Nice pics, Takkyuu_tama! I can still make out some of the action. Keep looking for them.
Hey everyone long to no see hope this isnt a repost...looks like she just started her blog check her out...she doesnt really have much posted but ive see some of cartoons on other site so hopefully she will get some up o her blog soon....
new animation
also gifs at
Hey there are some new pics on wakutama
would be cool if someone could translate it ^^" ... on some pics i don't get the point ^^"
and i also post 2 older ones, would also be nice if they would be translated for the non-japanese-folks ^^
who ever it translates, arigato gozaimasu^^
Ok ... i can't load up more than these 2 pics ... so i can't show the 4 new ones -.- ... but maybe if its possible somebody can still translate them *sigh*
Last edited by M.H.; 10-08-2010 at 08:05 AM. Reason: can't upload more than 2 pics
what capter of nagima is it?
I will be posting some pics soon.
I don't recognize that... style looks a bit off to me, but maybe I just haven't read Negima in a while. Anyway, I just went looking for this for you all...
Great grab