I am glad you appreciate the picture
I found it on her picasa account.
(You could have clicked the previous picture to go there.)
If you are intrested to know, this is Tina Shamay (apparenly she likes to color her hair alot) :
I am glad you appreciate the picture
I found it on her picasa account.
(You could have clicked the previous picture to go there.)
If you are intrested to know, this is Tina Shamay (apparenly she likes to color her hair alot) :
Pornography = boring.
Oh please! Any more pics or videos of girls or women perfroming castrations. Any where the lady performing the ********** is dressed in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. Please.
Backup at: http://www.vimeo.com/10838167
Pornography = boring.
mick_sl8ter, thanx for good pics and videos. Please, tell us, how can we download them? www.keepvid.com doesn't work anymore? Very sad....![]()
A few more, found in the Web. Russian Girl's skills. Enjoy.
Thanx for sharing.
I am very good at getting/acquiring, but very poor at managing/keeping.
So I am very glad you ask me how to download content.
When you contact(or a similar video website)
Your browser is presented with a video player which requires flash.
Now this video player does not contain the actual content, which is a .flv (flash video) file.
To show you the flash video, the videoplayer needs to retrieve the .flv file.
So the videoplayer needs to know where to find this file. (URL, example= http:// etc... .flv)
If you know this URL, you can browse there and save the file to disk.
Since browsers communicate using HTML-code, you might find this URL
when you look at the source of the webpage.
Firefox: (control+U), Internet Explorer: (page->view source)
OR you could log the URL's your browser is getting and look for a .flv
How to ? If you are a firefox user, install Live HTTP Headers.
Another tool, also suitable for IE users, is : Fiddler
Don't worry ! It is really quite easy.
To install just click: next, next, next.
When you open Live HTTP headers, it will automatically start logging.
Now just visit the webpage of the video you wish to save to disk.
When the video starts playing, go to the live http headers tab.
Stop the logging and start reading your log.
You are looking for an URL thats starts with http:// and ends with .flv
Copy the URL and when you visit it, you will be able to save the file to disk.
Pornography = boring.
A falta de herramientas las chicas tenemos que usar los metodos que tengamos a la mano para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo de deshueve ^^
Toro Castrado
MiniBoi, hello!
I found these photos here: http://photo.qip.ru/users/vamplove/2555790/47836632/
If someone can not access it, I will keep posting the most interesting of them.
So, Russian Girls' Skills.
Сборник видео, кастрации животных,девушка рядом комментирует кастрацию кота:
Thanx ! I especially liked loshad.flv
After a while the lady wearing the blue medical clothing, grabs and starts twisting the horses testicle
Searching the web in russian language, gives me new search results, that I had not found before.
Поиск в Интернете на русском языке, дает мне новые результаты поиска, что я не нашел раньше.
Can you search : http://www.prokoni.ru/forum ???
Then post the links/ photo's here ?
I really need to learn russian. There is a whole world to explore.
Можете ли вы поиск: http://www.prokoni.ru/forum???
Тогда после ссылки / фото здесь?
Мне очень нужно выучить русский. Существует целый мир, чтобы изучить
Кастрация жеребца 01
Кастрация жеребца 02
Кастрация жеребца 03
Кастрация жеребца 04
Кастрация жеребца 05
Стерилизация кота.
Кастрация поросенка
Please notice these video's are on youtube and the moment they disappear is just a matter of time.
Pornography = boring.
digo, hay que arrancarle los huevos con los dientes??
does anyone have the video of the interview with laura from america's next top model season 13 where she talks about this kind of stuff?
cause the links on page 43 don't work for me