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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #16


    I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
    Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
    I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)

    YeeeHaaaaa! I just became a Supreme Poster
    Last edited by inquisitiv; 04-06-2005 at 06:29 PM. Reason: I graduated!

  2. #17

    Oh and afore I go:

    For those amongst us that prefer to keep their balls then there’s an archive of over 300 mainly regular ballbusting stories indexed by topic at Some of them are pretty good. I just wish that some of the others didn’t involve children, ****** and the like! I see what we’re all into here as consensual kinkiness and I don’t like to see it all mixed up with genuine sicko-perversion.

    On that note, ********** should remain a fantasy scenario. The reality is rather gruesome (see the BME website for examples). It is also extremely dangerous. Even if you survive the insult physically, it often leads to severe long-term psychological disorder.

    Having said all that, if there are any babes out there that fancy the idea of ripping my nuts off then please post or send me a PM describing how you’d like to go about it

    I was getting way too serious there for a moment,

  3. #18
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
    Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
    I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)
    Very unlikely that he even felt bruised after that- certainly didn't have a hospital visit or any kind of permanent damage. As you can see in the attached two screen grabs (one from each of your clips) his balls are very obviously scooting out from under her sole and not being crushed at all.

    Last edited by Tamakeri; 02-09-2007 at 07:02 AM.

  4. #19

    Tis but a scratch….

    You're way too hardcore for me Tamakeri. Thanks for the captures.
    It goes a bit too far 4 me once there’s blood involved.
    You’ll be telling me next that the guys below were all OK after a few aspirin!

  5. #20
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    One scoot short

    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    You're way too hardcore for me Tamakeri. Thanks for the captures.
    It goes a bit too far 4 me once there’s blood involved.
    You’ll be telling me next that the guys below were all OK after a few aspirin!

    No I'd have to agree that those 3 guys don't seem to have "scooted" far enough fast enough.


  6. #21

    So why do we like it?

    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara
    I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys. Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
    Why does the idea of being helplessly restrained while a woman attacks, and possibly removes, those that are dearest to me get me really excited?

    Is it because some of us are inherently attracted to what we most fear? I saw a programme on Channel 4 (UK) a few years ago on fetishes. They dress some of these late night ‘documentaries’ up with psychoanalysts and the like so that they can show them as ‘proper’ public broadcasting but they are really there for the after-the-pub jerk-off crowd (like you & me). I digress – and we all know the punishment for not sticking to topic around here! To continue…. it had a section on how people can often develop a fetish for their biggest fear. Their prime examples were a couple of Jewish guys who got off on a Nazi concentration camp scenario. It was an interesting thesis.

    Sara asked a good question above - as she is prone to. Nobody here has responded. So what is it that you – yes its you I’m talking to – think is the route cause of why you get off on the idea of being ruined by a beautiful babe?

    I know the idea must appeal to you at least a little bit or you wouldn’t be reading this link

  7. #22
    Junior Member jigab00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    And wot a collection you have Jiggy My hat's off to you kind Sir.
    I’ll have to sneak off for a wafty crank now! As this is ‘some’ from your collection I have to ask – have you got anymore?
    This is great stuff and I really appreciate you for posting it.
    Ahh there inq, slow it down mate. You might go blind that way!! A "wafty crank" indeed!!!

    (Believe me, I used to crank it quite often to these!)
    Here's more for your pleasure...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bca000157.jpg   201.jpg   202.jpg   207.jpg   208.jpg  

  8. #23
    Junior Member jigab00's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I have to stop there. I'm late for work! More later.

    ps. Inq, those last few pix you put up almost made me drive the porcelain bus. YIKES. The first pic MUST be fake (or else I'm at a loss as to how the poor bastard can maintain his erection whilst being *********). Can I somehow block viewing of those pix?!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 209.jpg   CA000037.JPG   CA000038.JPG   CA000039.JPG   CA000040.JPG  

  9. #24
    Big Supporter Magnum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
    Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
    I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)

    YeeeHaaaaa! I just became a Supreme Poster
    BTW, does anyone know where these clips came from? I know they have been around for a long time. I may be from Stardeck or the gal named Mischia Blanks. She has had a number of sites come and go that are very hard core (Iwish there were more like it).

  10. #25
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Addicted to the fear of the pain

    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    Sara asked a good question above - as she is prone to. Nobody here has responded...
    Actually there were several good responses to Sara's question on the first page of this topic. As I've said before (, I am addicted to the fear of the pain which is why these pics of big cutters lined up to snap off the balls in one chomp do nothing for me. Too surgical- no ball pain involved therefore no interest for me. Now tie me up with balls exposed in front of a beautiful girl and her steel toed boots and turn her loose and that'll do it. Probably the same end result medically but the girl + boots = severe unimaginable pain equation is the one that winds my clock.


    Attached pic is from a California Mean Girls update coming up this month
    Last edited by Tamakeri; 02-09-2007 at 07:02 AM.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    Having said all that, if there are any babes out there that fancy the idea of ripping my nuts off then please post or send me a PM describing how you’d like to go about it
    I'm ready 4u but I think your a chicken.
    You know where I am

  12. #27
    GREAT stuff jiggy Wot a collection! I assume you were once a member of Cruella (?). Keep 'em coming
    Quote Originally Posted by jigab00
    Ahh there inq, slow it down mate. You might go blind that way!!
    Hey who turned the lights out?

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by kerry
    I'm ready 4u but I think your a chicken.
    You know where I am
    Oi! I might have to punish you for that. I've learnt a few tricks in that department from our Julie

    PS. Let's stick to email

  14. #29

    It takes all sorts

    Quote Originally Posted by Tamakeri
    I am addicted to the fear of the pain which is why these pics of big cutters lined up to snap off the balls in one chomp do nothing for me.
    I think (?) I’m different on that front. I certainly get a big kick out of the pictures Jiggy is posting here GO JIGGY!. I get nothing from the real pictures whatsoever (they also make me wanna hurl)

    When it comes to the fear of the pain (and I can well understand why you’d be afraid) does it have to be your balls? What if she had your cock in a mangle? Or the pain was not genitally associated? Surely, there’s another element to it. fear of the pain + fear of the ruination (?).

    Time for bed ZZZzzzzzz

    Y’all keep up the good work

  15. #30
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Los Angeles

    Testicle pain- nothing else like it!

    Quote Originally Posted by inquisitiv
    I get nothing from the real pictures whatsoever (they also make me wanna hurl)

    When it comes to the fear of the pain (and I can well understand why you’d be afraid) does it have to be your balls? What if she had your cock in a mangle? Or the pain was not genitally associated? Surely, there’s another element to it. fear of the pain + fear of the ruination (?).
    I completely agree with the bloody stub hurling concept.
    It doesn't have to be testicle related to make me fear pain (i.e. I am afraid of being clubbed in the head by a flashlight) but the idea of a woman causing the pain and focusing it on my testicles is what is sexually addictive to me. No- I don't get the same effect from penis pain or even from the skin pain associated with cutting, burning or whipping the scrotum. Those things just hurt. Testicle pain hurts like a mutha but gets me a hell of an erection on the way!


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