Here's a few pics for ya'll and to get this thread going a bit here's a list of my favourite ways for a a guy to have his dick chopped off:
*With a big pair of scissors. I like the idea of being tied up and allowed to cum one last time before it's cut off in one quick slicing squeeze of the handles.
*With a guillotine. I love the threat and the power she'd have over you as she holds the rope, knowing it'l only take one quick tug for his cock to be sliced clean off
*Sliced off on a chopping block with a meat cleaver. A simple classic.
*Tying a ring of fire crackers around the base of it and lighting a really long fuse.
*Trapping it between some elevator doors and sending the lift up
*Using a really powerfull rat trap attached to a ruler. Once your cock gets fully erect it's triggered chopping it clean in half.
*And here's a slightly elaborate one I read somewhere that I thought some of you may like. "Tie him up and then tie a tight cord around the base of it (to prevent him dying from blood loss) then tell him its always been your fantasy to chop off a guys penis. Talk him into it by saying you'll take him to the hospital straight after to sew it back on and promise him a year of blowjobs, threesomes and any sexual fantasies he wants. Once he lets you (and even if he doesnt of course!) chop it off with garden shears and put it in a blender holding your finger over the button. Then you can make him your slave! warning if he doesnt do what you want you'll press the button and if he's not quick about it they wont be able to sew it back on! Of course when your done teasing and torturing him you can do as you promised and take him to the hostpital...or you could 'accidentally' press the button just as he thinks your going to take him to the hostpital! The look on his face as he see's his manhood turned to soup would be priceless! And of course you'v then got a nice meat paste treat for the dog!
Anyone have any other interesting idea's? Please post them!