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Thread: Ballbusting Cartoons

  1. #4411
    Supreme Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohowtheyhurt View Post
    I LOVE the drawings. Both aching balls and clit were HOT! I'm also partial to the view of a swollen pussy from behind!!! YUMMY!!! I thank you for these wonderful posts with this stroy I recently wrote. Having a set of balls, I hope I got the female feelings of arousal right. Ladies, if you enjoy the story and care to give me a more correct description of arousal, I'd be honored. -Oh


    Kim wanted him, pure and simple, a strong deep simmering feeling of lust and desire. The heat she felt towards him was new, changed from the pleasant light hearted acquaintanceship of the past year to a stronger yearning that encompassed all her senses. Her ears listened for his voice, her eyes greedily drank in his presence. She loved his smell, dreamed of his taste and touch. Yet, knowing and even understanding her own desires didn’t bring him closer, didn’t alert him to his change in status from friend to imagined lover. That would take action, and as she saw him across the commons, she pressed her thighs tighter together, seeking to trap the building warmth, and decided she needed action too.
    “Hey Killer….Gotta date for the Valentines Party?” Kim playfully teased as he caught sight of her on the lush lawn of commons. She smiled widely and arched her chest out ever so slightly, feeling her sports bra tighten against her hardening nipples. Kim was thankful her sweatpants were baggy else he might feel her moist heat that she noticed billowing within the loose fitting cotton. She was suddenly acutely aware of how her panties were wedged between her ass cheeks and she wished it was perhaps his tongue or lower….
    “Hi Kim.” He replied in a glum tone. “No one yet and it’s getting pretty grim.”
    Kim looked at beautiful face, that strong jaw, his deep sincere brown eyes, his flawless mouth. She knew several sluts that dildoed themselves to sleep nightly thinking of him. May there trampy holes cake with yeast. He would belong to her. “I know some girls at the Hull House that might go if you agreed to some changes.” She busted on him referred to the local militant lesbian sorority.
    “Yeah, real funny.” He replied, his glumness turning to irritation at her comment.
    “Oh, I don’t know…” She began as she casually approached him, hands clenched behind her back in mock innocence. “It might not be such a big loss.” Kim brought her knee up playfully into the unprotected crotched V of his jeans.
    She watched his body tense up, expecting the hard intense pain to explode in his balls. But all he received was a minor twinge as she stopped suddenly as she felt the plump fullness of his hanging fruits against her knee. Kim felt her clitty stiffen and smiled slightly as she mused over the bulge she’d be sporting if she was a guy.
    He gasped briefly at the impact.
    My my boy balls are so sensitive, Kim’s sly smile widened as she looked into his widened eyes. “See, it doesn’t hurt that much once they’re all gone.” Kim mocked him some more as she watched his face flush red from embarrassment then twist to anger.
    “Well then you won’t mind THIS for being such a cunt.” He punctuated the word “this” by ramming the knee of his powerful runner’s leg straight up into the burning hot V of Kim’s sweatpants.
    Kim yelped as his knee slammed into her pubic bone, crushing, absolutely, her aroused hardened clit as well spreading a hot stinging pain across her completely flattened lips. Kim once again clenched her thighs together, though this time it was to contain the pinpoint agony that seared into her crotch. She sunk to her knees bringing both hands in a most unladylike way into her vagina torn by the desire to clutch herself and fear of the pain any further pressure to her labia and clit might cause.
    He stormed off. An act that Kim was deeply grateful for as she felt the warm trail of a tear run down her face. It did not matter that the commons was relatively empty or that the incident happened so quick nobody probably saw it. It was her turn to flush red as she ever so delicately tried to get to her feet while her hands were so definitely wedged up into her crotch. God that HURT!, Kim thought to herself as she realized this was the first time she had ever been hit in the groin.
    She delicately pushed her hands into her sweats and gently tugged her panties away from her throbbing pussy. Flatter than a pancake was the thought that flashed through her mind as she daintily probed her only just recently engorged puffy outer pussy lips. Her own scent wafted up to Kim reminding her of just how hot she just was. Her curiously still hard nipples signaled that part of her still was. That part would just have to wait till she walked her wounded pussy home and applied something soothing to her poor womanhood.
    It was an at times cringing and painfully slow walk back to her dorm. Kim lay on her small bed, legs spread wide, nude below the waist, gently pressing a warm wash cloth against her smarting folds. A rivulet of water trickled down to her small pink anus. Kim couldn’t help but fantasize it being his cum. She cringed as the fulling arousal of this thought brought another painful sting to her lips. She would have to wait. Kim felt her frustration build to the nipple points as her full pert breasts began to ache. She wanted, no, she needed to be touched by him. Fondled, squeezed, grinded into. First, however, he needed to pay. No one makes my pussy and tits ache this bad and gets away with it……
    A few days later after several long and needed massage sessions with her favorite peach flavored love lotion , Kim felt her pussy sufficiently damp and willing to pursue more strenuous activity. It was after midnight and she felt his eyes burning into the depths of her vagina that she stretched wide apart for his viewing pleasure.
    Arny the Floor Monitor was on his knees, pulsing cock in hand, jerking it feverishly before Kim as she sat with her leg straddling the arms of the worn leather armchair. Kim made the normally blue-balled Arny an offer he wouldn’t have refused had it involved even the anal sodomy of his closest relatives. Arny was free to relieve whatever churning aching pressure was torturing his heavy female touch free testicles while Kim showed him every soft intimate pink fold of her sex without objection. Upon emptying his, impressive even to Kim, hefty sperm-filled orbs, Arny would provide Kim the monitor key which would allow her entry to HIS room. There her plan of lust and revenge would unfold.
    “Rub it slowly.” Arny squeeked in excitement as he pulled furiously on his short but thick reddish member. “I could lick it for you?” He plied pathetically.
    “No, this is our deal.” Kim replied as her concentration which was focused on Arny’s full jiggling sack was broken. She was in awe of how much his balls seemed to expand and wondered if this hurt a man’s nuts as well. What didn’t she wondered sarcastically. Her health books said even a firm tap could cause intense sharp agony even if for a short while. Or would it be worse to grab Arny’s expanding balls and try to squeeze them back to normal size. She seen guys get kicked in their nuts but never saw what happened when you grabbed them by their tender jewels.
    “Now finger it!” Arny squealed obviously getting close to erupting.
    Wishing to bring her chore to an end, Kim fake moaned and whispered, “Arny, I’m coming too.” Kim slowly slid her ring and index finger into her barely moist vagina and eased the discomfort by slowly withdrawing them and allowing them to pull back the small hood of flesh that concealed her clitty. It wasn’t erect but when Arny laid eyes on her most intimate love-button he climaxed hard.
    Kim watched in amazement as a thick cord of sperm flew from Arny’s spasming cock. She moved her leg so that the second jet of seed landed on her frilly white sock.
    Arny cared not where he spewed. After several hard pumps, Arny sat back on his haunches breathing deeply with an expression of pure ecstacy across his face.
    “Was that good Arny?” Kim purred sensually, the hem of her short purple skirt falling over her pussy hiding it from view.
    Arny made several satisfied groans as Kim moved up close to him and darted both hands around the low hanging flesh of Arty’s emptied balls. Kim tightened her grip and Arny gasped and squeeked.
    “Don’t worry Arny, this is as tight as my grip gets as long as you listen.” Kim spoke in a low serious tone and she couldn’t help but squeeze both nuts just a little harder.
    Arny sucked in air as he felt the deathgrip around his jewels increase and painfully impede upon their happy throbbing.
    “Arny, your spunk landed on my sock. That’s just gross but that is also evidence. If you EVER tell anyone about tonight, l’lI go straight to the police and claim I caught you in my room jerking off like a sick little perv. I’ll even describe you enormous balls. You know the ones. They feel like they want to get bigger. Is my little squeezing stopping that? Does it make them hurt?”
    Kim again couldn’t help herself and tightened her hold on Arny’s large balls. They were hot and sweaty and she could feel them throb in her hands. She pulled them down a bit toward the floor.
    “PLEEEASSE! OK!” Arny croaked in obvious pain. Kim felt a small trickle of wetness down her inner thigh. Two fingers wouldn’t be a problem now…
    “Good Arny. Now I am gonna let go and then I want you to hold them. Rub them, I know they hurt. Keeping holding them till I leave and then go to sleep happy that you still have them…..”
    Arny nodded rapidly. Kim pulled down on his sac then released wondering if Arny’s nuts would react like slingshot bullets and shoot upward. Whatever direction they went, it hurt. Arny cried out and fell backwards clutching his impressive but still wounded orbs. Kim walked out of the dorm room aware of the slight scent of aroused pussy she left in her wake…

    His room was dark but Kim could make out his sleeping form on the bed from the light provided by the lamppost outside the dorm. Kim paused in the still room and listened after she had shut the dorm room door. She heard his breathing, deep, powerful, rhythmic. Kim ran her hand over her belly and cupped her left breast. No bra, no needed. She would have walked naked across the quad if she could have. A twinge of pleasure shot downward as she tweaked her own nipple and felt it stiffen to a thick nub beneath her fingertips. She pressed her other hand on her clitty hood and wiggled it back and forth till a wave of pleasure almost buckled her knees.
    Kim’s eyes adjusted to the light and she approached his bed. It was cold outside but the dorms chaotic heating system pumped dry heat into the room with such enthusiasm you found yourself looking to open a window to comfort the room. He was no exception, only the thin top sheet cloaked the lean muscled form of his body. Kim watched the tight undershirt expand and contract over his firm chest muscles. She stared at him imagining his chest and hers pressed together, heaving and striving to reach the heights of pleasure as they thrust wildly against one another. After tonight she would need no fantasy. She would have him. But first, the revenge.
    Kim shed her top and skirt. She stood before him, nipples erect, pussy aroused, anus tight and ready to be licked. Then she launched herself upon him landing solidly on his chest facing his feet. He woke gasping for air as she brought her toned legs and thighs tightly against his naked arms.
    “What the??” Was his drowsy reply before Kim found her targets with her two hands clenched together and driving down hard into his top sheet protected crotch.
    He gasped to scream again but she was fast enough to drive her hands down with another devastatingly accurate hammer-blow to his nuts.
    An agonized high pitched “AAYYYYYE” filled the room as he doubled up into a sit-up position and Kim felt his face press into her ass. His hands fought to move to his battered jewels but her legs held them firm. Besides, her hands had by now already found the precious tender balls.
    “How does THAT feel!” Kim hissed as she pinched each hot nut between her thumb and forefinger. “Like my pussy felt after your knee smashed it!” She alternated squeezing each enflamed ball as she spoke.
    He writhed helpless and in absolute male agony trying to breathe, holler, and beg at the same time. “KKKimm?” Was the only word he managed to get out but it was his realization she wanted to hear.
    “Yes Mr. Pussy-kicker. Kim! And now you are going to kiss my pussy and make it all better or you’ll be sharing the title Miss with me!!!” She pulled the balls and soft skin of his scrotum down hard towards his feet making him arch his back and stiffen his legs out in a agonized pose.

    “KKKIMM! PLEAAAAA!” His pleas were cut off as she repeated the hard
    tug that jolted his nuts further away from their proper position.”
    “Less talking more kissing!!” Kim replied as she wiggled her cute round ass in the air, her full moist pussy lips shaking back and forth before him.
    Kim felt the hotness of his breathe on her outer folds and thrust back so that his lips would meet hers. He kissed her wet soft mound and Kim knew her juices wet his lips. She moaned and thrust back again, this time feeling the warm insistent probing of his tongue on her labia. Heatedly she adjusted herself so that his tongue simply and gloriously slid into her. His heavenly licking continued sending Kim into deeper and deeper realms of pleasure. She felt the hard arousal of his penis against her cheek as she buried her nose deep into his pubic mound inhaling deeply his heady musk. She ran her tongue over the length of his straining cock and hungrily enjoyed it’s slight saltiness. Kim thrust her pelvis down and his tongue ran wet and slick against her anus. She grunted and thrust up and down again so that his tongue flicked hard against her clit before running deliciously up her slit and to the pinkness of her asshole. A dozen more times, not that she could even form the sense of numbers, and Kim was gripped in the primal wave of a intensely deep orgasm!!
    Wave after wave of pure feminine pleasure came, no boundaries, powerful bolts of bliss. The room was thick with the scent of her lust. She felt his body arch forward and her pussy felt the markedly different sensation of vibrations as Kim realized he was screaming into her. Suddenly she realized her hands were clenching orgasm tight around his hapless aching balls.
    “Oh God I’m sorry!” She cried out in genuine distress at the idea of crushing forever useless those deliciously full fruits of manhood. Kim jumped off of him and he immediately curled into a fetal position and rolled off the bed onto the hard floor.
    She stood over him feeling her own lips hang heavy and sated as her juices meandered down her thighs. He rolled back and forth moaning “my balls” over and over. Yet despite his overwhelming pain, Kim couldn’t help but notice his cock was rock hard, thrusting powerfully out over his nut-clutching hands. It stood out and Kim found herself yearning to feel its wide expanse fill her.
    “It’s ok, it’s ok. I can make it better. Let me help you.” Kim whispered softly as she cupped her own hanging fruits in her hand and tweaked her nipples back and forth as her wetness grew. “Come and get on the bed and I’ll make it all better.”
    Kim saw him sit up and believed he was about to rise when his hand shot out and grabbed hold of the neatly trimmed pubic tuft. She felt her lips retreat in pain as he began to pull on her girly tuft. Reacting more out of instinct then reason, Kim drove her left foot into her most obvious target, the two swollen balls right below his upright hard cock. Her pretty curled toes punted his nuts solidly, once, then twice before he let out a horribly intense pained yelp and passed out on the floor.
    Kim knelt down and went right for his balls. She felt the engorged sac and found two distinct orbs. She rolled them around in her fingers and then for no other reason than she wanted to know how they tasted, she licked them. His testicles were very warm and moved back and forth lazily with each lick of her tongue. His body twitched when she sucked both of them into her mouth and then began licking his cock which began to harden at her attentions. Seeing this effect, Kim lowered her boobs against the penis that was slick with her saliva. Pinching a nipple in each finger she brought her breasts together and began to gently run his penis up and down her warm cleavage. Kim smiled as she looked at his hard cock, she gently brushed her equally erect nipple across the tip and felt it come away moist with pre-cum.
    Kim sighed to herself as she looked over him, *********** but fully aroused. She doubted waking him would result in any passionate love-making, the pain in his busted balls would more likely win out. She brought one hand away from her nipple and slid it down her tummy and over her labia. A twinge of yearning pleasure from within beckoned her. She rubbed again and stared lusting at his fine member. Slowly she mounted him, letting the tip push against her lips before accepting it slowly, the again slightly faster, and faster…..
    Kim was cumming, it was on her third wonderful climax when he finely began to come to. He began to meet her downward thrusts and moan lightly. She increased the pace and contracted the muscles of her pussy to greedily hold his cock tight with every impact. He moaned deeper and began to thrust in earnest and his excitement aroused her to climax number four followed by his short rapid thrusts that emptied his truly swollen nuts deep inside her.
    He opened his eyes and stared at her. Kim froze, her body was drained, her lips at a loss of words. A brief expression passed over his face and she panicked. Her hands flew to his balls and gripped. His eyes almost popped from his head as he gasped and she began to squeeze. It took less than a minute till his agony overwhelmed him back into unconsciousness. His balls were like two hardened fruits in her hand, she felt them throb and wondered which hurt more, crushing them full or empty. Either way, his cock was done as she felt it shrivel out of her. She rubbed her pussy against it one last time before she rose. He won’t be walking around anytime soon with those balls she thought slyly, happy she was a woman. She cupped her mound and felt his warm goo leak onto her hand before she brought it to her mouth and tasted it and her own juices. Her pussy felt sated but sore and she smiled thinking at least when it hurts walking back to her dorm this time, it will be for all the right reasons.
    Excellent! thanks, hcs

  2. #4412
    Registered Member
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    Oct 2009

    Loving it!!!!

    Hi all!!! just joined this site and i find this forum really good. Lots of resources to choose from

  3. #4413
    Big Supporter testycoles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    wow this is sooo super sexy!! thank you
    i absoluutly loove ballbusting and feet and the two go together like bread and butter

  4. #4414
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    St Louis
    Like this one so much

    Quote Originally Posted by Cirus View Post
    A few cartoon pics.

  5. #4415
    Senior Member Chestnuts's Avatar
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    Drawing i did representing my bf fetish take that!!!
    lol its a bad drawing but u get the idea.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bang!3.jpg  

  6. #4416
    Big Supporter kneefodder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chestnuts View Post
    Drawing i did representing my bf fetish take that!!!
    lol its a bad drawing but u get the idea.
    And the answer to her question is.....a lot more than she thinks!

    Nice sketch

  7. #4417
    Registered User
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    New York

    Any good manga galleries?

    Does anyone know any sites where one could find manga ballbusting pictures?

  8. #4418
    Member drgonzo's Avatar
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    Smile Nut Stomp

    An Amazon of mars, drawn by the artist Count ECO
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails An_Amazon_of_Mars.jpg  

  9. #4419
    Big Supporter kneefodder's Avatar
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    Mixed Wrestling (winner takes balls)

    The boys team deservedly regarded as "Mere Girl Fodder" by their detractors once more live up to expectations!
    Last edited by kneefodder; 03-02-2010 at 01:36 AM.

  10. #4420
    Big Supporter samuelbbbb's Avatar
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    captive amazon doesn't give up

  11. #4421
    Senior Member
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    well done!

    Quote Originally Posted by drgonzo View Post
    An Amazon of mars, drawn by the artist Count ECO

  12. #4422
    Junior Member
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    tadaa here you go

    and this is a Gif
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1255124188716.jpg  

  13. #4423
    Junior Member Ryan7's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Hey guys,ryan here

    Great work knave,as of now you are a pro bb comic artiste and i have already purchased some of your work.look forward to your future comics

  14. #4424
    Member drgonzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samuelbbbb View Post
    captive amazon doesn't give up

    That looks great! What comic does it come from?

  15. #4425
    Registered Member
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    Oct 2009
    amazing ballbusting content

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