I would suggest You to use your syringes for another less lethal but much more pleasant purpose... Why don't experience with saline infusion? have a look at this:
it seems as much intriguing and terrific enjoyablewhen you release your load...
I do remember a supposedly real report of someone using vodka to destroy his testicles. I belive it might have been on the Eunuch.org site. It was an inteseting log of the effects of the vodka injections into each testicle. Initailly painful and resulting swelling went away after a day or so each time. eventually the testicles started to shrink in the ball sack. As time progressed over a few weeks, the testicles were pretty much absorbed by the body, leaving basically an empty ball sack.
Here Is A Video You May Enjoy
The Mistress Puts An Elastrator Band On Her Slave And Then Takes Her Top Off And Then Jacks Him Off While The Band Is Still On
Both testicles are back to normal size and pain free. I guess I may be having second thoughts about ********** myself afterall? I'll have to wait and see if I have any further urges over the weekend.
Buck_n_jkt, thank you.
Nothing against **********. But I'm sure you find better ways.
Операция водянки на яичке:
another elastrator video from the makers of the one i posted before
same mistress using the elastrator on a different slave
here is a ballbustingpornstars one
i hope it works
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