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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4216
    Supreme Poster
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  2. #4217
    Registered User
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    Nice - were there ever any additions?

  3. #4218
    Junior Member
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    Versailles (France)

    Penectomy, **********, emasculation

    Quote Originally Posted by Natali1970rr View Post
    Я там не зарегистрирована, захожу часто
    Dear Girl,
    I am ready for cut my penis, my balls or the both... It's very serious.

  4. #4219
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by vilma7oo View Post

  5. #4220
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Straight Razor

    I had known Tiffy for years. Petite and blonde, like her mother, she had a gorgeous smile and an infectious laugh. In high school, we'd even toyed with the idea of dating, but the timing never seem to work out right. One of us was always in a relationship. Our families often joked about us getting together, as we were the same age and our families spent a lot of time together, including the Fourth of July every year. She and I were both avid riders, and many a weekend I would go watch her compete at local rodeos. By the end of high school we were the best of friends; probably inappropriately so. Sex was our favorite topic of conversation (we were teenagers, after all) and it was far from unheard of for us to look at porn mags together or watch some softcore movie on Skinimax late at night. On a few occasions, my hands found their way under her sleep-shirts to rub taut breasts or my fingers pulled aside her panties to slide slickly between her glistening wet lips. On those occasions her small, strong hands moved up a leg or down the top into my plaid boxers to squeeze and stroke the hardness she found there. We rubbed and squeezed each other to orgasm a number of times, but never engaged in oral sex or "went all the way" because that, after all, would have been cheating. This continued throughout high school, and I couldn't help but notice after awhile that it she seemed to initiate it most often after 4-H related events. At first I thought it was just because I would often spend the night with her family after big 4-H events, but as time progressed I realized that maybe it had to do more with the things she saw at these events. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so it was for high school for Tiffy and I.

    After high school I moved away for college and she stayed in the small town we had grown up in. I pursued a worthless degree in English Literature and she studied to become a veterinary technician. We keep in touch over the years and saw each other every time I was home; but time was once again, not in our favor. The naughty nights of new exploration were done. During my junior year of college, Tiffy called me one night, out of the blue. Since we normally emailed each other, I immediately thought something was terribly wrong. How right I was. She had gotten knocked-up by her douche bag of the moment. She had always had a talent for picking guys who treated her like shit, which was why her family had always pulled for the two of us having a go at it, but this guy was beyond the pale. As she sobbed over the phone to me about how he had slapped her across the face and called her a whore after she told him of their “situation” I was seeing red. When she told me he had lied to her and said he was infertile and didn't need to use condoms I shook my head at her naïveté. But when she told me they were going to get married, I nearly lost my mind. I knew that keeping the baby was the only option in her family (or mine for that matter) but marrying this...cur...unthinkable.

    But she did. Two more years past by, I had my degree, no job, and had moved home. She had a second child, a miserable marriage, and was still working because her dirtbag husband drank what money he didn't
    gamble away out of his paycheck. I went through a string of women before I realized what I wanted and that none of them could give it to me. No one could...except Tiffy. I had something crazy in mind, and a pretty good idea of how to convince her to agree to it. Because the convenient thing about being angry and helpless is that you start to look for someone or something to take out that anger on – and I happened to have two somethings for her to target.

    She left the kids at her mothers like she did every week day and left for work the Friday her husband left on a three day surveying job out-of-town. She never made it to the veterinary hospital that day, however. She had taken a very “personal” day. She came over at about 7 looking amazing in her scrubs. I will never understand how she managed to look great in anything. We hugged and she nervously asked if I “really wanted this”. In answer, I took off my shirt, unbuckled my pants, slid my jeans down and off and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my plaid boxers. “Yes, and because it's you – more than anything.” With that my boxers joined the heap of clothing at my feet. “That's not fair,” she said. “I can't be wearing clothes if you aren't,” she smiled and began to remove her scrubs. As I saw her naked body for the first time in 5 years and 2 children, my breath caught in my throat. Her stomach was no longer the rock-hard abs of her youth, but frequent riding had kept her stomach tight, if soft looking with a darker cast to the skin in a bit of line that started just below her breasts and disappeared into the tied strings on the waistband of her scrubs. Her breasts which had once been small slopes with puffy pink nipples reaching upward were now larger, slightly sagging and swollen; tipped with light brown areola and pen-thick nipples. Nursing hadn't been unkind to her, I thought. She dropped her scrub bottoms and I was surprised to see a damp patch covering the front third of her panties. “I already soaked my panties just thinking about this,” she said flushing crimson. She stripped them off with one hand while bending down in that way nimble girls have of doing it, and then shot me an impish grin before turning her back toward me and bending in half, legs spread. The view was sublime. Her shaved vulva sported lips bigger, and darker then I remembered with more of a pout to them, but the glistening wetness I remembered fondly. “I need to do this before I'm too turned on to think,” she said, her voice huskier than it had been even a moment ago.

    “Lay down and spread your legs.” I do as I am told. First she milks down my testicles like I am just one more stallion about to become a gelding. She binds my smoothly-shaved sac tightly around the bottom with white string. It makes the balls bulge obscenely in my sac. They strain against the skin as if they are trying to escape the fleshy prison on their own. But she and I know they need help. She drags her fingernail down the crease between my two turgid testicles; hard enough to make a angry red line. My swollen cock throbs with the anticipation of what is soon to come; the glans, hard and shiny with the precum that is oozing from its steadily weeping hole, pulses with every beat of my racing heart. “You know this is forever, Sweetie” I just nod. “Well then, there is something I've always wanted to do, and it seems it's now or never.” With that she lowers her hot moist mouth and holds it, open and hovering around my glans. I hear without seeing, her left hand squish into the wetness between her legs as her right hand encircles my straining balls. Her mouth closes around me and her hand begins to squeeze and release. Up and down her head moves, her soft mouth gliding, twisting. Her right hand squeezes me hard and releases in time with her head and the squish-slurp noises I hear as she moans around my cock. I have never been so hard. I have never wanted anyone as badly, or anything as badly as what I know is coming... and then she stops. Everything.

    She leans up and pulls her hair back with the hair-tie she had on her tiny right wrist and opens the small black bag she brought in with her. She opens something that if I didn't know better I would swear is the wet-wipe you get at the barbeque restaurants, and wipes its coolness on the midline of my pulsing , distended sac. She then pulls uses another 'wet-wipe' on the blade of my antique, olivewood handled, straight razor. Damn, is that thing sharp. Then she puts it between my balls in the valley they make and the razor slides. It takes a sec before I even realize she did anything. She opens my sac with the blade in her right hand like she's butterflying a fillet and scoops up the bluish-white orbs in her now bloody left hand. I can feel a slight pressure for a moment on the cords that hold my balls, clinging desperately, to me their life-long host; as her sensuous mouth descends upon me once more. Somewhere, through the pleasure her mouth is giving me, I can feel a scraping sensation as the blade runs up and down the cords. My balls cupped in her left hand as her right hand hold the blade and her thumb presses the cords against it. At the top of each stroke of her hand I feel her shoving, rather roughly as if I am some barnyard charge, everything that is not my vas deferens back into me. The sensation of the orgasm building is unlike any I have ever had before, and for good reason. As my hot semen spills out of my cock into her wanting, sucking mouth, I feel a dull tugging sensation briefly, and then it gone. She convulses, her breath coming in gasps in the throes of orgasm as she leans back with two balls dangling from her left fist. The razor clatters on the floor, I lay stunned and enraptured as she lowers the severed spheres into her mouth and sucks them clean. As she takes them out of her mouth, her breathing still ragged, flushed from her heaving tits to her forehead; she smiles and throws me a wink before pushing them, one-by-one up inside her steaming pussy. As they disappear deep inside her, she leaves the end of each vas deferens protruding, just a bit, from her pulsating vaginal opening. I can't help but think of a tampon commercial and I almost laugh. “For safe keeping,” she says is a sultry whisper. She reaches back into that little case and opens a little package, she sprinkles what must be napalm but she swears is power-silver and a coagulant unto the ruin between my legs and then sews up my sac. I'm starting to get woozy as the endorphin rush passes, but as she's checking my vitals she doesn't look concerned. “Go to sleep, Baby,” she whispers and she brushes the sweat-matted hair off my forehead. “I'll be here when you wake up. I promise.” So I sleep.

    Hope this post is alright. I read all the rules, but this is my first post and I'm a bit nervous. So I would be appreciated?

  6. #4221
    Senior Member ert1's Avatar
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    Feb 2010

    straight razor story

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurayami10 View Post
    I had known Tiffy for years. Petite and blonde, like her mother, she had a gorgeous smile and an infectious laugh. In high school, we'd even toyed with the idea of dating, but the timing never seem to work out right. One of us was always in a relationship. Our families often joked about us getting together, as we were the same age and our families spent a lot of time together, including the Fourth of July every year. She and I were both avid riders, and many a weekend I would go watch her compete at local rodeos. By the end of high school we were the best of friends; probably inappropriately so. Sex was our favorite topic of conversation (we were teenagers, after all) and it was far from unheard of for us to look at porn mags together or watch some softcore movie on Skinimax late at night. On a few occasions, my hands found their way under her sleep-shirts to rub taut breasts or my fingers pulled aside her panties to slide slickly between her glistening wet lips. On those occasions her small, strong hands moved up a leg or down the top into my plaid boxers to squeeze and stroke the hardness she found there. We rubbed and squeezed each other to orgasm a number of times, but never engaged in oral sex or "went all the way" because that, after all, would have been cheating. This continued throughout high school, and I couldn't help but notice after awhile that it she seemed to initiate it most often after 4-H related events. At first I thought it was just because I would often spend the night with her family after big 4-H events, but as time progressed I realized that maybe it had to do more with the things she saw at these events. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so it was for high school for Tiffy and I.

    After high school I moved away for college and she stayed in the small town we had grown up in. I pursued a worthless degree in English Literature and she studied to become a veterinary technician. We keep in touch over the years and saw each other every time I was home; but time was once again, not in our favor. The naughty nights of new exploration were done. During my junior year of college, Tiffy called me one night, out of the blue. Since we normally emailed each other, I immediately thought something was terribly wrong. How right I was. She had gotten knocked-up by her douche bag of the moment. She had always had a talent for picking guys who treated her like shit, which was why her family had always pulled for the two of us having a go at it, but this guy was beyond the pale. As she sobbed over the phone to me about how he had slapped her across the face and called her a whore after she told him of their “situation” I was seeing red. When she told me he had lied to her and said he was infertile and didn't need to use condoms I shook my head at her naïveté. But when she told me they were going to get married, I nearly lost my mind. I knew that keeping the baby was the only option in her family (or mine for that matter) but marrying this...cur...unthinkable.

    But she did. Two more years past by, I had my degree, no job, and had moved home. She had a second child, a miserable marriage, and was still working because her dirtbag husband drank what money he didn't
    gamble away out of his paycheck. I went through a string of women before I realized what I wanted and that none of them could give it to me. No one could...except Tiffy. I had something crazy in mind, and a pretty good idea of how to convince her to agree to it. Because the convenient thing about being angry and helpless is that you start to look for someone or something to take out that anger on – and I happened to have two somethings for her to target.

    She left the kids at her mothers like she did every week day and left for work the Friday her husband left on a three day surveying job out-of-town. She never made it to the veterinary hospital that day, however. She had taken a very “personal” day. She came over at about 7 looking amazing in her scrubs. I will never understand how she managed to look great in anything. We hugged and she nervously asked if I “really wanted this”. In answer, I took off my shirt, unbuckled my pants, slid my jeans down and off and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my plaid boxers. “Yes, and because it's you – more than anything.” With that my boxers joined the heap of clothing at my feet. “That's not fair,” she said. “I can't be wearing clothes if you aren't,” she smiled and began to remove her scrubs. As I saw her naked body for the first time in 5 years and 2 children, my breath caught in my throat. Her stomach was no longer the rock-hard abs of her youth, but frequent riding had kept her stomach tight, if soft looking with a darker cast to the skin in a bit of line that started just below her breasts and disappeared into the tied strings on the waistband of her scrubs. Her breasts which had once been small slopes with puffy pink nipples reaching upward were now larger, slightly sagging and swollen; tipped with light brown areola and pen-thick nipples. Nursing hadn't been unkind to her, I thought. She dropped her scrub bottoms and I was surprised to see a damp patch covering the front third of her panties. “I already soaked my panties just thinking about this,” she said flushing crimson. She stripped them off with one hand while bending down in that way nimble girls have of doing it, and then shot me an impish grin before turning her back toward me and bending in half, legs spread. The view was sublime. Her shaved vulva sported lips bigger, and darker then I remembered with more of a pout to them, but the glistening wetness I remembered fondly. “I need to do this before I'm too turned on to think,” she said, her voice huskier than it had been even a moment ago.

    “Lay down and spread your legs.” I do as I am told. First she milks down my testicles like I am just one more stallion about to become a gelding. She binds my smoothly-shaved sac tightly around the bottom with white string. It makes the balls bulge obscenely in my sac. They strain against the skin as if they are trying to escape the fleshy prison on their own. But she and I know they need help. She drags her fingernail down the crease between my two turgid testicles; hard enough to make a angry red line. My swollen cock throbs with the anticipation of what is soon to come; the glans, hard and shiny with the precum that is oozing from its steadily weeping hole, pulses with every beat of my racing heart. “You know this is forever, Sweetie” I just nod. “Well then, there is something I've always wanted to do, and it seems it's now or never.” With that she lowers her hot moist mouth and holds it, open and hovering around my glans. I hear without seeing, her left hand squish into the wetness between her legs as her right hand encircles my straining balls. Her mouth closes around me and her hand begins to squeeze and release. Up and down her head moves, her soft mouth gliding, twisting. Her right hand squeezes me hard and releases in time with her head and the squish-slurp noises I hear as she moans around my cock. I have never been so hard. I have never wanted anyone as badly, or anything as badly as what I know is coming... and then she stops. Everything.

    She leans up and pulls her hair back with the hair-tie she had on her tiny right wrist and opens the small black bag she brought in with her. She opens something that if I didn't know better I would swear is the wet-wipe you get at the barbeque restaurants, and wipes its coolness on the midline of my pulsing , distended sac. She then pulls uses another 'wet-wipe' on the blade of my antique, olivewood handled, straight razor. Damn, is that thing sharp. Then she puts it between my balls in the valley they make and the razor slides. It takes a sec before I even realize she did anything. She opens my sac with the blade in her right hand like she's butterflying a fillet and scoops up the bluish-white orbs in her now bloody left hand. I can feel a slight pressure for a moment on the cords that hold my balls, clinging desperately, to me their life-long host; as her sensuous mouth descends upon me once more. Somewhere, through the pleasure her mouth is giving me, I can feel a scraping sensation as the blade runs up and down the cords. My balls cupped in her left hand as her right hand hold the blade and her thumb presses the cords against it. At the top of each stroke of her hand I feel her shoving, rather roughly as if I am some barnyard charge, everything that is not my vas deferens back into me. The sensation of the orgasm building is unlike any I have ever had before, and for good reason. As my hot semen spills out of my cock into her wanting, sucking mouth, I feel a dull tugging sensation briefly, and then it gone. She convulses, her breath coming in gasps in the throes of orgasm as she leans back with two balls dangling from her left fist. The razor clatters on the floor, I lay stunned and enraptured as she lowers the severed spheres into her mouth and sucks them clean. As she takes them out of her mouth, her breathing still ragged, flushed from her heaving tits to her forehead; she smiles and throws me a wink before pushing them, one-by-one up inside her steaming pussy. As they disappear deep inside her, she leaves the end of each vas deferens protruding, just a bit, from her pulsating vaginal opening. I can't help but think of a tampon commercial and I almost laugh. “For safe keeping,” she says is a sultry whisper. She reaches back into that little case and opens a little package, she sprinkles what must be napalm but she swears is power-silver and a coagulant unto the ruin between my legs and then sews up my sac. I'm starting to get woozy as the endorphin rush passes, but as she's checking my vitals she doesn't look concerned. “Go to sleep, Baby,” she whispers and she brushes the sweat-matted hair off my forehead. “I'll be here when you wake up. I promise.” So I sleep.

    Hope this post is alright. I read all the rules, but this is my first post and I'm a bit nervous. So I would be appreciated?

    I enjoyed your story. It kept me intrigued from beginng to end with just a hint of advance information to make me read on. It made me want to be either person especially the woman. Good work!

  7. #4222
    Big Supporter
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    Aug 2007

  8. #4223
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    nice thank you for the post u made me cum

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurayami10 View Post
    I had known Tiffy for years. Petite and blonde, like her mother, she had a gorgeous smile and an infectious laugh. In high school, we'd even toyed with the idea of dating, but the timing never seem to work out right. One of us was always in a relationship. Our families often joked about us getting together, as we were the same age and our families spent a lot of time together, including the Fourth of July every year. She and I were both avid riders, and many a weekend I would go watch her compete at local rodeos. By the end of high school we were the best of friends; probably inappropriately so. Sex was our favorite topic of conversation (we were teenagers, after all) and it was far from unheard of for us to look at porn mags together or watch some softcore movie on Skinimax late at night. On a few occasions, my hands found their way under her sleep-shirts to rub taut breasts or my fingers pulled aside her panties to slide slickly between her glistening wet lips. On those occasions her small, strong hands moved up a leg or down the top into my plaid boxers to squeeze and stroke the hardness she found there. We rubbed and squeezed each other to orgasm a number of times, but never engaged in oral sex or "went all the way" because that, after all, would have been cheating. This continued throughout high school, and I couldn't help but notice after awhile that it she seemed to initiate it most often after 4-H related events. At first I thought it was just because I would often spend the night with her family after big 4-H events, but as time progressed I realized that maybe it had to do more with the things she saw at these events. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so it was for high school for Tiffy and I.

    After high school I moved away for college and she stayed in the small town we had grown up in. I pursued a worthless degree in English Literature and she studied to become a veterinary technician. We keep in touch over the years and saw each other every time I was home; but time was once again, not in our favor. The naughty nights of new exploration were done. During my junior year of college, Tiffy called me one night, out of the blue. Since we normally emailed each other, I immediately thought something was terribly wrong. How right I was. She had gotten knocked-up by her douche bag of the moment. She had always had a talent for picking guys who treated her like shit, which was why her family had always pulled for the two of us having a go at it, but this guy was beyond the pale. As she sobbed over the phone to me about how he had slapped her across the face and called her a whore after she told him of their “situation” I was seeing red. When she told me he had lied to her and said he was infertile and didn't need to use condoms I shook my head at her naïveté. But when she told me they were going to get married, I nearly lost my mind. I knew that keeping the baby was the only option in her family (or mine for that matter) but marrying this...cur...unthinkable.

    But she did. Two more years past by, I had my degree, no job, and had moved home. She had a second child, a miserable marriage, and was still working because her dirtbag husband drank what money he didn't
    gamble away out of his paycheck. I went through a string of women before I realized what I wanted and that none of them could give it to me. No one could...except Tiffy. I had something crazy in mind, and a pretty good idea of how to convince her to agree to it. Because the convenient thing about being angry and helpless is that you start to look for someone or something to take out that anger on – and I happened to have two somethings for her to target.

    She left the kids at her mothers like she did every week day and left for work the Friday her husband left on a three day surveying job out-of-town. She never made it to the veterinary hospital that day, however. She had taken a very “personal” day. She came over at about 7 looking amazing in her scrubs. I will never understand how she managed to look great in anything. We hugged and she nervously asked if I “really wanted this”. In answer, I took off my shirt, unbuckled my pants, slid my jeans down and off and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my plaid boxers. “Yes, and because it's you – more than anything.” With that my boxers joined the heap of clothing at my feet. “That's not fair,” she said. “I can't be wearing clothes if you aren't,” she smiled and began to remove her scrubs. As I saw her naked body for the first time in 5 years and 2 children, my breath caught in my throat. Her stomach was no longer the rock-hard abs of her youth, but frequent riding had kept her stomach tight, if soft looking with a darker cast to the skin in a bit of line that started just below her breasts and disappeared into the tied strings on the waistband of her scrubs. Her breasts which had once been small slopes with puffy pink nipples reaching upward were now larger, slightly sagging and swollen; tipped with light brown areola and pen-thick nipples. Nursing hadn't been unkind to her, I thought. She dropped her scrub bottoms and I was surprised to see a damp patch covering the front third of her panties. “I already soaked my panties just thinking about this,” she said flushing crimson. She stripped them off with one hand while bending down in that way nimble girls have of doing it, and then shot me an impish grin before turning her back toward me and bending in half, legs spread. The view was sublime. Her shaved vulva sported lips bigger, and darker then I remembered with more of a pout to them, but the glistening wetness I remembered fondly. “I need to do this before I'm too turned on to think,” she said, her voice huskier than it had been even a moment ago.

    “Lay down and spread your legs.” I do as I am told. First she milks down my testicles like I am just one more stallion about to become a gelding. She binds my smoothly-shaved sac tightly around the bottom with white string. It makes the balls bulge obscenely in my sac. They strain against the skin as if they are trying to escape the fleshy prison on their own. But she and I know they need help. She drags her fingernail down the crease between my two turgid testicles; hard enough to make a angry red line. My swollen cock throbs with the anticipation of what is soon to come; the glans, hard and shiny with the precum that is oozing from its steadily weeping hole, pulses with every beat of my racing heart. “You know this is forever, Sweetie” I just nod. “Well then, there is something I've always wanted to do, and it seems it's now or never.” With that she lowers her hot moist mouth and holds it, open and hovering around my glans. I hear without seeing, her left hand squish into the wetness between her legs as her right hand encircles my straining balls. Her mouth closes around me and her hand begins to squeeze and release. Up and down her head moves, her soft mouth gliding, twisting. Her right hand squeezes me hard and releases in time with her head and the squish-slurp noises I hear as she moans around my cock. I have never been so hard. I have never wanted anyone as badly, or anything as badly as what I know is coming... and then she stops. Everything.

    She leans up and pulls her hair back with the hair-tie she had on her tiny right wrist and opens the small black bag she brought in with her. She opens something that if I didn't know better I would swear is the wet-wipe you get at the barbeque restaurants, and wipes its coolness on the midline of my pulsing , distended sac. She then pulls uses another 'wet-wipe' on the blade of my antique, olivewood handled, straight razor. Damn, is that thing sharp. Then she puts it between my balls in the valley they make and the razor slides. It takes a sec before I even realize she did anything. She opens my sac with the blade in her right hand like she's butterflying a fillet and scoops up the bluish-white orbs in her now bloody left hand. I can feel a slight pressure for a moment on the cords that hold my balls, clinging desperately, to me their life-long host; as her sensuous mouth descends upon me once more. Somewhere, through the pleasure her mouth is giving me, I can feel a scraping sensation as the blade runs up and down the cords. My balls cupped in her left hand as her right hand hold the blade and her thumb presses the cords against it. At the top of each stroke of her hand I feel her shoving, rather roughly as if I am some barnyard charge, everything that is not my vas deferens back into me. The sensation of the orgasm building is unlike any I have ever had before, and for good reason. As my hot semen spills out of my cock into her wanting, sucking mouth, I feel a dull tugging sensation briefly, and then it gone. She convulses, her breath coming in gasps in the throes of orgasm as she leans back with two balls dangling from her left fist. The razor clatters on the floor, I lay stunned and enraptured as she lowers the severed spheres into her mouth and sucks them clean. As she takes them out of her mouth, her breathing still ragged, flushed from her heaving tits to her forehead; she smiles and throws me a wink before pushing them, one-by-one up inside her steaming pussy. As they disappear deep inside her, she leaves the end of each vas deferens protruding, just a bit, from her pulsating vaginal opening. I can't help but think of a tampon commercial and I almost laugh. “For safe keeping,” she says is a sultry whisper. She reaches back into that little case and opens a little package, she sprinkles what must be napalm but she swears is power-silver and a coagulant unto the ruin between my legs and then sews up my sac. I'm starting to get woozy as the endorphin rush passes, but as she's checking my vitals she doesn't look concerned. “Go to sleep, Baby,” she whispers and she brushes the sweat-matted hair off my forehead. “I'll be here when you wake up. I promise.” So I sleep.

    Hope this post is alright. I read all the rules, but this is my first post and I'm a bit nervous. So I would be appreciated?
    nice thank you for the post u made me cum

  9. #4224
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    thank to you both! I hope to write some more for all of you in the not-too-distant future.

  10. #4225
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by serge View Post
    Very cool site.

  11. #4226
    Registered User
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    Sth Africa

    More of the Same

    I think that the more beautiful the woman and the more she dresses in what I call 'corporate' uniform (Business like etc) - and the knowing yet purposeful look she has in the eyes makes the whole experience more 'rewarding'. All part of enjoying losing ones manhood bits whilst feeling the last erection and orgasm is simply too hard to tke.....

  12. #4227
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Hong Kong
    very nice post!

  13. #4228
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Posted under the Penectomy thread too- here's a vid of a prostitute fucking a guy then cutting off his cock:

  14. #4229
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I'm not gay, but if only this lady became a dominatrix
    Keep listening until about 1 min, shes crazy lol

  15. #4230
    Member zyy0506's Avatar
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jigab00 View Post
    And more (say "when")...


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