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Thread: A new Ballbusting Emporium story

  1. #1
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    A new Ballbusting Emporium story

    Here's the next installment in the Ballbusting Emporium series.

    Tournament at the Ballbusting Emporium

    Greg felt a surge of desire spread through his groin as he logged on to his computer. His balls were still a bit sore after his recent session at the Ballbusting Emporium. He closed his eyes as he fondly relived the events in his mind… The beautiful Lisa kicking him with her slingback pumps… Judy handling his balls and positioning them under Lisa’s foot… And then, Lisa standing on his balls until he utterly soaked her leg with his semen.

    He typed in the Emporium’s web address and checked the newsletter. He couldn’t believe what he read. The Emporium was going to have a ballbusting contest for their regular customers! The entry fee was $150.00. There were divisions for different methods of busting. The winner of each division received a $300.00 prize. Then the division winners would face off for the grand prize of $1000.00.

    Greg carefully read the full set of rules and knew he just had to enter. The contest was not for two weeks, which would give his balls ample time to fully recover. He quickly filled out the on-line registration form and paid the entry fee with his credit card. He clicked SUBMIT and anxiously began the wait until tournament day.


    Judy smiled as her computer dinged, signaling the arrival of another tournament entry. That made 30 participants so far. When she came up with the idea for this tournament, she wasn’t sure how well it would work. But the response so far had exceeded her expectations and the event was still a week away.

    She opened the file for the latest entry and smiled. It was Greg. He was rapidly becoming one of her favorite clients. He was such a polite young man and she was pretty sure he had a crush on her. Though a relatively new customer, his balls could take quite a bit of punishment. She expected him to do well. She looked at his entry form and saw he had entered the “Kicking with Shoes” division. No surprise there, although he would have been as likely to enter the “Underfoot Squeeze” division.

    Judy entered Greg’s data in the Tournament spread sheet and took a look at how things were shaping up. She had created four divisions: “Kicking with Shoes”, “Barefoot Kicking”, “Squeezing by Hand” and “Underfoot Squeeze”. So far, each division had at least six entrants. “Kicking with Shoes” and “Squeezing by Hand” each had nine entries.

    She knew that guys with a fetish for ballbusting had different preferences on how they wanted their balls busted. She figured that if a guy entered the division that offered his fetish, he would have a fair chance of winning. The real challenge would be in the interdivisional match-ups. A drawing would be used to determine the method by which each contestant would be busted. If he was lucky, his draw would be the method that got him to the final. But the odds didn’t favor this.

    Judy began looking over the rules she had created for each division. To win either of the kicking divisions, the contestant had to endure the most kicks. Each contestant would be kicked in the balls at 10 second intervals until he gave up. Each contestant would be kicked in a private room. The totals would not be revealed until every entrant had been kicked. It would be an unfair advantage for those who were kicked later in the competition if they knew how many kicks they had to take to win.

    Judy specified solid kicks would be used. There was too much danger in full-force kicks. A contestant could easily get caught up in the competition and ask for more than he could handle and risk losing a testicle.

    The “Squeezing by Hand” division was pretty simple. The woman doing the honors would grasp the contestant’s balls in her hand and begin squeezing. The squeezer would maintain a constant pressure throughout. An official from the Emporium would run a stopwatch and record the total time the contestant was squeezed. The one who lasted the longest would win the division.

    The “Underfoot Squeeze” division was similar to the “Squeezing by Hand” division. Here, the contestant would lay his balls out on a tabletop and the woman would place her heel on top of his balls. She would lift her other foot and let most of her weight compress the contestant’s balls until he conceded. Again, the total time was recorded by an official. As in the kicking divisions, the times were kept secret until every contestant had his turn.

    The winners of each division would be announced and the draw conducted for the finals. To win the overall title, a contestant had to outperform the division winner of the method he had drawn for the finals. That is, if the “Barefoot Kicking” division winner took 25 kicks, the contestant who drew that method for the finals had to take at least 26 kicks to win. If all the contestants outperformed the division winners, then the contestant who exceeded the division winning score by the largest percentage would be the overall champion.

    Judy looked up from her work as she heard the door open. She recognized one the Emporium’s regular customers. She knew he was already entered in the tournament in the “Squeezing by Hand” division.

    “Good afternoon, Alex,” she greeted him. “Going to get in some practice for the tournament?”

    “Ah, yes, Judy,” Alex replied.

    “Great,” she said. “It’s going to be a fantastic event. We’ve already got 30 entries.”

    “Really?” Alex said, somewhat surprised. “Winning it will be a lot tougher than I thought with that much competition.”

    “You bet it will,” she responded with a lot of enthusiasm. “Now, come on in the back and we’ll get you set up for your session. What’s it going to be today?” she asked as she led him to the private area.


    The week went by quickly and tournament day had arrived. A total of thirty-eight men had entered. The “Kicking with Shoes” division led the way with 12 entrants. “Barefoot Kicking” had 8 entrants, “Squeezing by Hand” had 11 entrants and “Underfoot Squeezing” had 7.

    The full staff of the Ballbusting Emporium was present for the event. Judy personally greeted each entrant as he arrived and directed him to the area where his division would be held. A room had been set aside for each division where the entrants could undress and wait their turn. None of the contestants in any division would know who would be kicking or squeezing their balls until they entered the private room. Each division had its own room and all divisions would be run simultaneously. After each entrant had completed his divisional competition, Judy would tally the scores and announce the winners. There would then be a two-hour break for the divisional winners to recover before the finals.

    When all entrants had arrived and were settled in their appropriate waiting rooms, the competition began. Each entrant was led in turn to the private room where his division event was taking place.

    As the first entrants were escorted away, the remaining men waited nervously for their turn. In each private room, the number one entrants were appropriately kicked or squeezed until they could take no more and surrendered. They were then assisted back to the general waiting area where their balls could recover from the intense busting they had just received. The other entrants cringed as they watched the first entrants stagger in.

    One by one, each entrant was led to his private room where he would receive his chosen ballbusting method. The beautiful women of the Ballbusting Emporium went about their business in a most professional manner, delivering solid kicks and gut-wrenching squeezes until all contestants had been served.

    Judy went to each waiting room and thanked each contestant for participating. “I want you all to relax, now, while I add up the scores. I should have everything done in about half an hour. I’ll announce each division winner and those four lucky men will draw for the method in which they will be busted in the finals. Then we’ll take a two-hour break so the winners will be nice and rested.”

    Judy went to each private room and collected the score sheets from the official. She did the “Kicking with Shoes” division first. She wanted to see how well Greg had done. She went through each sheet carefully, making sure she recorded all the data correctly. She reviewed the tally sheet and smiled. It was a close race. All twelve entrants had taken at least 24 kicks. Five entrants had stopped there. Three entrants had taken 26 kicks. Three more had made it to 27 kicks. But the winner was Greg, who had made it to 29 kicks.

    Next Judy completed the “Barefoot Kicking” division. This too was a close race. All eight entrants had taken at least 26 kicks. Four entrants managed the 26. Three entrants took 28 kicks. The winner was a man named Phil, who had taken 31 kicks.

    In the “Squeezing by Hand” division, all entrants managed to last at least a minute and a half. Three men had that time. Two endured a minute and forty-five seconds. Two more scored two minutes even. One lasted two minutes and five seconds. Another lasted two minutes and eight seconds. The runner up survived for two minutes and twenty seconds. But the winner, Alex, lasted for two minutes and thirty-five seconds.

    The “Underfoot Squeezing” division was just as competitive and likely the toughest test for the competitors. The shortest time was a minute and twenty seconds. Two entrants managed a minute and thirty-five seconds. Two more clocked in at a minute and forty seconds. The runner up timed out at a minute and fifty-five seconds. The winner, a long-time regular customer named Alan, endured two minutes and ten seconds of a woman standing on his balls.

    Judy went to each waiting room and announced the winner of that division. By now, the contestants’ balls had recovered enough so that they were able to move around without too much discomfort. When the winners’ names were revealed, each contestant offered sincere congratulations to the winner and wished him the best of luck in the finals. Judy sincerely thanked each competitor and told them they were welcome to stay and watch the finals if they wished.

    Greg was shocked to learn he had won. He had almost passed out a couple of times after he reached the twenty kick count. But he gritted his teeth and soldiered on, and it had been worth it. He was going to have a chance at the grand prize.

    Phil, the “Barefoot Kicking” winner was also pleased. He felt he could have taken more kicks, but he was pretty certain his total of thirty-one would be enough to win his division, and he was right.

    The “Squeezing by Hand” division winner, Alex, was more relieved than anything. He had let the woman squeeze his balls until he thought they would burst. When he finally gave up, he really had no idea how long he had lasted or if his time would be good enough to win.

    Alan, the “Underfoot Squeezing” division winner was wondering if he had gone too far. His balls still ached something awful. He had become so enamored at the sight of the woman’s heel flattening his balls on the tabletop he had been able to block out the intense agony until the very end. He wasn’t sure he could compete in the finals, even with the two-hour rest.

    Judy led each of the four division winners to his own private room where he would be able to relax and give his balls a chance to recover. The final would be conducted in the largest room at the Emporium. Judy had had some temporary seating installed so the Emporium staff not participating in the action and the entrants who wished to stay and watch could do so.
    The two-hour recovery time passed very quickly for the finals participants. They were all anxious to take their shot at the big prize, but none of them was certain how well their balls would withstand a second onslaught in such a short time frame.

    With about five minutes left in the recovery period, Judy went to each entrant’s room and summoned them to the large contest room.

    “Congratulations to all four of you,” she said warmly. “You’ve won your division and now it’s time to compete for the big prize. Right now we’ll conduct a blind draw for the method in which you’ll be busted in the final.”
    Judy picked up a small box from a table. “In here we have a slip of paper on which the name of each division is written,” she explained. “You’ll select in the order I received your original entry. So Alex, you are first. Please make your draw.”

    Judy held the box above head height and Alex reached up and selected one of the pieces of paper and handed it to her.

    “Thank you, Alex,” she smiled. “You have selected, ‘Kicking with Shoes’.”

    He nodded slightly and stepped back. Greg was a bit disappointed. He had hoped he would be lucky enough to draw that one.

    “Phil, you’re next,” Judy said.

    Phil stepped up and pulled out his selection.

    “Yours is ‘Underfoot Squeezing’, Judy announced.

    As Phil stepped back, Greg’s disappointment grew. That would have been his second choice.

    “You’re next, Greg,” Judy said.

    Greg reached up and pulled one of the two remaining papers. He handed it to Judy. She grinned at him before she read it.

    “Okay, yours is ‘Squeezing by Hand’, Greg. That leaves ‘Barefoot Kicking’ for you, Alan.

    “You’ll have your turn in reverse order of the draw, so Alan, you’re first, Greg second, Phil, third, and Alex, you’ll go last. Alan, you stay here and get ready. The rest of you go back to your recovery room. I’ll come get you when it’s your turn. When you’ve finished your session, you may stay and watch the rest of the competition if you like. Okay boys, out with you now.”

    Greg, Phil and Alex went back to their rooms to wait their turns. Alan waited nervously while Judy spoke briefly with the official scorekeeper.

    “Ready, Alan?” she asked.

    He swallowed and nodded.

    “All right. As your kicker for the finals competition, I’ve selected the lovely Helga.”

    Alan was beginning to feel genuine fear. He had never had a session with Helga, but he had seen her around the Emporium a lot. She was a 5’-10” blonde with muscular legs and perfectly formed feet. Her toenails were painted with deep red polish. Even though the force of the kicks she was to deliver was prescribed as ‘solid’, he knew she could probably severely damage his balls if she got a bit too enthusiastic. And, despite the rest period, his balls still ached from the division competition.

    “Hi, Alan,” Helga greeted him. “Think your balls are strong enough to win this?”

    “I - I’m not sure, Helga,” he stuttered. “Your feet are so beautiful and your legs are so powerful. I’ll certainly do my best.”

    “I’m sure you will,” Helga encouraged him. And I’m going to love kicking them. Now, please spread your legs so I can begin.”

    Alan spread his legs to a bit more than shoulder-width, allowing his balls to dangle freely and make perfect targets out of them. He put his hands behind his back and clasped them tightly.

    “Before you start Helga, I’ll remind everyone of the kicking rules,” Judy interjected. “They are to be solid kicks, not full force. You will kick Alan at ten-second intervals until he says ‘no more’. Understood?”

    “Oh, yes,” Helga said eagerly.


    “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

    “Then let the kicking begin.”

    Helga drew back her long leg and let her foot fly forward. Her instep landed perfectly in Alan’s defenseless balls.


    “Ooooph!” he grunted.

    The ten seconds went by very quickly. Again Helga’s foot found its mark.



    The kicking continued in perfect rhythm. At the tenth kick Alan began to feel nauseous. At the twelfth kick his knees buckled. At the fifteenth kick he crumpled to the ground. In order to continue he would have to resume the proper position by the count of ten. Try as he might, he couldn’t do it. His balls were simply no match for Helga’s perfectly delivered kicks. The crushing they had endured under the heel of the woman in the division match had weakened them too much.

    “That’s all…” he gasped in agony. “I c - can’t take any m - more.”

    “That’s fine, Alan,” Judy consoled him. I’m not sure how you were able to take as much as you did. Your score is fifteen kicks. You are free to watch the remaining competitors if you’d like.”

    Alan crawled over to a nearby empty chair and sat down. He kept his legs spread wide and let his balls hang loose over the edge of the seat. He took deep breaths, trying to relieve the intense agony in his gut. Helga walked over to him and stood between his legs so he could see her feet.

    “I’d like very much for you to come back when your balls feel better, Alan,” she offered. “I’d really like to kick you some more.”

    Alan’s eyes were riveted to Helga’s perfect feet. She flexed her toes at him in a teasing manner. “I will,” he whispered. “I’d very much like you to kick me again.”

    Helga smiled and stroked his head. “I can’t wait,” she said, and went over and took a seat to watch the next event.

    It was now Greg’s turn. Judy went to his room and alerted him it was time.
    Greg smiled nervously at the spectators and cringed when he saw what a miserable state Alan was in. He didn’t know if it was because he had taken an enormous number of kicks or if he simply had had too much in the division round.

    “Congratulations on winning your division, Greg,” Judy said. “Your category for the final is ‘Squeezing by Hand’. For the honor of squeezing your balls to mush, I’ve selected Tammy.”

    Greg knew Tammy very well. He had seen her in action several times here at the Emporium. Just the thought of having her strong hand around his balls made them ache.

    “Good afternoon, Greg,” Tammy greeted him brightly. “I’ve seen Lisa kicking your balls and I can’t wait to have my turn at them.”

    Greg smiled nervously at he watched Tammy limbering up her grip. He could see the muscles flex powerfully in her wrist and forearm.

    “Just to remind you of the rules, Greg,” Judy advised. “Tammy will hold your balls in her best grip and begin squeezing. She will maintain constant pressure until you give in. Just a word of warning. Tammy almost always makes a guy cum when she does this. But in this competition, that is not allowed. So, if you do cum, you will be disqualified. If you feel yourself about to lose it, I’d recommend giving in right away.”

    “Thank you, Judy,” Greg said.

    “If you’re both ready - Tammy, go ahead and start squeezing.”

    Tammy reached out and entwined her fingers around Greg’s balls in her trademark grip. The timer gave her the signal and she began squeezing.
    Greg immediately winced as he felt the intense pressure surrounding his balls. He began taking deep breaths and tried to focus his thoughts on anything but the ache. He looked at Tammy’s pretty face and couldn’t help but notice the deep concentration in her eyes. He was fascinated by the way her forearm flexed as she maintained her intensely uncomfortable grip on his balls.

    The seconds ticked by. Greg had no idea how long his balls had been in Tammy’s grip. The ache was spreading deep into his gut and becoming nearly unbearable. He started gasping. His knees began to buckle. He gritted his teeth, trying to get every possible second out of it he could.
    Finally, he could take it no more. “I give!” he shouted. “I give! I give! Oh, please let go!”

    “Time!” Judy shouted as Tammy released Greg’s balls from her punishing grip. “Madame Timer, would you please tell us Greg’s time!”

    “Three minutes and 20 seconds,” she announced.

    “Very good, Greg,” Judy complimented him.

    Greg, who had gone to the floor on one knee, was gasping and feeling like he would vomit. He gritted his teeth and fought it until he felt the agony recede. He had no idea if his time really was good, or if Judy was just making an automatic statement.

    After a few minutes, Greg was able to lift himself into a chair. He wanted to see how the remaining two competitors would fare.

    By this time Judy had brought Phil into the arena and was setting him up next to a table for his ‘Underfoot Squeezing’.

    “I’ve chosen Melissa to perform your underfoot squeeze,” Judy announced as she carefully arranged Phil’s balls on the tabletop.

    There were two uprights spaced a little wider than shoulder-width attached to the table. These were for the contestant to hang onto while his balls were being squeezed. Phil took a firm grip as Judy did her work.

    “All right, Melissa, we’re ready for you,” Judy called out.

    The lovely Melissa entered the room and mounted the table. Blonde hair framed her beautiful face. At 5’-7” and 130 pounds, she was built perfectly for what she was about to do – heavy enough to cause some serious ball compression, but no so heavy as to risk immediate rupture. She wore a light-colored sleeveless blouse with a hip-hugging skirt that ended a few inches above her knees. Her long legs were bare and her toenails were painted deep pink.

    Phil was pretty confident he would win the big prize. He knew he was capable of taking more kicks than he had, so his balls were relatively fresh. He had never done the underfoot squeeze thing before, but he didn’t think it would pose any difficulty for him.

    “We’re just about ready to begin,” Judy said. “Before we do, I want to remind Phil that if he cums while Melissa’s heel is crushing his balls, he will be disqualified. Okay, Melissa, please place your heel lightly on top of Phil’s balls.”

    Melissa moved into position. The contact for Phil was electric. He loved bare feet and Melissa’s were absolute perfection. His cock began to rise.

    Melissa looked back over her shoulder and saw what was happening.

    “Careful, big boy,” she warned. “Don’t get too excited.”

    Judy grinned. “Timer, are you ready?” she asked.

    “Ready, ma’am,” she replied.

    “Melissa, begin the squeeze!”

    Melissa immediately lowered her heel and flattened Phil’s balls. He grunted as he felt the pressure. Then Melissa lifted her opposite foot and distributed most of her weight so that is was concentrated on Phil’s balls. The agony level went from zero to ten in two seconds, but his cock rose to full erection at the same time. The skin of Phil’s scrotum was stretched taut as each of his balls protruded obscenely from either side of Melissa’s foot.

    After only thirty seconds he was leaking pre-cum. His cock quivered and brushed up against the back of Melissa’s leg, which only made matters worse. His whole body began to shake. ‘Damn!’ he thought. ‘I can take the pain but she’s going to make me cum!’

    The pressure continued to build. One minute… a minute and thirty seconds…
    At a minute and forty-five seconds, Phil cried out and his cock erupted, spewing copiously over Melissa’s leg. He sobbed, “Oh no… oh no… oh no…”

    “Phil, that’s too bad, but I’m afraid you’ve been disqualified,” Judy informed him.

    Melissa, ever the tease, had shifted her weight when she felt Phil cumming and pumped his balls with her heel, doing her best to completely drain them.
    As his orgasm subsided, and the pleasure of orgasm waned, Phil began to feel the intense ache created by the activities of the day.


    With a casual shrug, Melissa lifted her heel from Phil’s devastated balls. He collapsed to the floor and curled up into the fetal position, sobbing and moaning, “My balls… my balls… what have you done to my balls?”

    Judy summoned the Emporium’s EMT and instructed her to make sure Phil would be all right. After a brief examination, she said he would be fine, but he needed to lie down in private with an ice bag on his balls. The EMT led Phil away while Judy cleaned up the area and wheeled the table out of the way.

    Greg stared in disbelief. The scene he had just witnessed had brought back a fond memory – of when his balls had been crushed under Lisa’s heel inside her high-heeled slingback and he had flooded her leg with his cum.

    When all was ready, Judy announced, “It’s time for out final competitor.”

    With that, she briefly left the room to inform Alex it was his turn. While she was gone Greg realized that Alex would be taking kicks with shoes – Greg’s favorite. Would Judy have Lisa do the honors…?

    His thoughts were interrupted by Judy and Alex entering the room.

    “This is it,” Judy announced. “Our final competitor in the Ballbusting Emporium’s first ballbusting tournament. Alex, you drew ‘Kicking with Shoes’ for the finals. For the honor of this occasion, I’ve selected…”

    Judy paused briefly for dramatic effect. Greg held his breath…

    “…the gorgeous Lisa!”

    Greg felt deeply envious of Alex at that moment. Greg was totally smitten with Lisa and the way she busted his balls. As he watched her enter the room he saw her glance over at him and give him a wink. His heart fluttered. She wore a tight, light blue knit top with a navy blue skirt that ended well above her knees. On her feet she wore smooth black leather pumps with four-inch stiletto heels. The pumps were anchored by a thin strap fastened around her ankle.

    “Alex,” Judy began, “Lisa is arguably out best ballkicker, shoes or barefoot, so I’ve selected her to administer your kicking. I know her kicks will be solid and accurate. She’ll really give your balls a workout. Are you ready to begin?”

    “Umm, yes ma’am,” Alex said softly.

    “Okay, assume the position and Lisa will begin.”

    Alex spread his legs properly so his balls hung down as inviting targets for Lisa’s high-heeled foot. He clasped his hands behind his back and said, “Lisa, I’m ready. Please give me your best.”

    “I’d be happy to,” she smiled at him.

    “Counter, are you ready?” asked Judy.

    “Yes, ma’am,” she replied.

    “Begin the kicking!”

    Without further ceremony, Lisa drew back her long leg and let her foot fly squarely into Alex’s dangling balls.


    The familiar sound of shoe leather connecting with bare skin rang out loud and clear.

    Ten seconds passed and again:


    Lisa easily got into the rhythm – exactly every ten seconds she delivered another solid kick to Alex’s balls.


    After 20 kicks, Alex barely showed any sign of discomfort. Greg was impressed. He knew first-hand how debilitating Lisa’s kicks were.


    Finally, on the thirtieth kick, Alex’s knees buckled slightly.


    The thirty-third kick brought out a loud moan.


    On the thirty-fourth kick, Alex gagged and went down to one knee for a moment, but he was able to get right back up and resume the proper position.


    The thirty-fifth kick put him down again. This time he barely made it back up in time for the thirty-sixth kick.


    This time he went down for good. He rolled around on the floor, retching and moaning. When he didn’t get back up, Judy announced, “That’s it, Alex is done. Madame Counter, how many kicks was he able to take?”

    “Thirty-six,” the counter replied.

    “Excellent!” Judy said. I’ll take the tally sheets for the three qualifiers and when I return I will reveal the winner.”

    Alex managed to get himself to the all-fours position. He took deep breath after deep breath, trying to ease the ache in his gut.

    Greg and Alan had regained most of their functionality and were able to move around, if only slowly. They both went to Alex and congratulated him on his stellar effort.

    “Thank you, guys,” he wheezed. “Lisa sure knows how to plant her foot in your balls.”

    “Don’t I know,” Greg agreed.

    They helped Alex over to a chair and all three sat and waited for Judy to return with the results. Both Greg and Alan pretty much knew that Alan’s fifteen kicks were not going to be nearly good enough to win. The ‘Underfoot Squeezing’ had simply taken too much out of him.

    The door opened and Judy returned. “We have a winner,” she said with pride. “Unfortunately, Alan wasn’t able to exceed the ‘Barefoot Kicking’ winner’s total, so he finished in third place.

    Judy was interrupted by a round of sincere applause saluting Alan’s game effort.

    Judy smiled and waited for the applause to die down.

    “Our remaining contestants, Greg and Alex, both exceeded the totals of the division winners in the finals.”

    Another round of applause interrupted Judy again. She waited patiently for the applause to end.

    “I will tell you that the winner exceeded the target by 29 percent and the runner-up exceeded his target by 27 percent.”

    Still more applause.

    “And now, the winner of the first Ballbusting Emporium Tournament is… Greg!”

    Everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically. Greg was overcome with emotion. He felt pats on the back from many people. He shook hands with just as many.

    Suddenly, he saw Lisa standing in front of him. She looked deep into his eyes and said in a husky voice, “Congratulations, big boy,” and then kissed him full on the lips. She drew back and said, “Your next session here is on me. I can’t wait to have another go at those championship balls of yours.” Then she disappeared into the crowd.

    Now Judy was standing by him. “Here you go, Greg,” she said, handing him an envelope. “First prize. You certainly earned it.”

    Greg humbly accepted his winnings. “Thank you for organizing the
    tournament, Judy,” he said.

    “It was my pleasure,” she said. She looked at him invitingly. Then, in a low voice she said, “I’d be honored if you’d let me take a kick or two at those balls of yours right now, if you feel up to it.” She sweetened the offer by slipping her foot in and out of her pump a couple of times.

    Greg stared in wonder as he watched Judy walk away. After taking a deep breath, he followed her.

  2. #2
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Although I can not claim to have read your story yet I feel that it is only fitting that I be the first to thank you for writing the story, since the concept was based upon a request I made.

    Thanks very much. I am sure that your story will be great!!!

  3. #3
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    You're welcome, Anymous1. Your idea did inspire this story.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    these are some of the best stories ive read in a long time. ive really enjoyed them

    and i was wondering if Judy would get in on the action at some point

    looks like Greg is has a lot of fun with both Judy and Lisa in store for him, cant wait for the next story!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    N Carolina
    Great stories. I hope the emporium increases there buisness to other areas like ball flogging.

  6. #6
    Big Supporter blancanvas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    good stuff

    I liked the latter half of the story as the first part seemed like too much background info. Sometimes, it's just best to jump into the juicy parts and let the reader figure out what's going on. On the whole, another excellent entry sir! Maybe some male-on-male BB in the next entry while the ladies watch in sexual anticipation?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Very good story, and series, you write very well.

  8. #8
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Thumbs up


    Your stories continue to be excellent. I only wonder when an Emporium will open near me.

    I tend to be a detail-oriented person. So I was surprised when I found that I preferred the looser organization of your prior stories to this tightly written account of the tournament. Still it was a very enjoyable read, and a journeyman job of writing.

    I hope you continue to bestow upon us fruits of your wonderful writing talent.



  9. #9
    Big Supporter
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    Dec 2009
    To all of you that enjoy my stories - Thank you for your kind words. I have another episode in the works right now with Greg and Judy - what happens when Greg follows her after the tournament. I'm not sure yet if there'll be another Emporium episode right away after that, or if I'll start on something completely new.

    I know what I write doesn't appeal exactly to everone's tastes. I do my best when I focus on my own preferences. I'm trying to expand on the methods of BB used in my stories to broaden the appeal. One thing I won't do is male on male. This is a complete turn-off for me.

    I'm always looking for ideas and suggestions. If one of them strikes the right chord with me I'll turn it into a story.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    great job

    i just read the last two in installments last night after re-reading the first and all i have to say is that they are amazing. so in my personal opinion i think that you are hitting all the right areas of the fetish. i cant wait for the Judy and Greg story, and i was thinking about it last night as i was reading it that maybe there could be a jealeous rivalry between Judy and Lisa and have it end up being two on one session. just a thought. but thanks again for the amazing stories.

  11. #11
    Big Supporter juggalosnyder's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    I am happy to say I have read your stories in thier entirety and I must say that they are magnificent! Thank you and keep up the outstanding work.

  12. #12
    Big Supporter
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    Dec 2008
    Hey Kickthem

    Once again I feel compelled to thank you for taking my ideas into consideration when writing your latest Emporium story. Having just read your story I feel compelled to commend you on another job well done. In my earlier comment I expressed a great amount of optimism regarding how entertaining and well written your story would be and I must say that I am not disappointed.

    As a huge fan of detailed stories that elucidate character traits and provide background information that is relevant to the story being told I did also find it ironic that I found your story to contain a little too much background detail about the rules of the competition relative to the actual bb action that the competition was based upon. Please do not misinterpret my comments and insults but rather my attempt at constructive criticism. I can not speak for anyone but myself, however I just thought that the background detail you provided in your recent story was less necessary to writing a more entertaining bb story than if you had put more effort into creating a more detailed account of the bb itself. It is perfectly fine and even ideal in my opinion for you to rigorously explain the background of the story and such things as the rules in a bb competition (I really like that) but the most important element of the story consists of the details surrounding the actual bb itself.

    In particular I think that the most important part of the story where details are best incorporated is in how you describe the bb that takes place, how the girl(s) feel and what they perceive of the situation (e.g. the person(s) they are busting), how the guy(s) fell and what they perceive of the situation (e.g. the person(s) they are being busted by), and the experience and perceptions of any spectators or others involved in the events of the story).

    In general I think you did a great job and I think your a great writer. I seriously look forward to whatever you choose to write about from here on and so I really hope you do not take offense to what I have said. I am only making suggestions about how to improve an already good story and good writer (you!). Ultimately you should write whatever you want and as long as I am lucky enough to read your material I will be happy because I am not entitled to the fruit of your labors. I am confident you will write good stuff with or without my suggestions so I am not worried.

    Thanks again for being so receptive and for continuing to write good stories.

    Does anyone feel the same as I do or am I alone in my preferences? Or does anyone feel similar but have some contentions with what I have said?

  13. #13
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Well done, Kickthem!

    It’s always a pleasure to read a well-presented story.

    I appreciate the considerable time and effort you have spent proofreading and double checking your work.

    Anymous1 has raised some interesting points, well worthy of your consideration, but don’t be disheartened, for contests are frustratingly difficult to describe.

    Please keep writing; you’re nearly ready to present your work to a wider audience.

    Alec Anaconda

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    wow ! fantastic story , thank you for posting

  15. #15
    Big Supporter
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    Dec 2009
    No offense taken, Anymous1. I found writing the rules section a bit tedious, but I felt I had to include it to make the basis of the competition clearer. I most enjoy writing the "juicy" parts.

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