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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4096
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    In My Pants

    BME Pain Olympics Reaction

    Quote Originally Posted by Chestnuts View Post
    Have many people here seen bme pain olympics?
    Actually, the reactions (female) are more exciting than the original Pain Olympics video.

    We made a video of Nao's reaction to BME Pain Olmpics. First time see it. This is a crappy edit, we are staying in hotel and use a crappy laptop to make it. We had to find it online first, and it was poor quality video anyway. It was fun and keep us busy a fews hours.


  2. #4097
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    I am back and ready to bite somebody.

    Quote Originally Posted by semaj3001 View Post
    Betty, where have you been? I have been hoping to see some more posts from you. Also, I will be buying your book.
    Sorry, I have been away for a while. I am back now and will post more often.

    Love Betty-

  3. #4098
    Big Supporter sicko666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    For some reason, people who have access to it would rather post their own reactions to it instead of letting the rest of us in on what the fuss is about. (What is the deal with that, anyway? Are there now people that get off on reactions, too?)
    Lol true MOST of the reaction videos are terriable!
    Full of females screaming and so fake reactions of disgust just because of the camera tapeing them,but,some reactions are dam horny if you wade through enough! I had a clip (lost it,wish i hadnt) where a sexy blonde watched it and described exactly what was happening,but she did as cool as ice with a sexy smile at the end as if she watches cocks being chopped off all the time! Also in some clips you see women with there friends pretending to be disgusted by putting up there hands over their faces and saying yuck,while at the same time peeping through their fingers and hiding a cheeky grin from the others but get caught on the webcam!
    I have yet to see any were the woman says how hot and wet it makes her but hell i live in hope one day there will be an honest "reaction" clip!!!
    The videos themselves (there are more than one "Pain Olympic" rounds ,are just BME video compilation videos),dont do anything for me so i havent kept any,sorry,guys hurting themselves without woman takeing part dosent do it for me.I got one from "" dont know if its still around or not though...

  4. #4099
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  5. #4100
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny_cockNballs View Post
    Actually, the reactions (female) are more exciting than the original Pain Olympics video.

    We made a video of Nao's reaction to BME Pain Olmpics. First time see it. This is a crappy edit, we are staying in hotel and use a crappy laptop to make it. We had to find it online first, and it was poor quality video anyway. It was fun and keep us busy a fews hours.


    Of course, I don't understand what she is saying, but her body language reveals her empathy. That is so sweet!
    But as you've told me in other threads, modern feminism (with its obligatory misandry) has not caught on in Japan. So true feminine nature is allowed to be itself.
    But even you have admitted that in the east there is a growing practice called "feeding the ducks." I see it as growing female intolerance of true male nature, the biological imperative he has to spread his seed around.

    Females who've been raised in an environment where it is pounded into them on a daily basis that every woe they have can be directly traced back to the mere existense of male genitalia, OTOH, will naturally relish watching such a thing. It is an in-your-face vindication of her belief. "See, even he can be made to see what his evil junk deserves!"

  6. #4101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    Of course, I don't understand what she is saying, but her body language reveals her empathy. That is so sweet!
    But as you've told me in other threads, modern feminism (with its obligatory misandry) has not caught on in Japan. So true feminine nature is allowed to be itself.
    But even you have admitted that in the east there is a growing practice called "feeding the ducks." I see it as growing female intolerance of true male nature, the biological imperative he has to spread his seed around.

    Females who've been raised in an environment where it is pounded into them on a daily basis that every woe they have can be directly traced back to the mere existense of male genitalia, OTOH, will naturally relish watching such a thing. It is an in-your-face vindication of her belief. "See, even he can be made to see what his evil junk deserves!"
    That whole tradition of "feeding the duck" comes from Thailand. Women from Japan don't really have the same attitude as Thai women. Every one knows that there have been more spontaneous penis amputations in Thailand than anywhere else in the world. Most of the dick chopping has been done by jealous wives who have suspected their boyfriends or husbands of cheating on them.

    There is a collection of films on the Sundance channel called “Asia Extreme.” I saw one of these recently called 6ixtynin9 that was made in Thailand. It is mostly about some hard luck girl and a lot of people getting killed in her apartment and her attempts to get rid of the bodies. A neighbor lady believes that she has been sucking off her husband and tells her girlfriends about it. One of her girlfriends goes into some detail about what she must do to her husband when he gets home. She demonstrates with a banana and a knife. She must cut off his dick and puree it in a blender to make a tasty meat dish. Then she must feed the meat dish to the girl who has been fooling around with her husband. Unfortunately, the husband never comes home so she doesn’t get to do him, but it kind of clarifies the attitude that Thai women have about their husbands. This movie is suppose to come on Sundance again on Tuesday, Jan 19, 2010.

    I would bite off my husband's dick and eat it myself.
    Love Betty

  7. #4102
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Question You married, Betty?

    Quote Originally Posted by bettybiteoff View Post
    I would bite off my husband's dick and eat it myself.
    Love Betty
    The Thais may lead the world in this sport, but I've read similar accounts taking place in China, Korea, Vietnam, and the Phillipines.

    You may enjoy this little bedtime story told by a Korean woman to an American visitor, about a Japanese woman with a similar taste for revenge.

  8. #4103
    Supreme Poster
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    vos propos s'eloigne du sujet et des images du début!

    IS GOOD PIC NO? = ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)= Im sure!

    [IMG]waxon2 200.jpg (14.1 KB)[/IMG]
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  9. #4104
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    Our reality femdom video Ball Destruction-Flattened!

    I don't want to be a self-promoter, but some weeks ago my Femdom friend and I did four video clips, nonprofessional but REAL. The first was Ball Destruction :FLATTENED. I'm the victim and it's 100% real. You can search for my posts here and find it. We followed that up with 3 more short ones: flattening in close-up, urethral sounding and fisting.
    If you like them please let me know as we're planning more.

  10. #4105
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    yes you are self-promoter look:Error
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    And all clips too!

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  11. #4106
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    Then please advise where to post ballbusting

    Sorry if I've offended you. I"m rather a novice at handling video, and sought advice here, offline, about how to post. I was advised to post on a free site, including Rapidshare, and did. The initial viewers here really liked them and we've communicated privately since then. The video is too big for me to send at 19meg; I just don't know how.
    In any case, this is real ball destruction. And let me know if you have advice on where/how I can make them available here to our colleagues.
    Many thanks!

  12. #4107

  13. #4108
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    Clean out your inbox

    Quote Originally Posted by bettybiteoff View Post
    Sorry, I have been away for a while. I am back now and will post more often.

    Love Betty-
    Lol, yours is completely full.

    Good to see you back again with your hunger. You should do some new pics...hope you are getting plenty to eat.

  14. #4109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    Remember this TV commercial?
    I remember that comercial. Cool.

  15. #4110
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    What is in glass?
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