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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #301
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckrix View Post
    I've just checked the stats for it and so far 38 people have succesfully downloaded it. There aren't alot of download slots for us free users. Keep trying, it should work.
    Every time I'm lucky enough to get an open slot, the download quits after one second. Rapidshare just doesn't like my isp.

  2. #302
    Join Date
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    Smile exciting cfnm

    Quote Originally Posted by jiauka View Post
    Like this ones?

    I should have more somewhere
    luv a powerful woman, palying with a captive naked male, and the knife is perfect! thanks !

  3. #303
    Join Date
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    happy amazon with trophy

    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    So, what ...?
    lovely savage amazon with a big smile and a small cock trophy. Delightful image for a fantasy. thanks

  4. #304
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Unhappy poor guy lost his cock

    But he says he can still orgasm.

  5. #305
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    Who is the next?
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  6. #306
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Apparently this story is over a year old, and the prostitutes who did it are still at large.
    It really is no different from the German cannibal story. I mean, it was all consentual, all parties involved got what they bargained for.
    I will never understand the mind of a man who wants to make his self-destructive fantasies come true. But his selfishness has created at least one monster in Los Angeles who has already tasted this blood once...and knows that there is only one way to ever get that particular thrill again.

  7. #307
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    I will never understand...
    I find it asolutely ok, what happened there. Don't understand your problem on this.
    But his selfishness has created at least one monster ...
    You overrate that. She in indeed deserves some respect IMHO, for biting a penis off is for sure a hard task to do, because of the tough consistence of the tissue. I guess you would end up more like chewing it off (...), but imagine the pain of that for the "object" together with the time it would take. If it wasn't so much of cocaine in the game there, i would say he was a brave man and she was a fine couraged girl.
    Maybe I will have to do it like that one day. But I don't want that much pain. That would distract me from the main thing...

  8. #308
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I find it asolutely ok, what happened there. Don't understand your problem on this.
    Allow me to elaborate. Though it is probably in vain, since you are apparently no different from that "man."
    I have no problem with any part of my anatomy, and I especially appreciate my manhood. As any normal man does.
    Fantasy is one thing. Making it real, is quite another.
    There. Simple as that.
    Now, try and explain to me what makes you hate your own manhood so much. If you can.

    You overrate that. She in indeed deserves some respect IMHO, for biting a penis off is for sure a hard task to do, because of the tough consistence of the tissue. I guess you would end up more like chewing it off (...), but imagine the pain of that for the "object" together with the time it would take. If it wasn't so much of cocaine in the game there, i would say he was a brave man and she was a fine couraged girl.
    Maybe I will have to do it like that one day. But I don't want that much pain. That would distract me from the main thing...
    No, I think you underrate it. Because you have no problem with bringing your kink into the real world. You have crossed the line. So I fear people like you. If you are not pulling my leg and are being absolutely serious, you're praise and encouragement shows me that you have lost all your sense of man-pride and perspective a long time ago. In the interest of getting a hardon (that apparently you truly wish to be rid of, anyway)? Please do explain yourself so that I may see where you are coming from.

  9. #309
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    Please do explain yourself so that I may see where you are coming from.
    Is that a gauntlet?

    No I don't hate my manhood at all, the opposite is more likely to be true. I also need it nothing lesser than you need yours.
    That is the kink, you know? If it wasn't so important to me, than there wouldn't be a thrill in having a sexy woman take that "man pride" away from me.

    But I see, you seem to have a quite different sense of "man pride" or "real womanship" than me...

    BTW, what you overrated was the "now that she tasted blood..." thing.

  10. #310
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    You've eased my mind greatly. Thank you. I'm breathing again.

    I still say the "woman" is a monster. She accepted a sick assignment...for money.

    I have a problem with that for so many reasons.

    Let's say somebody came up to me and said, "I'll give you a big pile of money, if only you take an axe and cut off my arm. I promise you there will be no consequences for you. And I truly want to experience losing my arm."

    I would not take his money. All the money in the world would never wash it away from my conscience that I will have destroyed a healthy limb from a person so mentally unhealthy that he didn't value it, himself. I just could not live with being a monster.

    And, yes, I do have a definition of "true femininity" in my head. As unrealistic as it may be (in many cases), I still want to hold on to the belief that a true woman is all about kindness and trying to help those with a screw loose -- instead of adding to their problems just for a temporary financial windfall.
    A witness said these "women" left the scene amid laughter. That shows no conscience. No soul. No femininity, as I define it.

    The woman who did it may even sleep like a baby at night.

    That's a monster.

  11. #311
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    Sorry, but...

    I hope one of those "true women", who is "all about kindness and trying to help those with a screw loose" will once help ME and cut off my big, healthy cock, enjoying it.

  12. #312
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I hope one of those "true women", who is "all about kindness and trying to help those with a screw loose" will once help ME and cut off my big, healthy cock, enjoying it.
    Hmm...well, in that case...
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  13. #313
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I hope one of those "true women", who is "all about kindness and trying to help those with a screw loose" will once help ME and cut off my big, healthy cock, enjoying it.
    Only the bad sleep well...

    That woman cut it off, she will not keep it in mind. You are just man meat to her.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckrix View Post
    Hi im new here and was wondering how many of you out there are interested in penectomy type stuff either as well as ball busting/********** or without? In particular I'd like to ask the females here as I've always found it difficult to find women who are interested in cock chopping/ball crushing etc and willing to discuss it. In particular I'd like to ask what it is you like about this, is it the chopping itself, the feeling of power involved, or the after effects on the guy? Or all three? Of the men here I'd like to ask if they see it as a fantasy or an a hopeful one day reality (or maybe current day).

    Hope I haven't been too forwards. How do I post pictures here? I have a small collection I think people here would enjoy.
    Hello, I'm also new here, and I must admit that penectomy is one of my favourite fantasies...
    I can answer the question as a man: I don't really know if I would accept to have it done for real, but nonetheless it's one of the erotic fantasies that I find most powerful and intriguing...
    And I don't know if I am more aroused by the thought of the chopping itself, or by the idea of what the life would be like, after losing the organ. Of course, being unable to penetrate a woman - but still interested in sex - would result in a radical change of every kind of sexual relationship. I read somewhere that some men, after losing the penis (not the whole organ including roots) still have some orgasm ability. The idea of such a situation drives me mad

  15. #315
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    That woman cut it off, she will not keep it in mind. You are just man meat to her.
    Yes, well, that is not my all time favorite way to have it happen to me, but then again...
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