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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #526
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I appreciate and respect, that you try and look into your fetish and want to keep it rational and reasonable.
    Anyway, I don't need your advising reminder all the time, telling me that just insane people would want to cut or have cut off body parts. You understand?
    I am open to you or anyone one else changing my opinion on the subject. I am stubborn, yes, but not closed-minded. If someone can give me a good argument that proves me wrong, I appreciate it, because someone has gone to the trouble of enlightening me.
    As for what I post "all the time" you ought to read all of my posts. My last response to you was no such reminder. In fact I sincerely wished you luck in finding the woman of your dreams. And I mean it.

    And actually my question was not who would or should, but WHY so many women seem to categoricaly disapprove of this act, even also IF they state to have fun in torturing men, men's balls etc.

    I mean, ballbusters for example. To torture and thereby even maybe destroy a man's balls is probably a big rush. I can relate, but:

    A man whose balls are taken is not punished but set free, set free from his desire as well as from the tortured parts. There are health issues regarding ********** but no serious sex issues. If you want you take testosterone, if not, well it's your choice. Your not a slave of your desire any more then.

    A man who's dick is taken is caught. No health risks, He could just come with- and walk home without his dick. But he can be tortured even more than before from then on and even if he still will ejaculate from time to time his desire may even become so overhelming that only ********** could cure him...
    I cannot personally relate. Sorry about that. I have a perfectly healthy set of male organs and I have never felt "enslaved" to them. It's like telling me one can be enslaved by his ears, always flooding him with all sorts of sound, and he can't (or won't) understand why no one will chop those off of him. Would you call that sane?

    So No: I don't call the female world to cut off every cock they can get or so.
    I just wonder why it is so uncommon for women to admit they like to fatasize about, for exaple, beeing reckless cock collectors and want your penis as their next trophy...
    Well, I hope you get some female responses to your question. But until that happens, all you have is me. (Or any other male that chooses to respond, for that matter.)
    For those women who generally don't fantasize that way, why should they admit to such a thing?
    For those who do, it may be a private thing. Did you ever stop to consider that should a female admit to being turned on by torturing or destroying male organs, it could get her labelled a freak? And who needs that?

    Worse, what if it gets her a whole horde of guys like you pestering her?

    Can you imagine your mailbox getting flooded with messages like "TAKE MY BALLS!" and "TELL ME HOW YOU WOULD TORTURE MY COCK OFF!"

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reason why Betty stopped posting here a long time ago. And I'll bet the guys that chased her away would happily do it again.

  2. #527
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    I say cut it please. I said it when you started talking "mutiliation", I say it again as you said "sane" and I am not gonna say it again.
    I AM NOT arguing to prove you anything, I AM NOT discussing about you and no, IT IS NOT just you and me here. I AM NOT looking for the "woman of my dreams" btw. I just asked a question!
    Your essential thoughts regarding this question have been noticed. Thank you.
    Anyone else?
    Or maybe any picture or videos of woman mocking a dickless man?

  3. #528
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I say cut it please. I said it when you started talking "mutiliation", I say it again as you said "sane" and I am not gonna say it again.
    I AM NOT arguing to prove you anything, I AM NOT discussing about you and no, IT IS NOT just you and me here. I AM NOT looking for the "woman of my dreams" btw. I just asked a question!
    Your essential thoughts regarding this question have been noticed. Thank you.
    Anyone else?
    Or maybe any picture or videos of woman mocking a dickless man?
    If you no longer wish to converse with me, stop calling me out or responding to my posts.

    Maybe I do sound like a broken record to you. You sound like one to me, too, but I never told you to essentially "shut up." Who do you think you are?

    I used the word "sane" regarding EARS. Different subject. You won't answer it. Fine. Tells me all I need to know, anyway.

  4. #529
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    I tried to tell you as friendly as possible.
    Now out of my way. I'm in a mission of porn!

    ...Good Morning.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 0058.jpg  

  5. #530
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  6. #531
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Somebody already say about the movie Tomboy. Yes, this has the best penis cut scene, very execellent!


  7. #532
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    [...] this has the best penis cut scene [...]
    Have to disagree. Maybe the blonde one would have done it more cruely, not so psycho-like. But the Scene in Sick Girl (got posted somewhere here) is better, for example.
    There she doesn't make such a fuss like screaming as if she was cumming before and all the time during the (short) cutting and then everybody's crying again, no sorry. Sick Girl "Izzy" just takes his dick out out and cuts it off.
    But that is just my two cents.

  8. #533
    Supreme Poster Jenny69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Have to disagree. Maybe the blonde one would have done it more cruely, not so psycho-like. But the Scene in Sick Girl (got posted somewhere here) is better, for example.
    There she doesn't make such a fuss like screaming as if she was cumming before and all the time during the (short) cutting and then everybody's crying again, no sorry. Sick Girl "Izzy" just takes his dick out out and cuts it off.
    But that is just my two cents.
    That is how should be done, no fuss just grab, and slice off

  9. #534
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    Thank you Jenny. I love your approach...

    But now, another serious question for all you women, I'm really interested:
    If you get to know someone, someone male, in a nice and easy situation, like flirting and so, and after some time you he reveals to you that he is into kinky sex and now doesn't have his dick anymore.
    Asuming that, apart from this, he is quite nice, would you still have any interest in him? You know, would you be scared or disapointed or angry? Could such a guy interest you in any way?

  10. #535
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    Why on earth is anyone talking about penectomy here, for fuck's sake? Now I know why I rarely visit this forum any more.

  11. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenny69 View Post
    That is how should be done, no fuss just grab, and slice off
    I always think it should have more of a psychological effect than a quick "no fuss" cut. If the man is losing his cock or balls for a reason (treatment of women, etc), then he should have to endure quite a bit first.

  12. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deviantadventures View Post
    If the man is losing his cock [...] then he should have to endure quite a bit first.
    Well, it's a religous war, I guess. But I'm quite tolerant regarding this.
    So let him suffer some sexual arousal first. But no cumming, that is a dogma!

    Quote Originally Posted by jeenie123 View Post
    Why on earth is anyone talking about penectomy here, for fuck's sake?
    We have to. It's the thread's title.

  13. #538
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Yes, Izzy in Sick Girl has her style. Seems like business. I jest think that the Tomboy is closer to real experience of thinking caring people who feel must do a terrible act.
    It would be thrilling and terrible all at once - I would scream while cutting it also.


  14. #539
    Senior Member ert1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    Yes, Izzy in Sick Girl has her style. Seems like business. I jest think that the Tomboy is closer to real experience of thinking caring people who feel must do a terrible act.
    It would be thrilling and terrible all at once - I would scream while cutting it also.

    Yes this would be terrible and thrilling all at once but terrible is necessary for the thrill. It is interesting that "thinking and caring people" think they must do a terrible act. I think, thinking and caring people use the fantasy to excape reality. These people(me included) care and think to much and think themselves into misery which must be excaped. Masterbating over such thoughts works temporily but doesn't solve the underlying problem which is thinking too much of what is wrong and not being grateful enough for what is right . As a result of knowing this, this fantasy works for me less and less but still does once in a while.

  15. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimenizgarcia View Post
    Yes, Izzy in Sick Girl has her style. Seems like business. I jest think that the Tomboy is closer to real experience of thinking caring people who feel must do a terrible act.
    It would be thrilling and terrible all at once - I would scream while cutting it also.

    True, Izzy is not the most "realstic" character. But then again, I don't keep much faith in "thinking, caring people", exept that they will not admit wanting to be cruel... No offense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenny69 View Post
    That is how should be done, no fuss just grab, and slice off
    And of course it should be (partly at least) against his will.

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