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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #346
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    take ur views and whatever opinions you have too a site that cares or open up a new thread n preach ur opinions otherwise u can garggle my balls and my circumsized penis Rebeccas been here long enough too contribute her views and opinions you on the other hand are just being a annoyance too the forum
    What on earth are you talking about? And why so rude?

    But anyway, I just asked Rebecca to share her opinion with me; quite the opposite of 'preaching'. Granted, I expect I'll end up disagreeing with her (but maybe not, who knows?), but I'm sure we're all mature enough to hear people's different viewpoints regardless of how long they've been here.

  2. #347
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    real mini penectomy

    after its off its about the size of a pinky finger

  3. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post

    after its off its about the size of a pinky finger

    Thank you for sharing..!! They all good looking..!!

  4. #349
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Well, nothing less du you: "These "hotties" as you call them, still have the rest of their lives ahead of themselves to top this thrill. And they will.
    Because they are monsters ."
    In my view, you are just projecting your wishes into them. I don't suppose anything like that. You are quick in negatively judging people you don't know and you have a quite strange opinion of women.
    Then you have an erroneous view of what I'm doing.
    I don't wish for what I said about them. I'm just going with statistical probability. But unless there is a followup story, we may never know for sure.
    But at least everyone knows where I would put my money, if I were a bettin' man.
    But do tell me what you think my "strange" opinion of women is, since you are claiming to know what it is. (Damn, I don't remember actually posting one. )

    You think life is over, once you don't have a penis anymore? You think your "manhood" is over then? I AM not my penis.
    Didn't say life was over. Didn't say you are your penis.
    A lot of men are ****** to live without theirs. They don't stop being men. They are just going to have to LIVE without a great part about being one.
    You have lost your right to claim to me that you value your manhood as much as me, if you are truly serious about needing to actively seek to destroy such a great part of it.
    A kink is a sexual fettish. In simpler words, what you do to get off in lieu of sex.
    We've had to develop kinks, because we still have our needs, but we know sex has consequences. So we find other means to satisfy those needs.
    While a kink can lead to injury, injury ain't the point of the kink. Most people want to be able to experience the fun, again, you see?
    If you seriously want to destroy a part of your body, especially one that gives you the benefits that this one does, most people will say that's insane.

    If you're argument is that it is NOT insane, then please do give me your reasoning.

  5. #350
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    Oh really? Show me a post of mine here where I have condescended to criticize someone elses fantasies or sexual interests.
    Want to send me on another cut and paste mission, like I did with nightowltrekkor, eh?
    No, thanks. Once was enough.
    Besides, it would be pointless. You'll either ignore my examples or waive them away with some self-righteous excuse. If folks want to read your posts and reach their own conclusions about them, they have but to click on your face.

    Where have I echoed your moral superiority?
    Right here!↓ ↓How about right HERE!↓↓
    What I don't like is your attacks against anyone who doesn't follow to the letter your analysis of it. That if anyone here finds this story to tweak their own fantasies (I'm not one of those by the way), is then subject to your scorn and ridicule.
    And why shouldn't they be subject to my scorn and ridicule?
    What would you think about someone coming to gawk at a scene of terrible carnage, and then proceeding to masturbate to it?

    I find it odd that you come to such a forum and spend most of your efforts in demeaning others, and criticizing their interests.
    Most of my efforts? You obviously have not bothered to read most of my posts. While I won't deny that has been true in some cases...some≠most.

    Rebecca, there are 3 things I won't give you when I post at this site:
    1. My real name
    2. My email address
    3. Any BULLSHIT

    When you read something I wrote, you can rest assured that it either expresses my view, or I am just participating in the overall clowning around spirit of this place. Most people should be able to tell which is which, immediately. If they can't...screw 'em.

    ALL of us are judgmental, including you.
    I just won't try to BS anybody about it.

  6. #351
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post

    Right here!↓ ↓How about right HERE!↓↓

    And why shouldn't they be subject to my scorn and ridicule?
    What would you think about someone coming to gawk at a scene of terrible carnage, and then proceeding to masturbate to it?
    And where in here am I attacking anyone's fantasies or sexual interests? That is what I stated. Your citation is inaccurate and erroneous, ergo ... bullshit!

    While I've no doubt you'll claim otherwise, I have no interest in continuing to discuss this matter with you, especially as I think it out of place to this thread, and indeed, this board.

    Be well


  7. #352
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    Rebecca, I know it's hard to resist, but don't humor these people with replies. It just perpetuates the vicious circle.

  8. #353
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    And where in here am I attacking anyone's fantasies or sexual interests? That is what I stated. Your citation is inaccurate and erroneous, ergo ... bullshit!

    While I've no doubt you'll claim otherwise, I have no interest in continuing to discuss this matter with you, especially as I think it out of place to this thread, and indeed, this board.

    Be well

    If it pleases you and your toe-kissers to believe so...great!
    I say the bullshit is yours, because if I really annoy you so much
    you damn well know how to put me on your ignore list.
    But you BS'ers won't do that, because I'm just too damn interesting!

  9. #354
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    New Poll Thread

    I've created a new poll in Ballbusting World.
    I really want to know how it breaks down here, when it comes to
    who wants it for real, and who wants just the fantasy.
    I'm sure you are curious, too, so if you are a regular visitor to
    this thread, I encourage you to vote so that we can see the
    most accurate sampling (as well as where everyone stands on
    this issue).
    This poll will close in 30 days.

  10. #355
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    then what will happen?

    what about a poll just for the girl's like who wants to do it for real and see who does

  11. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    This is an opportunity to let your creative and kinky juices flow,
    and post your fantasies about how this fellow ended up in this
    A very interesting and stimulating idea.....
    I had already seen that picture before, and obviously I was curious about the reason, for two nuns, to cut off a man's penis with a guillotine.
    Since the guy seems to be quiet and submissive, the only idea that makes sense is that he should be willing - or at least resigned - to have it done.
    Now, we all know that sometimes - expecially in the past - there were rites and
    ceremony not properly adequate to the official church's doctrine, lol....
    So, we can imagine a convent where a desperate sinner, addicted to luxury, can find hospitality, repent of his sins and spend the rest of his life in contemplation of god.
    The condition would be to repudiate his sinner's life forever and, as a sign of reliability to respect the oath, he has to give up the main instrument of sin... forever!
    Why would the nuns be in the nude like those in the pic? Maybe they could be allowed to make the ceremony more acceptable for the man, eventually by giving hime a last moment of pleasure before the blade prevents him to fall in sin again. They could accept this thinking that, ultimately, they are serving god...

    Definitely, an erotic - heretical scenery

    Interesting questions follow: what will happen to the sinner after the cut? How will he serve god in the convent? How would the nun pick up the ones that have to take part to the ceremony? What will they do with the severed organ?

  12. #357
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    Stand to what you say.
    "...and to hell with the rest of your life?" tells your mind, that life is over without penis.
    "your manhood only exists for one lose it?" tells your mind, that penis = manhood
    I then sayed that I am not my penis.

    You talk two minds: On the one hand you find it arousing, on the other you find it insane. The urge itself may actually be "insane" or at least seem so to our limited understanding. To want it to happen for real on the other hand is not more insane than to take great risks for any "fun" or to suffer great expenses for it, something many "sane" people do when driving motorbikes or skydiving or the like. Penectomy is a one time thing, ok. But it is such a big part of my sexuality, that I would call it a loss to end my life one day, without having had the chance to experience it, before I was too old for it.
    And now cut it here please, I may answer in your poll-thread if I want.

    Let's cut off some pervert's dicks here!

  13. #358
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    forgot the shadow.

  14. #359
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Design View Post
    then what will happen?

    what about a poll just for the girl's like who wants to do it for real and see who does
    Well, that would be redundant. There are already a couple of threads about that on this site. And the female visitors who bothered to respond made themselves clear on those threads.

  15. #360
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elefante37 View Post
    Interesting questions follow: what will happen to the sinner after the cut? How will he serve god in the convent? How would the nun pick up the ones that have to take part to the ceremony? What will they do with the severed organ?
    Ah! Finally a response! (And a marvelous one, too )

    Well, now that you've started, don't leave us hanging!

    Do continue, and answer these intriguing questions!

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