Thanks! Another vote for the princess. No horse this time though, I like coyotes and foxes better myself hehe. If you want a bigger pair getting abused you'll have to wait for the dragon. He'll be a full, quadrupedal but sentient dragon, so he'll have a good set of goose eggs between his hind legs lol.
I'll count that as a vote for the Vixen sister then, hehe.
You could always write your own idea for us if you wanted! I may take other requests later but I tend to be not as much into neutering, mostly cause I like to write more tales with the same characters later, and it's not as fun if the females don't have their toys to play with hehehe.
Thanks for the vote, another for the princess. The story will be starting with her already having had the fox as a servant for a while, and the coyote will be a newcomer to her. It'll be those two early on but if response is good I can always add other species in later installments lol.
LOL! Don't worry, the dragon story will show up soon, even if it's not the first one. The dragon was actually the first idea I thought of when I decided to write something for this forum. It's an idea based off a scene I RPed a few years back. Speaking of which, if anyone's interested in rping some furry or dragon ballbusting scenes sometime, send me a PM! I spend a lot of time in online rp when I have evenings free.
Anyway Snoodle I'll change your vote to the dragon!
The princess is still in the lead, but not by much! By about half a vote as far as my poor math skills and weird vote counting system go hehe.
Any other votes before I dig into a story?
I'd like to cast my vote in for the princess story ^^,btw Mythical Pain about the RPing does it matter too you if its m/m or f/m?
Cool, another vote for the princess! That's looking like the likely winner at the moment. At this rate I'll start writing it soon, and we'll have crying foxes and coyotes in no time. :: Grins ::
As for the rping, do you mean the muns or the characters? I don't mind one way or the other what genders the muns are. My preference for the story or scene we'd play would be male/female, but I'm happy to engage in some male/male furry ballbusting rp as well if that's what makes you happy!
I'm male myself, and I'm happy to play with male or female muns. As for my characters, I play both males and females as well, so I'm happy to do the busting or get busted, or both lol.
Also, love your avatar. Need to get myself one!
Furry Unity, baby. Gotta love it.
Personally I vote for the brother/sister dealie, but I'll happily accept the princess as well.
Just wish my muse would return to me, I'd like to get a little writing of my own done.
Another vote for the vicious vixen! You like the younger sister as well? Maybe I'll give her an older and younger brother, lol.
Thanks for the vote! Hope you get your muse back too, I enjoyed your "female self defense lessons" hehehe.
Did you have it drawn for you or did you draw it yourself? I'd love one with a coyote curled up crying over his nuts.Or maybe non-anthro dragon doing the same.
And awesome! Send me a PM when you get a chance or I'll send one your way.
Thanks! Another vote for the vixen sister, it's gaining momentum!
Currently the princess is ahead, just slightly. I thought 4 or 5 votes, then 3 for the sister and 2 for the dragon. Or my math sucks and I'm counting votes wrong re-reading old posts hehe.
I vote for the Vixen sister.
No,I was browsing FA and saw this little guy and thought he was so sexy ^^,I'm a white anthro wolf but still hes too cute.![]()