    what was the title of that video clip ?

  11. #1736
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBob View Post
    what was the title of that video clip ?
    seems like they have removed the vid cant remember the title , sorry
    I found that link long ago

  12. #1737
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    Trout, LA, USA

    Squeezing is the greatest.

    This site seems to have some great squeezing, but its completely random.

  13. #1738
    Registered Member
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    thanks ! for this

  14. #1739
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    Quote Originally Posted by TVEE View Post
    seems like they have removed the vid cant remember the title , sorry
    I found that link long ago
    tell me what's happening in the video and I will find it and repost

  15. #1740
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBob View Post
    tell me what's happening in the video and I will find it and repost
    I cannot remember it , but I think it was inside a plane or an office .
    and it was a very erotic squeeze which you can hear a crunching sound when she squeeze .
    Think she was a blonde , not sure tho .

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