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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4081
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bettybiteoff View Post
    If there is blood about to drip out of the end of his dick and she is squeezing the pliers with all her might, He probably will have a broken dick. That is a condition where the corpus cavernosum is damaged in some way. In a mild case he might just have a permanent crease and a bent dick at the point where the damage happened. In a worse case, his dick might get hard only up to the point where the pliers were cutting into it and stay soft the rest of the way.

    A similar condition can happen if a girl bites as hard as she fucking can into a hard dick for a while. Assuming, that is, that she does not bite it completely off.

    Love Betty-
    Betty, where have you been? I have been hoping to see some more posts from you. Also, I will be buying your book.

  2. #4082
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Gotta Agree...

    A day without Betty's creative descriptions
    is like a day without sunshine.

  3. #4083
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    May I ask how you "know" this? Is it documented? Do you know it from a credible news agency? My guess is you are posting hearsay and rumors...
    I assure you our military or police do not have institutionalized male to male ballbusting or BDSM fantasies.

    I really don't want to go into political debate in this forum, but I cannot stay silent when my country is slandered. My apologies.

    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post

    I know that in turkey police/military sometimes tortures minorities.
    A well known method is to put their testicles between 2 wooden boards.

  4. #4084
    Supreme Poster
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    Paixoes Proibidas

    I find that this movie "Paixoes Proibidas" has a graphic ********** scene, anyone can upload the clip?

    Been taken out from youtube.

  5. #4085
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    ********** by black magic.

    That old Black Magic
    Bike racing was his passion and women were his trophies. He could get any woman he wanted because he was Biker Mike. He always treated them nice until they made him choose between biking and them, no woman was worth giving up biking. It was fun, it made him well known and it let him get any woman he wanted. Of course you and I know that mike has made a dangerous mistake, he insulted and then forgot about hundreds of angry women.Now I could list them all and tell of each individual pain suffered by each but we both know what this story is about. So let's concentrate on the one woman who counts, Paige Cabal. A beautiful woman just old enough to drink and the object of many a fantasy. She looked like the culmination of millenia of work on the human form. Some of the best features of every race and ethnicity were melted together to form a vision of perfect beauty. Paige had been so excited when she met Mike, she had dreamed fairy tale dreams about meeting someone as handsome and charming as him. She almost squealed with delight when he hit on her. She did some squealing of a different kind when she got drunk on their second date.Mike was a very gifted lover. He drove all his energy into bringing Paige to the ultimate level of ecstasy. His very large thick penis was a work of art. Soft and gentle, yet firm and strong. He knew of his sexual powers, he knew he was blessed with such a magnificent penis and it was clear he was full of himself. As he emptied his balls into her he grunted and moaned, “Take it bitch!” which is what he would always say after a long hard fuck. But the next morning was a very different situation. They had an argument; he made it perfectly clear she was delusional if she thought she was worth him giving up racing to settle down with her.We all know how it feels when dreams are pulled out from under us, and most of us can do nothing but get pissed off. Well as you probably guessed Paige is not like the rest of us, and not only did she have her dreams destroyed and her virginity taken by someone who practically did this for a living, she suddenly knew the pain of every other young girl to fall for this prick. But as he left her on the bed with a fairly large physical bruise to match the emotional bruise, she began to plan how to make that prick fall for all those women.Now one thing I should have told you about Paige is that along with the best looks of every race and creed she had the best of all their magical heritage as well.So as Mike went off on a week long bike trip Paige began her work in the middle of the living room floor. First she boiled some bees wax with a touch of bloody until it had a nice fleshy colour. Then she cast a spell as the wax cooled and finally she added a lump of the wax and affixed one of mikes hairs, from the shower drain. The lump of wax assumed the form of her intended victim almost instantly. Smiling she picked up a piece of nylon thread.Mike was a little uncomfortable on his bike seat as his groin felt like it was being pinched. But being a man about it he ignored it and continued on his trek along an abandoned California highway. It took a good half hour before the pinching stopped but it was replaced by a mild numbness. Then he remembered hearing that some men have a similar problem from time to time if they do a lot of biking. That night Mike managed to score with a girl he’d met at a local sports bar. Things were going great until they went back to his hotel room. What happened you ask?...... nothing. Limp! As dead as a doornail. This was the ultimate blow to Mike’s ego, it had never happened to him before and he’d certainly never been laughed at before. The girl just laughed and laughed at Mikes inability to get an erection. Oddly enough, he was horny, he wanted to fuck…. but his beautiful penis hiding. It appeared smaller than usual. Overcome with embarrassment, frustration and rage Mike attacked the poor woman before tossing her out of his hotel room. A few hours later, after drowning his sorrow away at the minibar, Mike went to empty his bladder. Something didn’t feel right. He was disconcerted by the fact that the only way he knew he was holding his own penis were that his fingers felt it, but it didn't feel his fingers. The next day he decided to contact his doctor as soon as he got to his destination. He was bothered by the same problem throughout the entire day, and it concerned him so much he peddled two days worth of travel before he stopped at midnight. He no sooner got to his room then collapsed on his bed into a deep sleep. When he woke up he looked at the clock and realised how much he had worn himself out. He was asleep for over eighteen hours. He ached everywhere and decided that a long hot shower would soothe the aches of the day before.As he climbed into the shower, barely awake, he felt the water blast his skin with its needle like streams of water, and that woke him up. And it also reminded him of one part of his body that didn't feel the water at all. Looking down at himself he was shocked to see a shrivelled black mass of flesh dangling between his legs, reaching down he touched it but felt nothing. “What the fuck is happening to me!!?!?” Mike was in a total state of panic. Panicked he flicked it but still nothing, finally he smacked it. This time something happened. His penis fell off. He stared in total shock at his disembodied manhood which rested in the shower drain. Paige had an orgasm as she watched the dolls member fall off leaving the small expanse of smooth unscarred flesh behind. She could see the real deal in her minds eye as well, and got a wicked idea. Taking the little wax gonads up into her hand she walked over to a candle and placed them just under the lit wick, and masturbated as she watched them melt.Mike in his shock just stood still for so long that anyone watching would think he was a statue. Then he snapped to and convinced himself that he could just stick it back on and everything would be back to normal. As he began to reach down to pick up his severed genitals he halted in shock again as they began to melt and ooze down the drain.From miles away a little girl on a playground heard his girlish shriek.Paige sat in her bed holding the doll; she removed the hair from on top of it and crumpled it into a ball. The neutering was now permanent.

  6. #4086
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uppishcarrot2nd View Post
    That old Black Magic
    Remember this TV commercial?

  7. #4087
    Senior Member Chestnuts's Avatar
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    Have many people here seen bme pain olympics?

  8. #4088
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    Thumbs up


    Thanks for an excellent story with a very different approach to ballbusting. It was a fun read.


  9. #4089
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    some really strange pics & links in here folks

  10. #4090

  11. #4091
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Angry I, for one, have not

    Quote Originally Posted by Chestnuts View Post
    Have many people here seen bme pain olympics?
    For some reason, people who have access to it would rather post their own reactions to it instead of letting the rest of us in on what the fuss is about. (What is the deal with that, anyway? Are there now people that get off on reactions, too?)

  12. #4092
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    Quote Originally Posted by pain_fag View Post
    Here are some more I hope you enjoy.
    i love this

  13. #4093
    Big Supporter bthauronite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    For some reason, people who have access to it would rather post their own reactions to it instead of letting the rest of us in on what the fuss is about. (What is the deal with that, anyway? Are there now people that get off on reactions, too?)
    I'm going to save you some time and tell you it looks pretty fake, and it's not all that exciting.

  14. #4094
    Junior Member
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    usa ohio
    well it is fake as if you have seen the origional cut before it was editied and had the opening disclaimer removed. its just 2 men self mutilating realistic looking genitals. it was not sexy or exciting for me. its grainy and poorly shot and boreing

  15. #4095
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    Remember this TV commercial?

    that's a hot video. love it.

    thank you for posting that.

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