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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #3826
    Supreme Poster Jenny69's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Hmmm... I like the idea of squishing balls to a mush, and the idea of chopping a guys wiener off. I like the meat grinder idea


  2. #3827
    Supreme Poster
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    the movie playroom

    Yes bookoo, i do have the flik. However, i have slow dialup and i'm not sure what all i can do with slow dialup. I have never posted anything in a clip. I am new at this and need more info. Please tell me how i can post in a clip and i will be more than happy to do it.

  3. #3828
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    I'm surprised more girls and women are not into surgical **********, doing it the way a veterinarian would ******** a large male dog or the way a surgeon would perform the operation when it is medically necessary.

    While ********** is a relatively simple surgical procedure, it is actual surgery using scalpels, forceps, and ligatures to properly clamp, tie off, and cut the spermatic cords, therefore it does require a fairly high degree of skill for her to perform it properly.

    It would take some doing for her to develop and master those skills properly. I would think that a girl or woman who has perfected her surgical skills and technique so that she can easily and properly perform a surgical ********** with real confidence in herself and her surgical skills would rightly be proud of her surgical and ********** skills and ability. It would show her as having intelligence, dexterity, dedication, and confidence which are the marks of supremacy, superiority and dominance.

    A girl or woman who can roll up her sleeves and surgically ******** a man slowly, skillfully, successfully, and confidently would show herself as being a very dominant female, a true femdom/dominatrix.

    While ********** is not a long drawn out surgery it does take some time to do it and really do it right, so she would have her victim in severe pain, agony, and suffering at her hands for much longer than if she just crushed his balls, or banded him or clamped him with a burdizzo. I think when it takes about 15 to 25 minutes when a veterinarian castrates a large male dog and about 30 to 45 minutes for a surgeon to ******** a man. She could really play with him and play with his mind while she is performing the ********** surgery on him.

    Perhaps as she perfects and refines her surgical skills she could also become very skillfull at performing a combined ********** and penectomy, or even combined ********** and prostatectomy.

    A girl or woman with such skills would certainly be worshipped by especially certain groups of men, and even idolized by many women. Think of the power you would have ladies.

    Because it would show her intelligence, skill, and ability I'm surprised more girls and women are not into surgical ********** done the way a veterinarian or surgeon would do it. And think of all the fun she could have with it as well.

    Any girls or women here ready to roll up her sleeves and become Dr. Castratrix?

  4. #3829
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    Dec 2007
    Hi there!
    Thanks for all the many many links that are posted every day!
    THis is the best ********** thread ever!!

    So i know that here are many banding fans, so i wan't to post this great link to a video clip:
    I know its a paysite but, it is worth to have a look at it:
    The girls in this clip are really ********** the guy with a tribander!!

    So its difficult to post the link as the system will censor the link as it is a paysite:
    ********************/studio/32249 (original link)

    or go to: clips 4 sale store number:32249

    The clip is called: "torture comes before **********", or just type ********** into search!

    It is really hard to see how the russian girl bands the guy with this device, she explains(in german) what will happen to his balls as they are banded now, you can really see how his balls become very dark after a few minutes!!

    have fun with it!

  5. #3830
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowltrekor View Post
    Yes bookoo, i do have the flik. However, i have slow dialup and i'm not sure what all i can do with slow dialup. I have never posted anything in a clip. I am new at this and need more info. Please tell me how i can post in a clip and i will be more than happy to do it.
    Great !! I know there is a program where you can cut a piece from a movie and make a short clip. I think Windows has aprogram. Let me check. If anyone here knows of a way please give us your input.

  6. #3831
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    I like the idea of [...] chopping a guys wiener off.
    If you feel the need to get serious anytime, just let me know.

  7. #3832
    Join Date
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    New York City

    Hi!!! :)

    Hi there! I'm a new girl here.

    I've always had fantasies about ********** men. My ultimate ********** fantasy would be to lure muscular, well-hung men home with me by telling them I was going to fuck them, getting them naked and tied up, then when they're helpless showing them my scissors or my razor and telling them all about what I'm going to do. I'd talk to them and tease them and maybe bust their balls a little bit. I wouldn't fuck them or let them cum, but I'd try to get them hard for the actual cut. Then I'd cut their cocks and their balls off. After that I'd laugh at them and hold their former cocks up so they could see them. I'd definitely laugh at them. I'd start a collection, of cocks mounted on the wall, just like men mount deer antlers.

    Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.

    I'm 24 y/o and I've had boyfriends, but they've never actually known the reason that I was staring so longingly at their junk. I've never really even dommed a guy before beyond a little spanking. But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.

  8. #3833
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    Seriously, I am kind of surprised that there seems to be no one here turned on by surgical ********** performed very skillfully by a girl who really knows how to do it and is confident in her ********** ability.

  9. #3834
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
    Seriously, I am kind of surprised that there seems to be no one here turned on by surgical ********** performed very skillfully by a girl who really knows how to do it and is confident in her ********** ability.
    I love that, you could do it the bull etyle and then eat my balls, or the dog style, and I will use my tongue to pleasure you.

  10. #3835
    Junior Member ABBEY's Avatar
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  11. #3836
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABBEY View Post
    Now that made me feel odd. But not sure if in a good or bad way

  12. #3837
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABBEY View Post
    I'm not really into some guy doing it to himself. I'm into a girl doing it to a guy. Sorry to complain but this forum is a about femdom, the name of the site is Forums. I just feel a ********** thread on a femdom forum should be about girls and women ********** guys, not about guys ********** themselves. You're free to disagree but that's just my feeling.

    Anyone have anything about girls ********** a guy?

  13. #3838
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    Of course, that's not really very moral, so it's just a fantasy.
    [...] But I really want to explore my ********** fantasies further.
    I'm so glad, there's at least a few girls with those sexy fantasies.

  14. #3839
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post

    Anyone have anything about girls ********** a guy?
    Here we go:

  15. #3840
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jiauka View Post
    Jiauka, what is the name of the movie and what year was it done?

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